Blush: The Search for America's Greatest Makeup Artist


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Originally Posted by CaveB
More like, the person ends there sentence...then their recorded voice is dubbed in with more audio. One major one I noticed was when the host didn't explain a rule completely. They dubbed in another sentence explaining how it works, and it was so broken and terrible I had to rewind it a few times.

I'm weird about things like this, former Theatre kid and major Film dork!

Actually, the way they do it in reality TV is slightly different. They just do multiple takes of everything ("reality" is a term used ironically by any film crew that works on one of these shows - I remember Russell James on The Shot making cracks about it in between takes) and splice them together, and how well they do it depends on the skill of the editor. They also do pick-up shots of everyones' reactions to just about everything after the scene's been shot, since this enables them to use good audio from a bad video take and just splice it into video of someone looking like they're listening/scared/nervous/laughing/etc.

So it's not so much that they re-dub it in post, they just splice several takes together or use the audio from one shot with the video from another. Same end result though!

Also, re: Maxi, what the hell was up with that mask? Does he think he's the Phantom of the Sephora or something?


Well-known member
WHYYY!!!!! don't we have this channel in Montreal


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FullWroth
Also, re: Maxi, what the hell was up with that mask? Does he think he's the Phantom of the Sephora or something?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by FullWroth
...Also, re: Maxi, what the hell was up with that mask? Does he think he's the Phantom of the Sephora or something?

That is hilarious!


Well-known member
I finally watched the first episode on my DVR last night. I love the show, but I am sooo disappointed in the disco challenge. I am not a professional (just a makeup junkie!) and I could have done a MUCH better job than some of the contestants. I hope they bring it next time! I'm not too thrilled with Charlie's attitude either. I didn't see much use of the berries to color the lips and the cheeks during the food challenge. The hair wasn't creative. I was like WTF???


Well-known member
To be fair, the awesome people here on Specktra aren't given challenges and expected to execute them right away with no opportunity to do research or really sit down and plan it out, and I don't know if the contestants are given any time to consult with their models about their skin types, allergies, etc. beforehand or if they have to take it out of their hour of make-up time, whereas we all work on our faces and those of friends and family when posting stuff, so it's a face/skin we're familiar with from the get-go.

Usually when we have challenges here, everyone gets a chance to look up reference pictures, think about the look they want, maybe sketch it out beforehand, and they get several passes at it. After all, nobody knows what you did until you post those final photos. And other incredibly talented people on here post stuff they had in a flash of inspiration, not on demand.

It's hard to have inspiration on demand, especially if (like that one girl) you don't really understand the look you're supposed to be going for and can't just go online and do a quick Google search for disco style. Add into that the pressure of having no contact with the outside world, having to live with a bunch of strangers all of a sudden in a new environment, cameras following you around everywhere all day and night, having very little time to sit down and relax because the minute the shooting ends the director pulls everyone out one by one for interviews and nobody can go to bed until they're over, the competition, the prize, initial jet lag, wanting to look good on TV...

Also, try to imagine that you're standing there working on your model, and there's a camera guy, sometimes more than one, just hovering around you, poking the camera in to get close-ups, asking you to change sides so s/he can get a better shot, etc. Then, when they finally lay off, one of the judges comes in to check out your work and give you some feedback, and of course even if their feedback is really good, now you have barely any time to fix it. Then they go on to the next person, after doing 500 takes of talking to you, and the camera guy's all up in your face again. Even the best, most ninja-style camera operator is still a very visible "looking over your shoulder" presence that HAS to affect one's nerves.

I do think the work on the disco challenge was sub-par, but at the same time, I think even some of our best Specktra guys and girls would break under the pressure and immediacy of a "here's your challenge DO IT NOW" process given all those factors. I hope their level of artistry goes up as they all get more comfortable in their new environment and get used to the cameras, though. I wouldn't blame them if it didn't, I'd just get bored and not watch the show.

I don't think they should expect the MUAs to decide how to style their models' hair though, unless it's some kind of full-body/full-head challenge where you have to extend the make-up up into the hair. They're not hair stylists, they shouldn't be judged on whether the hair matches the make-up/challenge. That should be for a hair stylist to deal with, as it probably would be in a real-world situation (not that some MUAs don't also do hair, but not all of them do) where you hire separate hair and make-up people.


Well-known member
Maxi is CRAZY! omg did u see how mad he got when he didn't win the 2nd challenge? Nutso! He needs to stay for added excitement! lol. I agree that some of the looks were really shiteous, here's hoping that the next episodes deliver a little more!
New episode tonight! I hope it's better than the first, I understand they had no resources but common sense people- you have to go all out for mv's! I'd be THRILLED to be able to have an excuse to be OTT.


Well-known member
Yeah, definitely looking forward to tonight's episode! i hope they step up the skills a bit and get out of their comfort zone..

and I hope Maxi doesn't act like a 2 year old again..


Well-known member
i will definitely be watching tonight. i don't know how i didn't hear about this............ or maybe i did and just forgot.
anywho, i'm sure it'll be good.


Well-known member
Yea, I can't wait to watch tonight's episode either. I'm hoping it gets a little better in the creativity dept.

It was cute, I made the hubby watch it w/ me. Every time the host or judge's pointed out something, he would tap me and ask "Did you hear that? Do you know that already?"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACLovin
....and I hope Maxi doesn't act like a 2 year old again..

I hope you aren't holding your breath.

Originally Posted by carandru
.....Every time the host or judge's pointed out something, he would tap me and ask "Did you hear that? Do you know that already?"

That's cute!


Well-known member
CAN'T WAIT!! i'm already TiVo-ing it in case i forget.Maxi is seriously on drugs or has some sort of Multiple Personality Disorder!!!lol..I love Nolan(i believe?) He looks sooo bronze!!lol...


Well-known member
btw is it me or does Maxi remind anyone of Willy Wonka (tim burton's version) maybe willie wonka's crazier blonde brother..lmao..
Originally Posted by Ms.Shanti
btw is it me or does Maxi remind anyone of Willy Wonka (tim burton's version) maybe willie wonka's crazier blonde brother..lmao..



Well-known member
I was so close to yelling "Shut up, Maxie!!!"
Maybe he has some sort of personality disorder. Many brilliant, talented people are crazy (or at least that's what I tell myself...)

I was much moren impressed with the looks this episode for the photoshoot.
Except for Rainell (?)
It really was bad!


Well-known member
Maxi rocks! Such a weirdo.
What was up with the little silver cap he was wearing? I can't wait to see next week's episode!


Well-known member
Maxi needs to join Project Runway's Suede and form the "My Ego Is Way Ahead of My Career Achievements" club. Seriously. When you're in fashion, people tend to let you get away with a myriad of social ineptitude, but you have to earn it FIRST, THEN get crazy. Like Karl Lagerfeld can be a complete space cadet because he's already a household name, not vice versa. You already know he makes gorgeous clothing, so you deal with his wackiness.

I almost wish I were a contestant on the show. You know the producers would keep me from getting eliminated no matter how bad I got, just because I'd always provide good footage of "SHUT IT, WILLY WONKA" and "SUCK IT UP, PRINCESS" anytime Maxi freaked out.

I was shocked at how few of the MUAs did a red lip though, and even more shocked at how many of them seemed to have little to no idea what 40s looks consisted of. The animal challenge was great though.


Well-known member
todays episode looked so much better, i loved the 40's look. idk what that girl that was eliminated was doing...40's? and purple eyeshadow? so weird she went in that direction. i cant wait for next week!

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