Catherine Pics: Women of All Ages (cont. from MAC Chat)


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Originally Posted by banana
I am kind of disappointed by Catherine's picture. I was hoping for something classier, not grandma got a new leather jacket.

I'm disappointed by this comment. There's no need to be so rude. We can't all be 18 forever and I think she looks stunning, especially for someone in her 60s!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by banana
I am kind of disappointed by Catherine's picture. I was hoping for something classier, not grandma got a new leather jacket.

Yeah, me too! I really think she looks like Debbie Harry from Blondie!




Well-known member
Maybe the 20-somethings and under can tell us ancient 30-somethings and over what we're allowed to wear then? Knitted bed socks? Fleecy nighties? Tweed jackets and twin sets?

*rolls eyes*

Way to be judgemental people, (some of you, not all of you, obviously).

MAC... All races, all sexes, all ages (but only if you dress as you're "supposed" to).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Turbokittykat
I'm disappointed by this comment. There's no need to be so rude. We can't all be 18 forever and I think she looks stunning, especially for someone in her 60s!

I don't think she was being *so* rude. It's just a comment, we all make them, and we're all entitled to our own opinions, but I think they could have done a much better job with her picture in this case. They wantred an older MAC icon to appeal to older women, but the pic to me makes it looks like she's trying to be younger. I don't think the older MAC customers will really like this picture, and it may result in lower sales. I agree, a classier picture would have been much more appealing for the older crowd, not to mention the younger crowd as well.

More natural looking. I think her fans will have a hard time recognizing her




Well-known member
Yes, you're entitled to your opinions, but it could have been left after 'I'd hoped for a classier look' had been stated. The grandma comment was totally uncalled for. And if you're left in any doubt as to whether it was rude, consider whether it's something you could comfortably say to Ms. Deneuve's face.

Edited to add:
And speaking as an older (although not oldest, by any stretch) MAC customer, I think she looks fantastic and I will certainly be buying something from the collection. I am fairly sure my mother, who is in her early 50s, will agree with me. I'll ask her next time I speak to her because I'm interested in the opinion of someone who actually knows what a 50+ year old MAC customer thinks.


Well-known member
The only thing I'm really concerned about is whether they've been equally heavy-handed with the photo retouching as with previous Icons. It looks as though they may have

I'm not totally wow-ed by the collection, but then again, I own so much MAC, they'd be hard pushed to knock me down with anything, I expect! I'm looking forward to it, and will be hoping I can afford the quads and a few other things when they're out.


Well-known member
Sorry everyone, I didnt mean to offend anyone with my comments! I'm just a little tired of MAC trying to make everything look so "edgy" and was expecting softer, more classic look for this collection to show the brand's versatility. Of course I don't have a problem with older people wearing leather coats! But it's the combination of the coat, the smokey eyes, the dark nailpolish, the hairstyle, cheesy background that just looks kind of... bleh. Anyway... I'm taking my comment down.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Turbokittykat
I'm interested in the opinion of someone who actually knows what a 50+ year old MAC customer thinks.

would you settle for the opinion of a 45-year-old MAC customer who's been with the company since the beginning and LOVES the Icon series???

i wear smokey eyes - for day - quite often.

i got a new leather jacket this fall - one that looks like Mrs. Peel wore it in The Avengers - the original, not Uma's bad remake. Google it if you have to young'uns!

today i bought leopard-print stilettos because i've been craving them for months.

and when i had my consult with the plastic surgeon for my Botox injections last week, he told me that i was the youngest-looking over 40 person he had EVER seen in his practice and he and his assistant SWORE they were not lying!

i don't feel like i'm over 40, and i don't look like it - though those over-air-brushed photos of Mme Deneuve are a bit much!

i'm nobody's mother and no one's grandma and i'll be damned if i'll be pigeon-holed, at this age or any other!



