Boys In Make-Up...opinions.


Well-known member
my Dad wears concelear to cover his dark circles. I think it pretty cool. He is a straight as they get, he just likes to look his best. He is know to get "man" icures from time to time as well.

Between him and my mom, I know where I get my skincare/makeup obession from.


Well-known member
I don't mind. Now, some guys just look funky when they do it...but then again, so do some girls... it's really all about technique.

Heck, I've put it on my husband before. He wouldn't go out it public like that, though... hehe


Well-known member
To each his own, now I grew up in Los Angeles, and 98% of my male friends are bi or gay, and wear makeup......and I am jealous sometimes, but this is normal for me and I am sooooo for it! I say if you can and want to, why not?

I think the people who are against it need to open up their minds!!


Well-known member
Yeah, just got back from seeing the new Pirates movie and all I can say is Johnny Depp in makeup is hot!!!! If my hubby looked like that with makeup on, I'd make him wear it all the time


Well-known member
My boyfriend wears makeup and I think he looks beautiful.
He also draws his eyebrows on.
alot of people look at him funny he it has never stopped him from looking the way he does and we do live in the midwest,northern illinois to be exact.
we both get alot of reactions from people but who cares.


Well-known member
Ooh. A post I can relate to, dredged up from a while ago. As a guy, do I get to answer too?
I'm obviously fine with guys in makeup. I'm very liberal and people can generally do what they want as long as it's not harming others. Makeup can help guys look more attractive, since it can make them look more like women, which is the gender I find attractive. Ha. But seriously, foundation, concealer and such to clear up complexions can help any guy. I don't know why guys are so scared to wear makeup, though maybe my perspective is too foreign.

Speaking of which, maybe something I can add to this thread is what it's like from the perspective of a straight guy who wears girly makeup. I have to deal with people all day, who have opinions just like yours. First of all, I feel a lot of men judge guys based on how masculine they are, and don't respect feminine guys. So I mostly feel awkward and shy with guys, and very insecure. It really hurts my interaction with a good half of the population. Yesterday, my boss told me to tone down my makeup because the store owner might visit, and I must admit that hurt. I know my boss doesn't care what I wear, but having to hide yourelf to be accepted just kills your self esteem. Similarly, my parents won't let my relatives know about my girly side. My mom claims she's not ashamed, but really, what else could it be?
I'm more open and optimistic about girls, because I hope they can relate to me better. I assume they can understand why wearing makeup and pretty clothing is so fun. But even with girls, it can be hard. My ex thought I was 'threatening her femininity' after a while, which eventually was added to the reasons she dumped me. But her feelings on that really vary with her mood. Sometimes she loves shopping with me, but just yesterday she said she was embarrassed to let others' know we dated, and too embarrassed to have me in her MySpace Top 8. Which hurt. But then afterward she invited me to dinner despite the fact I was dressed up, so she's obviously torn in regards to that subject. But other girls love me when I'm dressed up and encourage it, like my friend Heather. She gave me some eyeshadow and made me some dangly earrings, and I wish more girls were like her.

A final thing, many people assume that if you wear girly makeup, you're gay. But most crossdressers are straight! Maybe straight guys who crossdress are just more embarrassed to do so publically, so get less noticed. But I've had several friends assume I was gay and hiding it. Jenny said she wouldn't be embarrassed by me if I were gay. Even Heather said she was surprised I wasn't gay. Ughh. Gender and sexuality are not the same thing.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Some boys look awesome with makeup, some look terrible. Much like how some women wear makeup well, others do not.

I think it depends on application, what they're using, etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Eoraptor
Gender and sexuality are not the same thing.

Nope. But they *are* usually relevant to each other.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
For me it's not a closed mind, it's just not attractive to me.

Same. I don't care if ANYONE wears makeup, men, boys, But I would not be attracted to a male who wears lipstick and mascara, haha. It's just not what I like. I like my man to look manly.


Well-known member
You hit the nail on the head.
I'm such an aggressive female, I like a MAN.

(Read that in the cartoon voice from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"..A MAAAYUN!!!)

