

Well-known member
Re: Shocked to see the C-SHOCK

ONLY5!!!!!! Is that standard inventory for LE? Ihope Going Bananas is not gone before I get there!


Well-known member
Re: Shocked to see the C-SHOCK

Originally Posted by CaraAmericana
ONLY5!!!!!! Is that standard inventory for LE? Ihope Going Bananas is not gone before I get there!

This happened with a couple other collection last year in my area. With Sundressing, Macy's only got something like 9 Softwash Grey pigments and a few more Gold Dusk. Then with Amuse, they only got a few of some of the eyeshadows.


Well-known member
Ehh, not so interested in this collection. I just want the Lil' Sizzler lipgelee. Who knows- i may fall in love with the shadows while I'm there.


Well-known member
Re: Shocked to see the C-SHOCK

Originally Posted by CaraAmericana
ONLY5!!!!!! Is that standard inventory for LE? Ihope Going Bananas is not gone before I get there!

I don't know other MAC Store though...but my counter here... they only have 5... and it's super duper limited...


Well-known member
Re: Shocked to see the C-SHOCK

Now you got me in a panic!
I hate feeling like I have to rush and get a collection because then I get there and spend WAY too much money! I don't even give myself time to test them out, etc. I just start telling them what I want. (I am strange!)
I hope that they get enough of all the eye shadows in!


Well-known member
Re: Shocked to see the C-SHOCK

Oh no! Only 5?!?!? That's one of the ones I want most... I will have to call my counter as soon as it opens on the 14th and have them hold the ones I want for me! EEEK!


Well-known member
Re: Shocked to see the C-SHOCK

Originally Posted by verdge
I went to MAC store yesterday to do some exchange... I was gonna buy something... but one of the MA's talked to me and asked me If heard about the new line releasing on June 14th... I told him I've heard about it... guess what he did for me... he took the C-SHOCK Testers from their backkroom... and showed it to me... don't you feel very special like you've seen it before everyone else did? OMG...OMG... the colors are so lovely..the bomb... I am saving money right now and go there thursday first thing in the morning to get the GOING BANANA e/s.... coz they only have 5 of 'em.... I know it sounds sooo crazy... I touched, seen and tried the GOING BANANA e/s... it is the best color... and a must-have....from the collection...

WTH? Why would they only send 5? Makes not a drop of sense! :confused:


Well-known member
Re: Shocked to see the C-SHOCK

Originally Posted by IheartCosmetics
WTH? Why would they only send 5? Makes not a drop of sense! :confused:

My counter only got a few of Saturnal e/s from Moonbathe and a TON of Firespot e/s. Not sure why they do that, but is seems common...


Well-known member
Re: Shocked to see the C-SHOCK

Originally Posted by contrabassoon
Ohhh, did you get to see the blue lipstick?? If you did, did it go on really blue?

I'm a eyeshadow obsessed person...I'm sorry hon I didn't get to see that blue lipstick...

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Re: Shocked to see the C-SHOCK

Wow. That just seems crazy to do that.

Everything is always completely stocked when I go in. I've never heard of such low stock on the first day of a collection opening.


Well-known member
Re: Shocked to see the C-SHOCK

The whole stocking issue depends on what sells well. For example at my counter, we're in a downtown location were we get tons of tourists and we go through trend like it's nobody's business. We're usually pretty well stocked on all collections. It could be that the funky bright colors don't go so well in that location.


Well-known member
OMG! those swatches of the e/s on skin looooks soooo good! I am getting at least 4 - getting big t, going bananas, eye popping, and romping!


Well-known member
Re: Shocked to see the C-SHOCK

the swatches on skin look awesome. i may have to get at least 4 e/s - romping, big t, eyepopping, going bananas. how does wondergrass compare to swimming? i think bang on blue is unique but i'm afraid i won't get to use it. fab & flashy looks like a milder firespot, so i may have to pass. i think i'll check out the orange lippie.


Well-known member
Well, I was trying to shave down my list, but after seeing the newest swatches, I am done for and so is my wallet! I will be getting all the shadows, Overrich l/s and Lil Sizzler lip gelee. DH wants me to get the blue l/s too, but I am not sure about that one!
Ooooh, I am SO excited for this collection!

Pink Xenomorph

Well-known member
Oh man; those new swatches are just beautiful on fair skin. It's times like this I wish I had paler skin so the colors would read like that on me.


Well-known member
i'm doomed. i think i want everything from this collection after seeing those swatches. that will be a first for me.

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