Well-known member

I know I'm gonna get alot of crap for saying this... but I'm going to anyway. (And yeah, I know the whole MAC motto..all ages, races, sexes, etc.) But I honestly think MAC should stick to it's target group. Which is like teens-30s. I mean, how many teenagers out there are going to want to run out and buy makeup that is modeled by someone who could be their Grandma? I know that me and my friends won't. I mean Christina Aguilara & Pam Anderson were hot sellers because young girls want to look like that, Catherine's look will not sell as much. Most older women (my mother included) feel uncomfortable shopping at MAC, seeing as it is a young, hip brand; they prefer Estee Lauder or Lancome or something more sophisticated/mature. (Yes I kno MAC is a prodeuct of EL, but the colors and the whole lines are so completely different that I consider them to be unique of eachother.) I would love to see Paris Hilton, Angelina Jolie, Gwen Stefani, or someone like that as a model. People like them will appeal to MACs customers more. I am very sorry if I offend anyone here. I'm just looking at it from a marketing perspective. :roll:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rouquinne
i'm nobody's mother and no one's grandma and i'll be damned if i'll be pigeon-holed, at this age or any other!


YAY! Go you!


Well-known member
I just think that Catherine kind of "sold her self out" by letting MAC make her look like that. She's a true beauty, and that's not how she usually looks. People admire her for her natural beauty and grace, and the promo pics for her icon collection do not capture that. I don't think any of the comments on here were meant to be hurtful or to suggest that "older" people should not wear MAC makeup. I think some people took the comments a little too personal. I just don't think that picture will appeal to MAC's intended target market of this icon collection.

They made her look too different and unrecognizable to her fans, because she doesn't look that way normally. Now take the picture I posted of Debbie Harry - she looks like that all the time, so a picture similar to the MAC one of Catherine would capture the essence of the collection perfectly, partially becuase it would capture who she (Debbie Harry) really is.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
I'm just looking at it from a marketing perspective. :roll:

No you aren't. You've quite clearly shown that you've missed the point entirely. Whilst you and your teenage friends may not buy this collection, it will appeal to an entire section of the makeup buying community that MAC are also aiming to attract. Y'see MACs target audience is everybody, which is where the All Races, All Sexes, All Ages bit (that you so casually dismissed) comes in. They want to sell to EVERYONE, which from a business point of view makes perfect sense. And while you may believe that the majority of MACs customers are young people wanting wild colours because that's the impression you get from Internet groups, you're wrong. It varies a bit by location, of course, but the bulk of MACs business is from people wanting more subtle looks, and regardless of what you think, plenty of older customers shop at MAC. Ask any MAC MA if you don't believe me. In fact Son_Risa posts here and she works for MAC, so feel free to ask her.

Think about it, why would MAC not want to target the older demographic? After all, teenagers in general have nowhere near as much to spend as more mature customers. MAC would be pretty silly to ignore them, don't you think? And they are just the people this collection is aimed at. This collection will fly off the shelves. The older customers will love it and I don't think MAC will be in the least bit bothered that you and your friends aren't buying it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by roxybc
I just think that Catherine kind of "sold her self out" by letting MAC make her look like that. She's a true beauty, and that's not how she usually looks. People admire her for her natural beauty and grace, and the promo pics for her icon collection do not capture that. I don't think any of the comments on here were meant to be hurtful or to suggest that "older" people should not wear MAC makeup. I think some people took the comments a little too personal. I just don't think that picture will appeal to MAC's intended target market of this icon collection.

They made her look too different and unrecognizable to her fans, because she doesn't look that way normally. Now take the picture I posted of Debbie Harry - she looks like that all the time, so a picture similar to the MAC one of Catherine would capture the essence of the collection perfectly, partially becuase it would capture who she (Debbie Harry) really is.


I think it's possible that she was all for the idea of trying a different look. I don't know for sure, of course, but I am certain if I was approached by MAC for this kind of project, I'd jump at the chance to reinvent myself temporarily. I know my mum would. As I've said, she's in her early 50s and she loves to experiment with her look. She often changes her hair colour and style and she's far, far more fashion conscious than I am. I think most people would like the chance to have MAC reinvent them, and I don't think being 50-something or 60-something would necessarily change that. I imagine she had a lot of fun doing this.

I think she looks great. I agree she's a natural beauty, but I think that still shows, even though she's being portrayed in a different way. I certainly don't think the photo will put anyone off. If anything the marketing message is 'with MAC you can look like this when you are 60+'. It may not actually be a true message, but that's marketing for you.

