Can anyone translate Japanese for me please???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Khalia25
You're welcome!

And thank you, thank you for the congrats. I already have a son, so I was desperate for a girl. We just found out we're having a girl on April 3rd, so we are sooooo happy. I'm actually 5 1/2 months, so I'm not too far behind your cousin. If I'm still around (cause I know once the baby gets here, I'll be SUPER busy), I'll check how everything is going with your cousin.

aww that's so nice
have you thought of names yet? My cousin is naming her baby Mayah/Mia but they want a middle name too,lol. I felt the baby kick last week while we were watching birth videos on youtube,lol. Hopefully my sis will have another baby by next year too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisaMayah
aww that's so nice
have you thought of names yet? My cousin is naming her baby Mayah/Mia but they want a middle name too,lol. I felt the baby kick last week while we were watching birth videos on youtube,lol. Hopefully my sis will have another baby by next year too! wouldn't believe how many names we have been through. LOL. My son's name is Khalil, so I wanted to stick with "K's." Initially, I wanted Khadijah. But I realized it won't really vibe with our last name. Then I thought about Kaleena. But hubby doesn't like that. My sister in law's name is Mia
and she is really PUSHING us to name her Mia. My mother in law suggested we use her name and my mother's name. My mother is Japanese, and her name is Noriko. My mother in law's name is Marie. Umm...I dunno about those names. LOL. I'm big on somewhat ethnic sounding, uncommon names. Does that make sense? LOL. My friends have suggested about 100 names, and I pretty much vetoed 98% of the suggestions. So we'll see. I have a bunch of other names in mind, but I don't want to get long winded here. I'm sure we'll come up with something by the time she's born...I don't want to go home with a Baby X. LOL

But that's exciting that you felt the baby kick!! My hubby is constantly feeling my belly, but he has the worst timing. She'll kick a few minutes before or a few minutes right after he had his hand resting on my tummy forever. You should put a bug in your sister's ear. Nieces and nephews are the best.