Boys In Make-Up...opinions.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by antirazor
Jeffree Star is pretty amazing. hell, I'm attracted to him. but I'm bisexual anyways. I don't know. I just feel like there are a lot of things more important in a relationship than what's in between your legs. all of the "masculine traits" you guys have been talking about. being able to hold you while you cry, make you feel safe, and take control of a situation when you're freaking out can be found in a female just as easily. liking macho doesn't have to equate to liking men. and liking delicate doesn't have to equate to liking women. -shrug-

Thats subjective. For me, his size alone can be very comforting. I've been hugged by my girl friends when I've been upset, and it's nothing like being held by a man. Same thing when I'm given a reason to be afraid, Id rather be with a guy, than another women. Since he's probably more apt to be able to protect me from whatever it is thats making me afraid. Yes girls can be leaders, but chances are my friends are as indecisive as I am a lot of times, and would just end up wishing their boyfriend was there =p

Are there women with those traits? Sure I've seen some big butch women... But I dont really find that attractive =p Same with wimpy scrawney guys. Not attractive. But thats me. Your mileage may vary.


Well-known member
Bah! For me, if it makes them happy then I am happy for them- regardless of
who they are or why they are doing it. No, it's not my bag of tea- I prefer
my lovers without makeup. But hell, I'll admit there are some guys that look
really good with makeup on and I am not going to knock it if they love it.
There are certain sub-cultures that I think look pretty good in makeup- rockers,
metalheads, pirates (hehe), dave <3... etc. But, all of these are just my
personal preferences- I am not about to tell someone how to go about being
happy, because all I'm really saying is "why can't you be more like me?"

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Well, I only named someone masculine, because I think people forget that there are some prominent men who wear make up and aren't feminine.

I love drag queens. I've seen drag queens who look gorgeous and twice the woman I would appear.

I just hate bad make up, be it on a boy or girl.


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Davey and Jeffree:




Well-known member
Originally Posted by antirazor




Davey and Jeffree:




i love the pic he took where hes letting milk fall from his mouth omg hes cool!


Well-known member
Heh... even I think the second and third pics of Jeffree Star are hot. But that's because he looks like a woman. Though my main reaction is jealousy.... LOTS of jealousy....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Thats subjective. For me, his size alone can be very comforting. I've been hugged by my girl friends when I've been upset, and it's nothing like being held by a man. Same thing when I'm given a reason to be afraid, Id rather be with a guy, than another women. Since he's probably more apt to be able to protect me from whatever it is thats making me afraid. Yes girls can be leaders, but chances are my friends are as indecisive as I am a lot of times, and would just end up wishing their boyfriend was there =p

Are there women with those traits? Sure I've seen some big butch women... But I dont really find that attractive =p Same with wimpy scrawney guys. Not attractive. But thats me. Your mileage may vary.

and just the same way, your view is subjective.

a woman doesn't need to be big and butch to be able to kick ass. I took Kung Fu for 4 years and my instructor was a very pretty woman and she could take down anyone who came at her. I would feel safe being almost anywhere with her. I'm not trying to convince you that you should be bi as well. some people aren't, whatever. I'm just pointing out that wearing makeup doesn't make you any less apt to be all the things you described as being reasons you're only attracted to men sans makeup. if you just don't find men who are smaller than you or any man in makeup attractive that's totally fine. I'm not trying to tell you what to think. but don't try to say that the reason you don't find it attractive is because men in makeup are a certain way, or couldn't meet certain requirements/standards. because that just isn't true.

I don't find people in bell bottom pants attractive. but I'm not going to say that it's because people who wear bell bottom pants aren't going to be able to do this for me or handle me when I'm going through that. because I have no idea whether or not that person could do that. what you wear, on your face or otherwise, is totally unrelated.

and while you didn't directly say that men in makeup are going to act otherwise femininely, you're just getting a little off topic by pulling in all of these unrelated characteristics that aren't really what's up for debate here.

and I don't even really feel like it's up for debate that much either. it's more up for poll..

no longer directed at RaeRae! I completely agree with shimmer. not liking it doesn't make you closed minded. at all. what makes you closed minded is thinking that no men should wear makeup ever. don't date guys in makeup, that's your business. but don't make your opinion a universal standard. and just try to be respectful of men that do choose to do it. just like you wouldn't gasp and point and whisper about someone after they walked away if they choose to wear skinny jeans and you're more into bootcut. [I guess I have pants on the mind] what bothers me isn't that not everyone likes it, but the way people get treated.

common misconception. being transgendered doesn't mean hermaphrodite. and it doesn't mean gay. it just means that you don't agree with the gender role your genitalia has assigned you to play in society, to what degree you feel that can vary.


