Boob Nazis, Bottle feeders, and discretionary tactics

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Not that peer pressure and teasing should ever determine your course of actions, but can you imagine the teasing those kids undergo?

Is it actually healthy for women to produce milk that long? And if there's more than one child, what does that do to your health?

In the particular family from the video, I got the distinct impression that the children were isolated from other children. So they probably have different social issues anyway.

Milk production is only really detrimental to your health if you have other health issues. It can be very, very beneficial and I'm thinking of pumping for milk banks after I wean the baby I'm about to have.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
Milk production is only really detrimental to your health if you have other health issues. It can be very, very beneficial and I'm thinking of pumping for milk banks after I wean the baby I'm about to have.

Yeh, i don't think there is anything really bad about lactating for long periods of time. They might even still have, "Wet Nurses" to breastfeed the children of the wealthy =p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
I'm thinking of pumping for milk banks after I wean the baby I'm about to have.

According to your chart there, your about to explode!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
And if there's more than one child, what does that do to your health?

I bet you burn an ASSLOAD of calories.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
According to your chart there, your about to explode!

Friday morning, 8 PST. Not that I'm counting down or anything LMAO. This kid has his eviction notice in hand, thank goodness.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
Friday morning, 8 PST. Not that I'm counting down or anything LMAO. This kid has his eviction notice in hand, thank goodness.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
You honestly don't find that YouTube video creepy?

No. So what if a child that age still finds comfort from her mother's body. She's not hurting you. It's really NONE of your business.

Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Has there been any psychological research about breastfeeding when the kid can eat real food? I mean, actual research, not someone's personal accounts. Children often want candy for every meal, but that doesn't mean it's good for them.

Read the link I posted. It gives all it's references. You can't really compare breast milk to candy.... And breast milk IS good for them.

Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Not that peer pressure and teasing should ever determine your course of actions, but can you imagine the teasing those kids undergo?

Is it actually healthy for women to produce milk that long? And if there's more than one child, what does that do to your health?

Our bodies are designed to produce milk for as long as our children want and need it. If they weren't milk production would stop at a certain point. That child lives in Europe. Every country except America is perfectly fine with breastfeeding and extended breastfeeding. America needs to get over it's ridiculous hang ups...

Originally Posted by Kimberleigh
I bet you burn an ASSLOAD of calories.

Breatfeeding is actually good for you and has many health benefits, such as reducing your risk of breast cancer, uterine cancer, etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tsukiyomi
No. So what if a child that age still finds comfort from her mother's body. She's not hurting you. It's really NONE of your business.

Since you ignored the question b4, i'll ask again. At what age is it inapropriate for a mother to breastfeed her child?

At what point is it necessary to tell a child, NO. Since it's obvious the only reason the child is still breastfeeing at that age, is because her mother allows it.



Your links indicate the benefits of breastfeeding a TODDLER

Nursing toddlers benefit NUTRITIONALLY
Nursing toddlers are SICK LESS OFTEN
Nursing toddlers have FEWER ALLERGIES
Nursing toddlers are SMART
Nursing toddlers are WELL ADJUSTED SOCIALLY
Nursing a toddler is NORMAL
MOTHERS also benefit from nursing past infancy
Additional Resources
Nursing toddlers benefit NUTRITIONALLY

An 8 year old is not a toddler. I REALLY doubt an 8 year old still breastfeeding is well adjusted socially. I've seen toddlers who are breastfeeding, and they have no problem with grabbing at their mothers breasts in public when the are hungry. The lady in that video who's still feeding her daughter at 8 talks about how she has trouble getting dressed because her kids grab at her, and how they think her breasts belong to them. How can you call that socially adjusted? They probably still do that in public.

And all that information is questionable anyways, as I could write it like this and it would be just as correct:

Formula fed toddlers benefit NUTRITIONALLY
Formula fed toddlers are SICK LESS OFTEN
Formula fed toddlers have FEWER ALLERGIES
Formula fed toddlers are SMART
Formula fed toddlers are WELL ADJUSTED SOCIALLY
Formula feeding a toddler is NORMAL
MOTHERS also benefit from not nursing past infancy
Additional Resources
Formula fed toddlers benefit NUTRITIONALLY

Not to mention if you look at the studies used in this:
It's not uncommon for weaning to be recommended for toddlers who are eating few solids. However, this recommendation is not supported by research. According to Sally Kneidel in "Nursing Beyond One Year" (New Beginnings, Vol. 6 No. 4, July-August 1990, pp. 99-103.):
Some doctors may feel that nursing will interfere with a child's appetite for other foods. Yet there has been no documentation that nursing children are more likely than weaned children to refuse supplementary foods. In fact, most researchers in Third World countries, where a malnourished toddler's appetite may be of critical importance, recommend continued nursing for even the severely malnourished (Briend et al, 1988; Rhode, 1988; Shattock and Stephens, 1975; Whitehead, 1985). Most suggest helping the malnourished older nursing child not by weaning but by supplementing the mother's diet to improve the nutritional quality of her milk (Ahn and MacLean. 1980; Jelliffe and Jelliffe, 1978) and by offering the child more varied and more palatable foods to improve his or her appetite (Rohde, 1988; Tangermann, 1988; Underwood, 1985).

I really have a hard time believeing studies that were done in the 70's and 80's is really useful 20+ years later. Not to mention most of the studies used about the benefits of extended breastfeeding are for 3rd world contries. Not developed ones.


