Boob Nazis, Bottle feeders, and discretionary tactics

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Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Raerae
Public space belongs to the public, which means you make sacrifices while out and about in it, to make sure your being respectful to everyone around you.

Sorry, but when I have a legally protected, SPECIFIC right to nurse anywhere I choose, I don't have to make any sacrifices to be in the public area.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
Because the action is the same thing. End result is that my child is getting the nourishment they need to grow and survive. If someone else is uncomfortable with that, too bad for them. I don't go out of my way to expose myself when I'm nursing and if that isn't enough for someone with hang-ups about breasts, I flat out don't care.

On a side note, bottle feeding isn't always an option for every infant, either.

I think you and shimmer are both misreading both of GreekChick's and I sentaments. I doubt eigther one of us have a problem with Nursing mothers, who do it discreetly when they are in public. There are ways to get your nipple to your child, that don't involve baring yourself to the world.

It's the women who's boobs are just hanging out there. The ones who are so proud of the fact that they are nursing, that they dont care if everyone around is just got flashed with their right tit, as they moved their baby to the left one. Not attractive, sorry.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
Sorry, but when I have a legally protected, SPECIFIC right to nurse anywhere I choose, I don't have to make any sacrifices to be in the public area.

Yes and it's legally ok to pass gas in a crowded elevator if you really wanted too. Doesn't mean it's ok, or appreciated by the people around you who are forced to endure it.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Must be a Texas thing. Public bathrooms are generally very sanitary in SoCal.

Actually, bathrooms everywhere are kind of disgusting. Even if it isn't visible, most public toilets don't have covers, so when you flush, some of the toilet's contents go into the air.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Raerae
Because when your in public, there are a lot of things that that you DON'T do, even if doing them would make you more comfortable. Public space belongs to the public, which means you make sacrifices while out and about in it, to make sure your being respectful to everyone around you.

You are really one to talk about respect.
However, there are just as many people who don't notice a woman breastfeeding as do. Get over your own hangup and stop demanding other people make accomodations. If a
Must be a Texas thing.

There's never been anywhere else ever a disgusting bathroom. Not in Hawai'i, LA, Louisiana, Georgia, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Kansas, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, or Alaska.
My bad.
Totally a Texas thing. You're right.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Raerae
I think you and shimmer are both misreading both of GreekChick's and I sentaments.

Trust me, I understand precisely what you are saying. I'm not misreading anything.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Shimmer
However, there are just as many people who don't notice a woman breastfeeding as do.

It's funny. IME, most people don't even realize what I'm doing when I am nursing. Generally when someone does, they do a double take and then just keep going about their business. Every now and then I get a smile out of another mom, kinda like a secret handshake sort of thing. Once or twice I've had people realize what I was doing, after staring at me for a minute of two and then give me a dirty look and continue shooting me glances, like that would convince me to stop. They ended up with the death glare. I mean seriously, if it's bad enough to give me a dirty look, then why continue looking at me? I make myself as inconspicuous as possible and if that isn't enough, oh well. My kid has to eat, which is WAY more important to me than the sensibilities of some person that won't stop staring at me. I show less of my chest region when I am nursing than the average college student does in their normal every day dress.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
If you don't look, you can't get pissed off and be a jerk. It's like those people who purposely stick themselves in situations where they know they'll be unhappy.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Raerae
Yes and it's legally ok to pass gas in a crowded elevator if you really wanted too. Doesn't mean it's ok, or appreciated by the people around you who are forced to endure it.

I guess the real irony here is that numerous times in the past year (that I've been a member), you've stated repeatedly that there's nothing wrong with dressing "slutty", and it's ok to show ample cleavage, and using the body/looks to get what one wants, etc., and yet when it comes to fulfilling a basic need for a child, you're purporting modesty.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Shimmer
I guess the real irony here is that numerous times in the past year (that I've been a member), you've stated repeatedly that there's nothing wrong with dressing "slutty", and it's ok to show ample cleavage, and using the body/looks to get what one wants, etc., and yet when it comes to fulfilling a basic need for a child, you're purporting modesty.

I can't show ample clevage shimmer, i dont have it =p


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Chances are, it's because your being discrete about it? I don't think anyone has said discrete feeding is a problem. It's the mothers who are NOT discrete that people have issues with.

Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
It's funny. IME, most people don't even realize what I'm doing when I am nursing. Generally when someone does, they do a double take and then just keep going about their business. Every now and then I get a smile out of another mom, kinda like a secret handshake sort of thing. Once or twice I've had people realize what I was doing, after staring at me for a minute of two and then give me a dirty look and continue shooting me glances, like that would convince me to stop. They ended up with the death glare. I mean seriously, if it's bad enough to give me a dirty look, then why continue looking at me? I make myself as inconspicuous as possible and if that isn't enough, oh well. My kid has to eat, which is WAY more important to me than the sensibilities of some person that won't stop staring at me. I show less of my chest region when I am nursing than the average college student does in their normal every day dress.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Raerae
I can't show ample clevage shimmer, i dont have it =p

Way to completely ignore the point.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
I think breast is best, absolutely, but in the end, as long as it isn't soy milk and apple juice...

