

Well-known member
Originally Posted by blueangel1023
I've been invited to the MAC pre-release party of C-shock on Weds nite in nyc. I'm allowed to bring a guest or two, so if anyone is around the area and wants to come lemme know so I could put u on the guest list

This coming Wed? Which store will it be at? Thanks,




I'm soo jealous of you American girls.
The Germans have to be patient (as usually..
And this is the first collection I want to have every eyeshadow of


Well-known member
This collection does look hot, but my budget is definitely restricted. Luckily I don't think I'll be getting much from Moonbathe and Tendertones and nothing from Sunstrip, so I'll have money for this. I'll definitely be getting Big T, if only because I have a friend that I joking call Big T. I'll have to see the others in person. Also, the Lipgelees look awesome! I love them and can't wait to see them. I'm quite excited!


Well-known member
I'm telling you, you have no idea how intense this collection is! During training, when they showed us the collection we gasped! I had to create a naturallook with just those colors. I failed miserably because everything was SO pigmented! It took me a good while to blend each one down. Can't wait til it drops!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lah_knee
the aqua blue in this collection puts parrot to shame...

i hope so, bc i cant get my hands on parrot and i am so freakin looking forward to this collection...im getting all of the shadows except passionate and we will see about the lippies...not sure about blue lipstick


Well-known member
Does anyone else thing the picture of Big T in the swatch thread looks a little chalky? The color looks pretty but it almost seems as if Teal and Waternymph were more vibrant...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Padmita
Does anyone else thing the picture of Big T in the swatch thread looks a little chalky? The color looks pretty but it almost seems as if Teal and Waternymph were more vibrant...

I thought the same thing when I saw it
I am not as excited for that one anymore, and if they are chalky, I am going to pass completely. I sure hope I am not let down by this collection as I have been waiting for it so anxiously!


Well-known member
the MAs at the store I go to are swearing this is a collection like nothing they've seen in a long time. We'll see.

I've already got passionate, and if the rest of the collection is as disappointing I may cry. :/

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I can't find the swatch of Big T, can someone please help me? Is it supposed to be in the gallery, on the C-shock thread or the official swatch thread?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Padmita
Does anyone else thing the picture of Big T in the swatch thread looks a little chalky? The color looks pretty but it almost seems as if Teal and Waternymph were more vibrant...

Yeah I saw that as well. It seems like it could be more vibrant or something. Based on that swatch I'd rather have teal pigment.


Well-known member
I have a really big pigment problem. Hence I spend all my money on those rather than eyeshadows. I think I am going to start putting my first MAC eyeshadow palette together witht he C-schock eyeshadows since I really love the vibrant colors. I've also been wanting some of the lip gelees... so I think this will be the collection I try something a little different

I believe I will get me a palette, all the eyeshadows and probably 2 of the gelees (how do you spell that?
) LOL I'm not big on lipsticks... maybe that will change one day.

Pink Xenomorph

Well-known member
Well, thanks to a broken computer I've been out of the loop until now. But dear god, I just saw the promo pictures for C-Shock that were posted earlier in the thread and oh holy fuck, I am so buying that blue lipstick, cerulean blue or no. I have to have it. It looks like it's going to be amplified creme or at least not sheer, and it's so hard to find a good blue lipstick that doesn't go on sheer.

I'm also buying all the eyeshadows, save for maybe the orange and the turquoise. Wondergrass, Bang On Blue and Going Bananas, certainly.

The new Lipgelee looks just like Cellopink sans glitter, so I might skip that.

It's terrible not only being on a budget, but also being disabled and therefore still living with your parents, one of which who opens every single bank statement I get under the pretense of "it's my house you don't like it move out you bitch". sigh.

Nevertheless! I'm gonna be dropping some serious money on this collection and if my father doesn't like it...well, it's not like he'll be able to do anything about it, now is there?

My one concern is that I still want the quad from Balloonacy and since Nordstrom.com doesn't have it available any longer, I just hope that MAC's website will have it for about two months longer. Here's hoping.

And to Ambidextrous, whom I promised I'd shoot photos of Shu Uemura's blue lipstick...I'm sorry to report that my goddamn camera has gotten lost somewhere in the depths of some Lovecraftian alternate dimension. If I can figure out how to set up my webcam, I'll shoot some photos using that. You have my sincerest apologies.


Well-known member
I have never done a B2M before, but I have roughly 40 empty (or nearly empty) containers here. I'm wondering if I bring them into the pro store on the 7th when they release C-Shock if they will let me choose items from that collection


Well-known member
This question must be asked a lot but Link me to the answers
It seems like the eyeshadows are dupes of the perm. colors? Am I wrong? Are these colors unique? Worth buying?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melaniumom
I have never done a B2M before, but I have roughly 40 empty (or nearly empty) containers here. I'm wondering if I bring them into the pro store on the 7th when they release C-Shock if they will let me choose items from that collection

It depends on the store. I do know here in NY, the rule is that you've had to buy something in the past from that particular store. If you are in the computer system, then it's no problem. I've gotten lipglasses and shadows as well as l/s for b2m. I have better luck at freestanding or pro stores.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ernie
It depends on the store. I do know here in NY, the rule is that you've had to buy something in the past from that particular store. If you are in the computer system, then it's no problem. I've gotten lipglasses and shadows as well as l/s for b2m. I have better luck at freestanding or pro stores.

If that is the case, then I should be good. I have dropped quite a bit of cash at the pro store on Robertson! LOL I plan to drop quite a bit more that day, as well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melaniumom
If that is the case, then I should be good. I have dropped quite a bit of cash at the pro store on Robertson! LOL I plan to drop quite a bit more that day, as well.

at the pro store there they will not take eyeshadow pans even if that is the way you bought them, the wont take half of the eyeshadow pot (the pan has to be in it) they are pretty picky with it, I go there alot and have tried to do b2m a few times, and they also wont let you until the freestanding stores have them is what I've been told many times, there are a few MA's that will let you though it just depends on who you run into I think. but good luck and let me know if they let you (I'll probably be heading there my self friday after it comes to the pro store instead of thursday)

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