Originally Posted by caffn8me
No, it depends on cultural conditions rather than application. What may well be thought of as feminine makeup may somewhere else in time or place have been considered masculine. If you wore ancient Egyptian men's makeup today in western countries it would be considered feminine.
I'm sure even in Egyptian Culture, there were styles of MU that were worn by one sex, and not the other. All the examples you listed, the egyptians, american indians, etc. The majority of the men in those cultures wearing MU, probably aren't wearing it because they want to look, "girly." And I doubt if you were to look at a Male in an indian tribe, or a man in Egypt, you would be questioning his sexuality/gender.
And yes it is a cultural thing, but considering in current American culture, where men typically dont apply MU, feminine application is going to garner criticism from your "average" observer. Especially if it's applied with the intent of looking female.
There are plenty of examples of Men in American Culture, who wear MU, and maintain their masculinity. And I doubt there were be many "masculine" men lining up to kick Dave Nevaro's ass because he has eyeliner on.
Most of the girls posting that men in MU are hot, are citing examples of men who are still masculine, even with MU on. Not men who are blurring gender lines, in attempts to look female.