Originally Posted by carandru
The good & evil thing didn't really seem like that much fun :-(
Naughty & Nice COULD have been really fun if any of the make-up artists had a shred of imagination, but most of them went straight to "naughty = beat-up crackwhore!" So boring, and so off the mark (in my opinion). My choice for the quick challenge winner honestly would've been whoever did the two black twins (I so wasn't keeping track of who was doing whose make-up for the most part), because IMO their MUA was the only one who actually DID "naughty and nice" as opposed to "bland and on crack." While Maxi's naughty make-up was really well-done, and he was pretty much the only OTHER MUA who didn't do the same boring crackhead thing for naughty, his overall two-look package didn't really do it for me as much as the other pair did.
Honestly, I'm guessing what happened is that Lifetime tried to jump on the reality bandwagon too quickly (since they're getting Project Runway as of next season) and didn't really handle it well. What probably happened is that their casting calls sucked and weren't loud enough, so they only got a crappy, small selection of amateur make-up artists to work with, and picked them based largely on their wacky TV personality (I'm looking at you, Maxi).
So the artists aren't very good, the judges aren't very good, the editing sucks, and the sponsors are just so-so (sorry, Max Factor, but you know it's true). The show format may not be very good either, but it's hard to tell without being behind the scenes and seeing how much time everyone REALLY gets to work on their stuff (you'd be surprised) and how everything really all goes down.