I'm attracted to manliness in a man, and femininity in a woman...maybe that's why I don't like girly men. If I want a girl, I'll get a girl. *shrug*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
You hit the nail on the head.
I'm such an aggressive female, I like a MAN.

(Read that in the cartoon voice from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"..A MAAAYUN!!!)

I'm attracted to manliness in a man, and femininity in a woman...maybe that's why I don't like girly men. If I want a girl, I'll get a girl. *shrug*



Well-known member
Nope. But they *are* usually relevant to each other.

Then why are most crossdressers straight?


Well-known member
Does wearing a dress or makeup make you a girl?
You're still a boy. Put on the make up wear the earrings put on the dainty heels you're still a man, like it or not.
Put on what you want to, it doesn't change what you ARE.

Likewise, most women are attracted to men, and most men are attracted to women, regardless of what they wear.

Wear what you want to hon, you're still a man.


Active member
sex and gender are two different things, we just confuse everyone by using the term - 'man' to describe a man in biological terms and a man in behavioral/social terms.

women wearing make up and men not is a social construct. if you sit down, open up your mind and ponder it for a few seconds you will realise that there is absolutely no reason that a man can't wear make up or even "female" clothing. in terms of everything outside of biological features, the male and female representations that we see today are just constructs of history. the female today in western society looks and behaves really different to the one of 200 years ago, so we can see gender is not static and does change over time.

i find men wearing make up very empowering. why? because these are people who have identified how ridiculous our constructed gender rules are and are pushing up against them.

it is hard to overcome too, when all your life everything has been subtly reenforcing what society accepts as male and as female. just look at a toy catalogue, think about what sports the girls were pushed into at school, think about the difference in expectations of a man's verses a woman's appearance at job interviews, open up a magazine.


Well-known member
*shrug* that's part of society though.
And, as I said before, it's not closed mindedness, it's just not attractive to me.


Well-known member
I'm all for well-applied makeup for any sex.
I am biased though, I lean towards the two extremes, the amped up "natural me" look and the colorful, edgy looks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
*shrug* that's part of society though.
And, as I said before, it's not closed mindedness, it's just not attractive to me.

I agree with Shimmer.

I'm all for guys wearing it, but if my boyfriend came out made up like Eoraptor ( not poking at yah, just using you as a reference since your on our forums
) I would be really confused. And if he did it on a consistant basis, we'd have issues. I dont want to date a woman (some girls might, again thats just my preference, I dont speak for everyone).

Call it close minded if you want, but I think there IS a BIG difference between men and women as well as makeup for men and makeup or women. Like the pic of the greenday guy, and Eoraptor. Greenday guy still looks like a guy, no questions asked. Wheras Eoraptor is somewhere inbetween the two, defenetely not masculine at all, but still not a woman.

If my guy came out with greenday makeup on, I think I would have signifigantly less questions as to why he's wearing eyeliner/shadow. I'd just wonder about his sudden need to borrow my fluidliner/carbon eyeshadow. But I wouldn't doubt his masculinity like if he came out wearing makeup like I do.

Maybe i'm just biased, but I like the fact that there are explicit differences between men and women. Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. And while I dont care one way or the other if you personally decide to genderbend, I also hope you dont mind if I dont want to date you. FYI I support gay marriage, equal opportunities, and dont care if a guy wants to be a girl and if a girl wants to be a guy. I've had gay roomates, lesbian roomates, and bi roomates. And if one of my guy friends wanted me to make him up, I'd prolly do it, but I doubt we'd be going shopping together (at least not with him being made up).

But the whole physical blurring of gender lines isn't something I'm big on, even if you are a "strait male". I like being a girl, and I like the fact that the guys I date, like being men. I like knowing he's afraid of crying at a movie, and will hold me in a scary movie because he's not afraid. I like the fact that I hate sports (obviously this doesn't apply to every girl), and he tells me he can't talks right now cuz the game is on. I also like knowing that if I touched him with eyeshadow, he would be in the bathroom 1/2 a second later washing his face to get it off LOL!

Call me selfish, but I want to keep all the pretty feminine stuff all for myself
Thats one thing I will not compromise on LOL! Pink is my color =P