

Well-known member
Originally Posted by bebs
at the pro store there they will not take eyeshadow pans even if that is the way you bought them, the wont take half of the eyeshadow pot (the pan has to be in it) they are pretty picky with it, I go there alot and have tried to do b2m a few times, and they also wont let you until the freestanding stores have them is what I've been told many times, there are a few MA's that will let you though it just depends on who you run into I think. but good luck and let me know if they let you (I'll probably be heading there my self friday after it comes to the pro store instead of thursday)

I don't have any pans... so I think I will be Ok. We'll find out, I suppose.

Pink Xenomorph

Well-known member
Originally Posted by vivaXglamlove
This question must be asked a lot but Link me to the answers
It seems like the eyeshadows are dupes of the perm. colors? Am I wrong? Are these colors unique? Worth buying?

I certainly think they are. Check the C-Shock swatch thread. I was just there and the eyeshadows are gorgeous, bright, clear and vibrant. They remind me of the primaries on a color wheel, only shot-full of pigment.


Well-known member
I just saw the swatches in the swatch thread and they are pretty nice. I REALLY REALLY want Bang on Blue. I think I'll pick up that one and Wondergrass when the collection comes out and then go back for the others later.

Pink Xenomorph

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
I just saw the swatches in the swatch thread and they are pretty nice. I REALLY REALLY want Bang on Blue. I think I'll pick up that one and Wondergrass when the collection comes out and then go back for the others later.

I'm thinking of doing that myself. I really really really want Bang on Blue as well. I think I'll get that, Wondergrass, and Going Bananas.

I'm also going to pick up the Blast O' Blue lipstick because...well, blue lipstick--now that I'm thinking about it, I'm probably going to buy a backup as well--and the Vivacious lipstick. After that, I'm just going to hope that the rest of the collection will still be there so I can go back for the rest later. Money is the bane of my existence.


Well-known member
Now that I see swatches on skin (posted by battipatti), I'm getting ALL of the eye shadows.....I CAN rock these colors even though I'm a 51 yr old grannie!! Can't wait.....


Well-known member
okay I am just a little confused and need someone to clarify some things for me. is this amazing collection coming out on the 7th or is it coming out on the 14th? and if it is coming out on the 7th, is it only in certain locations or is it nationwide? please someone help a confused MAC junkie out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by starangel2383
okay I am just a little confused and need someone to clarify some things for me. is this amazing collection coming out on the 7th or is it coming out on the 14th? and if it is coming out on the 7th, is it only in certain locations or is it nationwide? please someone help a confused MAC junkie out.

the pro stores (theres one in LA, TX, NY, Las Vegas, San Fran, and a few others I forget) put out collections earlier then the freestanding stores, sometimes depending they will put it out anywhere from a week to three weeks early
they havent done 2 or 3 in a long time though.
but hope that clears it up


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bebs
the pro stores (theres one in LA, TX, NY, Las Vegas, San Fran, and a few others I forget) put out collections earlier then the freestanding stores, sometimes depending they will put it out anywhere from a week to three weeks early
they havent done 2 or 3 in a long time though.
but hope that clears it up

Yup... the pro store in LA always gets their collections in a week before the actual release date. You can bet I will be there on Thursday to get it first!!!


Well-known member
if you ask me, they need to have more Pro stores in more locations rather than just mainstream metropolis like cities. i live in jacksonville, fl and the closest Pro store is about 4 hours drive in orlando. one of these days i am going to make a trip there, does anyone in the jax area want to make a day trip with me to orlando one of these days?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pink Xenomorph

It's terrible not only being on a budget, but also being disabled and therefore still living with your parents, one of which who opens every single bank statement I get under the pretense of "it's my house you don't like it move out you bitch". sigh.

Nevertheless! I'm gonna be dropping some serious money on this collection and if my father doesn't like it...well, it's not like he'll be able to do anything about it, now is there?

I'm in the same boat(disabled, and living with my mother). My mother is just sort of amused by my MAC addiction, and as long as I can pay off my AmEX total every month, about all she has to say is, "Another package from MAC?"
Not that anyone asked, but I think your father should be glad that you take pride in your appearance. Many disabled people just kind of give up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lsperry
Now that I see swatches on skin (posted by battipatti), I'm getting ALL of the eye shadows.....I CAN rock these colors even though I'm a 51 yr old grannie!! Can't wait.....

Right on sister! haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lsperry
I'm getting ALL of the eye shadows.....I CAN rock these colors even though I'm a 51 yr old grannie!! Can't wait.....


