Originally Posted by Raerae
![]() So don't do it at the table? Seems like a pretty easy solution. Just because legally you can do it wherever, doesn't mean you should. Thats the point. |
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
![]() The only problem with saying that women could just pump or bottle feed expressed milk is that many babies won't take a bottle (my second was just like that, never once took a bottle even when I was in surgery for hours having my gall bladder removed) and some women can't pump or express. So for some women and some babies, there is no choice but straight from the source. It is also not as easy as just "leaving the kid with a sitter." It is also not always feasible to use a blanket to cover the baby. I don't find it surprising that a lot of the statements like this are coming from people without children. Because honestly, until you have children parenting is little more than a theory LOL I breastfeed my children, when they are babies, whereever and whenever they need to be fed. I try my best to plan my day so that I don't have to do it while out and about, but the best laid plans... That said, while I fully believe in exercising my legal rights to breastfeed in public, I do it discreetly and most of the time you wouldn't even notice. In fact, most nursing mothers are the same. It is a very small (and vocal) minority that does it indiscreetly and I firmly believe that most of that stems from an attention whore, selfish "my rights are the only valid rights" viewpoint. And extended breastfeeding creeps me the hell out. The WHO recommends nursing until 2. Personally, in a first world country, I find it unnecessary to breastfeed past 12 months. (Or whenever you can get the clingy little bugger weaned - my second wouldn't give up the boob until 13 months despite my best efforts). The two year recommendation comes from the fact that in many places around the world it IS beneficial for a child to continue nursing until 2 for nutritional purposes and for birth control purposes (fallible though it is) for the mother. The women that are still nursing older children in industrialized countries scare me. Everytime I see an instance of it, it is because the mother is completely wacked in the head and unable to give up their status as giver of life and nutrition. Case in point : one of the creepiest things I've ever watched. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHRyRCHuQ7g |