Blush: The Search for America's Greatest Makeup Artist


Well-known member
I liked this episode better, and lmao at Maxie..what a freak!
Nolan, omg, he is just too cute. I cant wait for next week!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FullWroth
Maxi needs to join Project Runway's Suede and form the "My Ego Is Way Ahead of My Career Achievements" club.

I am with you. The must have been separated at birth.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TRASHdecor
todays episode looked so much better, i loved the 40's look. idk what that girl that was eliminated was doing...40's? and purple eyeshadow? so weird she went in that direction. i cant wait for next week!

AND she totally doesn't know how to work with an asian eye! The blending, the concept... all horrible. I was disappointed.

I actually liked the look the other girl did (the one who was in the bottom 2)

The one thing that still irritates me is that one judge who supposedly is a makeup artist. Her comments were so vague.. like she didn't know what she was even talking about.

She was like "I think you totally missed the boat" to every look. I could've told them that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
She was like "I think you totally missed the boat" to every look. I could've told them that.

I dunno, that could be a trick of the editing, especially since the editing on this show is really awful. Like when the male artist (not the photographer) all of a sudden brought up Dita Von Teese when discussing Maxi's look - did he really just bring her up outta nowhere, or was Maxi trying to justify his look by saying it's Dita Von Teese style and Maxi's comments just didn't make it into the final cut?

It was also stupid of them to completely cut the model selection process scenes but still leave in one interview comment from the woman who got eliminated being all "Oh no, they're going to screw me over!" Well, did they screw her over? Did they give her the worst model? Did she really not want an Asian chick because she can't work with Asian eyes? MORE CONTEXT PLEASE.

Lousy, lazy editing on this show. Bah.


Well-known member
Omg... why is Maxi running down the street looking like a goth Mary Poppins on the next episode? That dude is so crazy and such a drama queen. I don't see how none of the other artist don't just tell him to shut the f*ck up.

I can't believe he cried on set and he's supposed to be a professional. Has he never worked on any shoot before where the client wasn't satisfied? Does he cry every time?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ms.Shanti
btw is it me or does Maxi remind anyone of Willy Wonka (tim burton's version) maybe willie wonka's crazier blonde brother..lmao..

omg i said the same thing when i was watching!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FullWroth
Maxi needs to join Project Runway's Suede and form the "My Ego Is Way Ahead of My Career Achievements" club. Seriously. When you're in fashion, people tend to let you get away with a myriad of social ineptitude, but you have to earn it FIRST, THEN get crazy. Like Karl Lagerfeld can be a complete space cadet because he's already a household name, not vice versa. You already know he makes gorgeous clothing, so you deal with his wackiness.

I almost wish I were a contestant on the show. You know the producers would keep me from getting eliminated no matter how bad I got, just because I'd always provide good footage of "SHUT IT, WILLY WONKA" and "SUCK IT UP, PRINCESS" anytime Maxi freaked out.

I was shocked at how few of the MUAs did a red lip though, and even more shocked at how many of them seemed to have little to no idea what 40s looks consisted of. The animal challenge was great though.


so true about Suede and Maxi!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxsgtigressxx
You know what I think we should do?? I think we should all (after watching the show) do an FOTD challenge for whatever the contestants were asked to for example this week was twisted disco, then we all do like a challenge where we do twisted disco, ya know? I think it would be funsies anyways.

I was thinking the same would be fun!


Well-known member
The makeup was definitely better this time, but these guys need to do some homework on looks through the ages. Admittedly, I only have a limited idea of makeup trends in the early 1900s, but I would have done some research if I were going on the show.

Rainelle did deserve to be cut. Since when was massive purple eyeshadow and gold glitter all the rage in the 40s? I can't remember, was it the model with the shortish blonde bob who won? She looked amazing, but was actually a bit more 60s IMO.

The zebra guys were great. I loved it. I feel bad for the monkey girls though. The monkey was a tough challenge.

DH and I were stunned when Maxi talked to the photog that way. WTF? Oh, and yes to the Willy Wonka comparison!!!

They should have disqualified Mike for picking up his brushes after the cut-off. Rules are rules.

Overall, I think the makeup was much better.
I was disappointed that Djak wanted very glossy lips, a deeeeeeep, deep, deep matte red would have been gorgeous for that particular look, in my opinion at least.

The contestants annoy me so much! Sharzad really needs to go.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
The makeup was definitely better this time, but these guys need to do some homework on looks through the ages. Admittedly, I only have a limited idea of makeup trends in the early 1900s, but I would have done some research if I were going on the show.

Rainelle did deserve to be cut. Since when was massive purple eyeshadow and gold glitter all the rage in the 40s? I can't remember, was it the model with the shortish blonde bob who won? She looked amazing, but was actually a bit more 60s IMO.

The zebra guys were great. I loved it. I feel bad for the monkey girls though. The monkey was a tough challenge.

DH and I were stunned when Maxi talked to the photog that way. WTF? Oh, and yes to the Willy Wonka comparison!!!

They should have disqualified Mike for picking up his brushes after the cut-off. Rules are rules.

Overall, I think the makeup was much better.

I agree with you on the winning look for the 40's challenge. It was beautiful, but it definitely looked more 60's. I actually thought Crackxie's look was more on point. His glittery knight hat made DH stop dead in his tracks on his way back upstairs. "W.T.F.?! Is THAT?"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
....His glittery knight hat made DH stop dead in his tracks on his way back upstairs. "W.T.F.?! Is THAT?"

Yeah, I loved how they showed Maxi rolling out of bed and slipping it on, cuz that's what we all do, right?


Well-known member
Ok, I just wanna say that I'm not reading any posts in this thread because I don't want any spoilers, but I'm dying to get home and watch this on my DVR!! stupid boyfriend was watching hockey last night and I sacrificed my show for his game

but as soon as i get home, i dont care what he's watching, im turning it on dammit.

that is all.


Well-known member
Does anyone have any other links where to watch this online? That network website isn't available for viewers abroad...says the content is not available in my country. :/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
Does anyone have any other links where to watch this online? That network website isn't available for viewers abroad...says the content is not available in my country. :/

You can watch the full episodes right here, pretty lady:

Blush - Newest Videos


Well-known member
I can't watch the show without staring at the god awful exploded red lips of that judge.

I have issues with Makeup Artists that get comsmetic procedures done on their face.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Debbie
I can't watch the show without staring at the god awful exploded red lips of that judge.

Me neither!! She looks really disheveled, IMO. I can see her snorting coke in the bathroom before coming on camera. Not sure what it is about her, just something makes me think she likes to party.

Maxi makes the show worth watching! I hope they let him stay till the end just for that reason.


Well-known member
Okay, Maxi was a wack-job again.. not really shocking. Although I can't believe he told the photog he couldn't talk, to move on to the next person. What a douche, you can't multi-task for 2 seconds?

The purple eyeshadow look was just all kinds of wrong, and Rainelle's attitude was shit. If the photog/director/anyone in charge of the operation tells you that they HATE it (not just dislike or have a small issue with, that's a rather strong word) then you need to do something, stat.

Overall, I agree the makeup was better this time. I do wish they didn't chop up the editing so much, it's kind of frustrating.

Oh, and those Max Factor Lipfinity glosses look horrible! yuck.

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