I love your attitude.

I'm 43 and in a wheelchair, but if bold shadow colors worked on me(They "wash out" my very green eyes), I'd have them all myself!
I'm going for "Pomposity" and "Vivacious" lipsticks,instead.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by starangel2383
if you ask me, they need to have more Pro stores in more locations rather than just mainstream metropolis like cities. i live in jacksonville, fl and the closest Pro store is about 4 hours drive in orlando. one of these days i am going to make a trip there, does anyone in the jax area want to make a day trip with me to orlando one of these days?

I think that there is actully 2 pro stores in fl, theres one in miami and also one in orlando, however if you call them they do ship out directly from the store so you dont have to drive all the way there
that would help esp. with gas prices being what they are


Well-known member
Originally Posted by starangel2383
if you ask me, they need to have more Pro stores in more locations rather than just mainstream metropolis like cities. i live in jacksonville, fl and the closest Pro store is about 4 hours drive in orlando. one of these days i am going to make a trip there, does anyone in the jax area want to make a day trip with me to orlando one of these days?

The pro-store in Orlando, doesn't release collections early. I've tried

The Milliena mall where it is located is beautiful. Though it's a pricey it has Urban Outfitters, Juicy Couture, Tiffany's, Jimmy Choo, and actually the MAC store is located between Dior and Louis Vuitton.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by starangel2383
if you ask me, they need to have more Pro stores in more locations rather than just mainstream metropolis like cities. i live in jacksonville, fl and the closest Pro store is about 4 hours drive in orlando. one of these days i am going to make a trip there, does anyone in the jax area want to make a day trip with me to orlando one of these days?

It's not even just main stream metropolitan cities. I live in Atlanta and the nearest Pro Shop to me is Orlando I think. I mean come on!

Pink Xenomorph

Well-known member
Originally Posted by cno64
I'm in the same boat(disabled, and living with my mother). My mother is just sort of amused by my MAC addiction, and as long as I can pay off my AmEX total every month, about all she has to say is, "Another package from MAC?"
Not that anyone asked, but I think your father should be glad that you take pride in your appearance. Many disabled people just kind of give up.

Honestly? my father can't stand me. He adored me when I was little but as soon as I started forming my own opinions he suddenly couldn't stand me. He's definately not proud of me. He wanted me to be a cutesy little girly-girl, not a horror-genre loving aspiring special effects tech with completely non-conservative views on politics, religion, and the world at large. We clash on everything. For example: I'm bisexual and I'm engaged to the love of my life, who just so happens to be a girl. My mum already knows that I want to marry her but neither she nor I have told my father yet. I have a feeling that when he finds out he'll go ballistic and do something rash, like kick me out. He's a jackass and I honestly wonder why my mum married him. sigh.

Thankfully my mum adores my MAC and other makeup collections. She's always asking me to try out different color combinations on her. She's just as excited about C-Shock as I am. And it's great to have someone support me in what I do--my pinup artwork, my makeup collections, my self-taught special effects makeup, the fact that she adores my wife-to-be and wants me to be happy despite my crap disability. Wish I could say the same of my jackass father.

And on another subject, I hear what everyone's saying about there needing to be more Pro stores in more cities. I live in Houston, one of the largest cities in the world fer fucking sake and yet we don't have a Pro store! And why the fuck not, might I ask?! There's one in Dallas so why can't there be one here!


anyhow. So is C-Shock being released on the 14th or on the 7th on the website? I'll probably just stake out the site until twelve on the sixth just to make sure I don't miss anything. I'd go insane and chainsaw-happy if I missed out on buying that blue lipstick.


Well-known member

its gorgeoussssssssssssssssssssss

and it's ALL gonna be mine! hahaha...

even the blue blue lipstick!


Well-known member
okay, i'm super excited for all those lovely shadows.

are pro pans going to be available for these suckers?


Well-known member
Shocked to see the C-SHOCK

I went to MAC store yesterday to do some exchange... I was gonna buy something... but one of the MA's talked to me and asked me If heard about the new line releasing on June 14th... I told him I've heard about it... guess what he did for me... he took the C-SHOCK Testers from their backkroom... and showed it to me... don't you feel very special like you've seen it before everyone else did? OMG...OMG... the colors are so lovely..the bomb... I am saving money right now and go there thursday first thing in the morning to get the GOING BANANA e/s.... coz they only have 5 of 'em.... I know it sounds sooo crazy... I touched, seen and tried the GOING BANANA e/s... it is the best color... and a must-have....from the collection...

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