I'm just curious, are those bad for children? I don't have children, nor am I feeding any children these things, but I am just curious why those specific things were brought up.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by BunnyBunnyBunny
I'm just curious, are those bad for children? I don't have children, nor am I feeding any children these things, but I am just curious why those specific things were brought up.

There was a discussion previously about a vegan couple who fed their child soy milk and apple juice; the child died at 6 weeks of age, weighing 3.5 lbs.
The defense was ignorance, and they were found guilty of the child's murder.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Shimmer
There was a discussion previously about a vegan couple who fed their child soy milk and apple juice; the child died at 6 weeks of age, weighing 3.5 lbs.
The defense was ignorance, and they were found guilty of the child's murder.

Wow... how tragic, I think I did hear about that actually.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by BunnyBunnyBunny
Wow... how tragic, I think I did hear about that actually.

Quite an interesting thread really.

oh, and once a child is older, in toddler years, soy milk and apple juice are okay...but as the sole sustenance for an infant, no, that's not sufficient.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Shimmer
On the subject of breast vs bottle, I've gotten into and gone toe to toe with women about this.
Breastfeeding IS NOT FOR ME. I don't like it, I don't enjoy it, I don't revel in it, and HONESTLY I resent it. Period.

THANK YOU. I'm glad I'm not alone in this. I chose not to do it, and other mothers (usually ones I DON'T EVEN KNOW who'd see a BOTTLE in my diaper bag) would get all preachy at me. And if they were tactful enough not to say anything, the looks they gave me made up for it.

It's just so goddamned stupid. How I feed my own kid is none of their business, and formula =/= bad parenting. People need to calm the hell down.


Well-known member
People attitude towards breasts is funny in the US. In Europe you can go to the beach topless and not shock people. This is a comment related to Greekchick's post where she said that society hasn't accepted people showing their body parts.

I am not a mother yet and i was only breastfed for a few months when i was a baby ( i believe until i was 6mos old) but i plan to breastfeed and quite honestly i will not hesitate to d it in public. People need to realise that it's a natural thing and there is nothing sexual about it.

Anyway, the breast primary function is not sexual. We sexualised it.


Well-known member
I am a Lacatation consultant at a very large hospital, and your commnets are nothing new to me. I commend those who have adapted the attitude of, "I will feed my infant wherever I want to, regardless of who I offend." If you are offended at the sight of an infant eating in the way God itended him/her to do so, you are the one with the problem. If the mother chooses to use a blanket and be more discreet, fine, but if she chooses not too, that is fine as well. I am amazed that we are living in a society where sex is EVERYWHERE, but we are still caught up over public breastfeeding. Are we feaking puritans or what??

And to those of you who have chosen not to breastfeed, I am sorry that some have made you feel inferior due to your choice. I think that attitude can only serve to turn more people away. I am a die-hard promoter of breastfeeding, not only because I am a lacatation consulant, but more so beacause I am a healthcare professional. There is no getting around the fact that breastfeeding will always be the best and most healthiest form of infant nutrition. I personally could never deny my child that regardless of whatever selfish excuses I can come up with. Nevertheless, I am in no position to criticize anyone who chooses to bottle feed. In fact, so long as you are making an informed decision and are aware of the options availible to you, I really don't even care what you choose to do. My job, as I see it, it to be an educator. What you choose to do with the information that I share is your decision.


Well-known member
So the majority here agrees with breastfeeding while purchasing makeup at a counter somewhere, or while getting an eye demonstration done. During an appointment, you would tell the MUA that you're child needs to be fed, plopping out your breast,and start feeding him/her, right in the middle of everyone that is browsing around?

Whether in Europe, or North America, I doubt you'd find yourself NOT strangely looking at the woman walking topless on the street. Oh, not only would you look, but you'd think "What the &*#$?" We shouldn't criticize people's attitudes towards breasts when the vast majority of us will strangely look at any topless woman walking in the city, , doing her shopping, at any day.
It's unfortunate that we do so, but the point here is:

Why does it suddenly become acceptable to expose your entire breast (not one third, not half, but the total package) when it involves breastfeeding?
Does the little boy riding his bike,minding his own business really care to see what your breast looks like during lactation?
Why don't we all just take our tops off and desexualize breasts? Or is that a no-no, because we aren't lactating, and really a breast is only beautiful, and only worth showcasing, during lactation?
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