Well-known member
Our bodies are designed to produce milk for as long as our children want and need it. If they weren't milk production would stop at a certain point.

To be honest, for most people milk production will not stop until breastfeeding stops. There have been cases of men breastfeeding their children. If a man is hooked up to a breast pump on consecutive sessions, he will produce milk. I have no hang ups on women breastfeeding, but women do not produce milk just for their children then stop when they no longer need it. In fact there have been cases of Medieval wet nurses who breastfed various babies for over 20 years straight.

So what if a child that age still finds comfort from her mother's body. She's not hurting you. It's really NONE of your business

It really isn't anyone's business except that mother and child. We are all just commenting on how we feel about this issue. Some agree, others don't. It is just a friendly discussion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
There have been cases of men breastfeeding their children. If a man is hooked up to a breast pump on consecutive sessions, he will produce milk.

Links plz. I've read about some golf caddy who had minimal lactation due to consistant stimulation of his nipple from the golf bag (no idea if this is an urban legend or not), but of men breastfeeding their children just through stimulation?

As far as I know unless he's on like hormones or something, men lack the breast development necessary to produce milk. The milk ducks and all those things, that we get during puberty. So while it might be possible to get him to trickle, i don't see it as possible for him to feed an infant w/out hormonally altering his body chemistry.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Links plz. I've read about some golf caddy who had minimal lactation due to consistant stimulation of his nipple from the golf bag (no idea if this is an urban legend or not), but of men breastfeeding their children just through stimulation?

As far as I know unless he's on like hormones or something, men lack the breast development necessary to produce milk. The milk ducks and all those things, that we get during puberty. So while it might be possible to get him to trickle, i don't see it as possible for him to feed an infant w/out hormonally altering his body chemistry.


A friend of mine and her husband were seriously considering this when they had their baby. She was on medication that made it impossible to breastfeed safely. Their doctor told them it was absolutely possible for him to do this, a man has everything he needs to produce milk and feed his baby. FYI they decided against it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
Men breastfeeding is absolutely true. It really doesn't matter on the amount of breast tissue you have and the amount of milk you can produce. If sucked on long enough milk will flow from a man.

I'm still skeptical on the volume a man could produce. I have no doubt a baby could probably latch onto a guy, but as far as getting any useful volume of milk I'm skeptical. You look at a women who's breastfeeding/pregnant and her breasts are swollen with milk. Wheras the guy in that "Milkman" video was flat chested, like any typical guy. So while he might have a trickle of milk availble, I realld don't see him being able to actually feed a child. Not to mention, it's probably not easy for a child to latch onto such a small nipple.

So while it may be possible, it's not really practical. It's more of a byproduct to the fact that all fetus's are female at one point. So all males are going to have some basic limited ability to breastfeed since they have the anatomy necessary to do it. We all produce the same hormones just in different amounts, and stimulation of the nipple produces prolactin. But because it's not properly developed, it's not going to be nearly as effective.


Well-known member
In My Opinion women who breast feed their children at the age of 5, have some very serious issue's with attachment.

How can it be "Natural"

ANIMALS don't even do this!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Since you ignored the question b4, i'll ask again. At what age is it inapropriate for a mother to breastfeed her child?

I believe in child led weaning. I will breastfeed my child until she wants to stop.


Well-known member
Every country except America is perfectly fine with breastfeeding and extended breastfeeding. America needs to get over it's ridiculous hang ups...

I'm going to assume that this woman breastfeeding her 8 year old daughter is an exception rather than the rule. I'm sorry, but you can get comfort from your mother from other means that latching on to her boobie about 6-7 years later than the "normal" weaning time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I'm still skeptical on the volume a man could produce. I have no doubt a baby could probably latch onto a guy, but as far as getting any useful volume of milk I'm skeptical. You look at a women who's breastfeeding/pregnant and her breasts are swollen with milk. Wheras the guy in that "Milkman" video was flat chested, like any typical guy. So while he might have a trickle of milk availble, I realld don't see him being able to actually feed a child. Not to mention, it's probably not easy for a child to latch onto such a small nipple.

So while it may be possible, it's not really practical. It's more of a byproduct to the fact that all fetus's are female at one point. So all males are going to have some basic limited ability to breastfeed since they have the anatomy necessary to do it. We all produce the same hormones just in different amounts, and stimulation of the nipple produces prolactin. But because it's not properly developed, it's not going to be nearly as effective.

I have know some pretty flat chested women that have had no problem feeding their children. I don't know if chest size is an accurate indicator.

As far as the efficacy of men breastfeeding, who knows some men might not produce much at all, while others are more prolific.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tsukiyomi
I believe in child led weaning. I will breastfeed my child until she wants to stop.

So what if she's 26 and still wants to feed?

Edit~ Not to mention the ticker in your sig only goes for 12 months


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
I have know some pretty flat chested women that have had no problem feeding their children. I don't know if chest size is an accurate indicator.

As far as the efficacy of men breastfeeding, who knows some men might not produce much at all, while others are more prolific.


It's probably just not a common enough occurance to have any real documentation on the subject. I kinda lost credability with the milkmen website when they started talking about how with the power of his mind, he willed!!! himself to lactate, and then haveing no desire to breastfeed, willed himself to stop.
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