The only comment I took offence at was the 'grandma' bit because it was totally uncalled for and very disrespectful. I'm glad that the poster has clarified that she didn't mean it that way. It upset me because I know that sort of comment would have been deeply hurtful to someone like my mum who cares very much about how she looks and works very hard to look as good as possible.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Turbokittykat
The older customers will love it and I don't think MAC will be in the least bit bothered that you and your friends aren't buying it.

.. and me!! I'll buy at least 10 thing from this collection! and I'm only 20 years old. A pink lipgloss is a pink lipgloss, on a 20 years old or a 40 years old, what really matters is how you wear it and if you like it. There isn't a pink lipgloss only made for grandmothers..

I was also one of those girls who loved Naturally Eccentric... MAC isn't only bright colors.. neutrals, gold, soft pink, muted shades are nice too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PrettyKitty
There isn't a pink lipgloss only made for grandmothers..

I'd swear that some of these girls think makeup and fashion only exists for the under 25s...

I'm planning to buy several things from this collection too.

Originally Posted by PrettyKitty
I was also one of those girls who loved Naturally Eccentric... MAC isn't only bright colors.. neutrals, gold, soft pink, muted shades are nice too!

I'm sorry, but unless you are willing to swear your eternal devotion to lime green and hot pink eyeshadow and red eye liner, (preferably worn together, with blue lipstick), you're going to have to be consigned to the grandma group.

Classic Beauty

Well-known member
Originally Posted by roxybc
I just think that Catherine kind of "sold her self out" by letting MAC make her look like that. She's a true beauty, and that's not how she usually looks. People admire her for her natural beauty and grace, and the promo pics for her icon collection do not capture that. I don't think any of the comments on here were meant to be hurtful or to suggest that "older" people should not wear MAC makeup. I think some people took the comments a little too personal. I just don't think that picture will appeal to MAC's intended target market of this icon collection.

They made her look too different and unrecognizable to her fans, because she doesn't look that way normally. Now take the picture I posted of Debbie Harry - she looks like that all the time, so a picture similar to the MAC one of Catherine would capture the essence of the collection perfectly, partially becuase it would capture who she (Debbie Harry) really is.


I agree completely and totally.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
I know I'm gonna get alot of crap for saying this... but I'm going to anyway. (And yeah, I know the whole MAC motto..all ages, races, sexes, etc.) But I honestly think MAC should stick to it's target group. Which is like teens-30s. I mean, how many teenagers out there are going to want to run out and buy makeup that is modeled by someone who could be their Grandma? I know that me and my friends won't. I mean Christina Aguilara & Pam Anderson were hot sellers because young girls want to look like that, Catherine's look will not sell as much. Most older women (my mother included) feel uncomfortable shopping at MAC, seeing as it is a young, hip brand; they prefer Estee Lauder or Lancome or something more sophisticated/mature. (Yes I kno MAC is a prodeuct of EL, but the colors and the whole lines are so completely different that I consider them to be unique of eachother.) I would love to see Paris Hilton, Angelina Jolie, Gwen Stefani, or someone like that as a model. People like them will appeal to MACs customers more. I am very sorry if I offend anyone here. I'm just looking at it from a marketing perspective. :roll:

So if you know MAC's disclaimer - then why do you choose to ignore it? *All Ages* * All Sexes * *All Races*. ( Doesn't All Ages mean anything ) or did I miss something or is there small print that I didn't get to read? I'm going to assume your of a "younger" generation and thats why your clearly making this statement.. if you were oh lets say 40 - 60 would you be saying this as well ? - There is no age limit to what a person can wear or do for that matter. ( If the so choose to do so ) ..... HELL look at Tina Tuner still struting her self on stage and she is well over 60 and STILL LOOKIN GOOD and her MAKEUP is SLAMMIN!!! ( MAC SHOULD MAKE HER A ICON!!! )

MAC will never have a problem marketing to anyone - NO matter who they get for an ICON. Hell they had Diana Ross and she is of an older generation as well - they sure as hell had NO problem selling that line there were ALL walks of ages when that line launched ( and I was at the counter when it came out ) Teens, 20's and as you say the "older" crowd.