Well-known member
I always enjoy this topic - thanks for bringing it around again

I don't mind makeup on a man at all, although I think some carry it off better than others. As for men dressing as women, I think I'd be a bit freaked if I came home & found my husband in my clothing. That just isn't how I see him. However, I'm absolutely in love with Eddie Izzard, who happens to be straight and who happens to love makeup & women's clothing. If I know something upfront, I can wrap my head around it easier.

If you aren't attracted to a girly man or butch woman that's certainly your perogative and it doesn't make you closed-minded or a bad person. We all have our quirks when it comes to what we find attractive, both physically & emotionally.

I only get pissed off when people feel the need to stare, make comments or physically assault someone who is dressed differently or made up. Just mind your own business - it has nothing to do with you.

I'm convinced that any man (it is usually a man) who will attack a feminine looking male is actually a closet fag who is secretly attracted to the other person and can't accept it. A gay friend of mine has told me about all the straight acting/straight looking dudes he has hooked up with on the DL - they all have wives or girlfriends who have no idea what their man is up to. Looks can be deceiving.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cruella
I only get pissed off when people feel the need to stare, make comments or physically assault someone who is dressed differently or made up. Just mind your own business - it has nothing to do with you.

It's kinda hard not too sometimes =p The staring/talking part anyways. People look at other people. And talk about them. If you choose to dress outside of typical norms of the area your in, your going to get stared at, and people are going to talk. I really dont think if you choose to look a-typical, you can be expected to blend in.

Getting physical over something is taking something too far, and I dont think that anyone deserves that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cruella

I'm convinced that any man (it is usually a man) who will attack a feminine looking male is actually a closet fag who is secretly attracted to the other person and can't accept it. A gay friend of mine has told me about all the straight acting/straight looking dudes he has hooked up with on the DL - they all have wives or girlfriends who have no idea what their man is up to. Looks can be deceiving.

It is exceedingly rude to call someone a "closet fag" even in the abstract.
You're wrong on this statement; it would be the same as saying "Every fag out there is really bisexual, he doesn't just like men, he just wants the attention" or something equally outlandish.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
You're wrong on this statement; it would be the same as saying "Every fag out there is really bisexual, he doesn't just like men, he just wants the attention" or something equally outlandish.

It is only my opinion and I've seen it confirmed more than once. I never said it was a fact, just something I've seen a lot. At least it explains, however poorly, why someone would feel the need to assault someone who was gay/androgynous-looking.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
It's kinda hard not too sometimes =p The staring/talking part anyways. People look at other people. And talk about them. If you choose to dress outside of typical norms of the area your in, your going to get stared at, and people are going to talk. I really dont think if you choose to look a-typical, you can be expected to blend in.

Getting physical over something is taking something too far, and I dont think that anyone deserves that.

It is just plain rude to stare at anyone because of the way they look. Doing a double-take can't always be helped but straight-up staring and talking behind your hand is just disrespectful. Unless the person is acting obnoxious & loud, what does he/she have to do with you and your life?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cruella
It is only my opinion and I've seen it confirmed more than once. I never said it was a fact, just something I've seen a lot. At least it explains, however poorly, why someone would feel the need to assault someone who was gay/androgynous-looking.

While I've seen it happen too, a lot, I think most prejudices stem from the fear of the unknown, such as racial prejudices.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cruella
It is just plain rude to stare at anyone because of the way they look. Doing a double-take can't always be helped but straight-up staring and talking behind your hand is just disrespectful. Unless the person is acting obnoxious & loud, what does he/she have to do with you and your life?


Um lol... Cuz when you see someone looking like this it's kinda hard not too?

I'm sorry, but people watching is a perfectly normal thing to do. If you dont want me to stare, dont give me a reason to.


Well-known member
Um, that photo is a bit offensive because of the word around her neck, but anyhow...I don't see all of this as a big deal, I know and work with all kinds of men who wear makeup, it's no big deal to me.

Sometimes it's hard not to stare when you see someone not in the norm, but the point is to accept them for who they are and realize that everyone deserves respect unless they prove otherwise.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I think there's a difference between taking notice and staring to the point of making someone uncomfortable. Particularly with that photo, I would do a double take, male or female. Then I'd go about my business.