If someone feels uncomfortable for shopping at MAC thats on them - not the age of the person. I know if you ask some of the gals on here older or not - you see ALL AGES at the MAC counter.

How do we know Catherine Deneuve sold out - ever thought that was her style??? Maybe she wanted to glam up - doesn't matter it was "her" choice.

If you don't like her line cause its older - you don't have to choose to buy it... She is a ICON - no matter what.

& thats my perspective.


Well-known member
I'm just looking at it from a marketing perspective

Young people are hardly the only ones who buy makeup. My mom is 56 and wears MAC lipsticks almost exclusively.

Although it may not seem like it here or on MUA, makeup addicts like us are actually the minority. I'm sure *much* of MAC's sales comes from your everyday consumer. If MAC ignored their 'older' customer demographic, I guarantee they'd be shooting themselves in the foot.

It's Marketing 101-- appeal to as many customers as possible, which is exactly what they're doing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Turbokittykat
No you aren't. You've quite clearly shown that you've missed the point entirely. Whilst you and your teenage friends may not buy this collection, it will appeal to an entire section of the makeup buying community that MAC are also aiming to attract. Y'see MACs target audience is everybody, which is where the All Races, All Sexes, All Ages bit (that you so casually dismissed) comes in. They want to sell to EVERYONE, which from a business point of view makes perfect sense. And while you may believe that the majority of MACs customers are young people wanting wild colours because that's the impression you get from Internet groups, you're wrong. It varies a bit by location, of course, but the bulk of MACs business is from people wanting more subtle looks, and regardless of what you think, plenty of older customers shop at MAC. Ask any MAC MA if you don't believe me. In fact Son_Risa posts here and she works for MAC, so feel free to ask her.

Think about it, why would MAC not want to target the older demographic? After all, teenagers in general have nowhere near as much to spend as more mature customers. MAC would be pretty silly to ignore them, don't you think? And they are just the people this collection is aimed at. This collection will fly off the shelves. The older customers will love it and I don't think MAC will be in the least bit bothered that you and your friends aren't buying it.

Lol! I do see your point. No need to be bitter!!! But think about this: of all the makeup brands out there (I'm talking high-end, not drug store) which do people MOST (not always, mind you) associate with bright/fun colors, trendy, urban-chic, sexy and let's be honest- young?? It's MAC. I'm not saying that older women can't shop at MAC (I sure plan to when I'm older!) The point I was trying to make was that by having a 60 (or whatever) year old model, there is a broad fanbase MAC isn't appealing to. MAC may gain some new older fans, but they will also lose some younger fans. And it's very true that the customers may vary based on location. In my city it is rare to see someone over 40 shopping at MAC. I chalk this up to the loud, hip music, & the fact that all the MAs (again, at least in my city) are young and usually wear very extreme, gorgeous makeup. Most older women are intimidated by all that. Where I live, MAC is a teenage brand through and through. And as for your comment about teens having less money than more "mature" women.. we do actually have jobs; in addition to our parents income! I probably spend about $200-$500 at MAC in a 6 month period.

You also said that the majority of MACs customers want a subtle look (by the way, I never said MAC should be all about the wild, fun look!). Thats quite wrong. I worked in a Macys and people who wanted a serious, more plain look went to Clinique or Chanel. If you want a fun, young, modern look you go to MAC.

And no.. they definetly wouldn't miss a few customers business but all in all I think they will lose a bit of allure from their younger fans, which could eventually hurt them. Alls I'm saying is that they could have chose a better model who would have appealed to a larger demographic. Thats all!! I'm not hating on older women. Let's just all calm down!! Lol!


Well-known member
I get a mix at my counter, some want dramatic colors, some want natural colors...everyone from teenagers to women in their 60's. I did a woman's makeup the other day who was old enough to be my grandmother. Sometimes the older women do get a little uncomfortable with all the younger MAs, but there are a few of us in our 30s (cough cough) so it evens out.

I think she looks lovely in the photos, maybe she was ready to try something different. It will show women her age that it's ok to have a little spunk.