Catherine Pics: Women of All Ages (cont. from MAC Chat)


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I was going to stay out of this conversation entirely but I feel the need to add something. I think that those who think that MAC is geared toward younger people are a little off base. It appeals to everyone. I'm 25, my mom is 54, my grandmother is 75 and we all wear it. Now, we do wear different things and we wear them in different ways but it just shows that MAC is for everyone. I will say that I was actually thinking about my makeup the other day and just how long I'll be able to wear teal metallic eyeshadow. It won't be that much longer. I'm getting older and a lot of the bold colors and techniques I like to use now won't be suitable for me as I get older. I'll still wear MAC but it will be more age appropriate. My mother would never wear her makeup the way I do and she shouldn't. There is nothing worse than an older women who refuses to age with grace and who is still trying to hold on to her youth and prove "she's still got it." With Catherine I think they were going for an edgy look. I personally wouldn't have gone in that direction. I think it's a bit much.......but it's art.


Well-known member
Ok, i get it

Originally Posted by ms.marymac
I get a mix at my counter, some want dramatic colors, some want natural colors...everyone from teenagers to women in their 60's. I did a woman's makeup the other day who was old enough to be my grandmother. Sometimes the older women do get a little uncomfortable with all the younger MAs, but there are a few of us in our 30s (cough cough) so it evens out.

I think she looks lovely in the photos, maybe she was ready to try something different. It will show women her age that it's ok to have a little spunk.

Yeah, I totally get what your saying. My mom gets a pretty natural look at MAC too. 30 is not old at all!! I was thinking like 60, 70.

I think what I said was kinda blown out of proportion. Let me restate: Personally, it's hard for ME to relate a 60year old. I'd rather see someone young, fun, and a lil wild. But if you can be 60 and look like that, then by all means flaunt it.

K. Sorry if I offended anyone!


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Originally Posted by MACgirl
yea..lets all just calm down and be happy that catherine is a mac icon, and we have another great collection to look foward too. I mean seriously all ages shop at mac, and to tell ya the truth some people of all ages are put off by mac beucase of the colors they see...young and older. As for the promo pic, i think its great that she can rock otu those clothes and style, its like a magazine cover or something, very glam but dotn expect the celeb to look like that in reality, they are showing signs of versatilty and such. either way mac rocks and catherine still rocks...

See, that's what I was thinking. A lot of their promo pics are meant to grab your attention. Sort of like a lot of the crazy things we see on runways...a lot of people don't really wear the clothes the same way. A woman her age could buy one of those palettes and a laquer and wear in a way that makes her feel comfortable. Maybe wear the dark nail polish with a simple suit for if she was feeling saucy. Think of the photo they used for Ornamentalism, who wears their makeup like that? haha

Thanks Barbie, I don't feel old unless someone younger asks what it was like before MTV/cable, lol.


Well-known member
So.... yeah....

I really want that pink lipglass too! It looks lovely! I'll definetly be picking up the quads as well because I am a quad whore. But that's about it for this collection

As for the other discussion... I just wanted to add that my 46 year old mother and my 80 (yes 80) year old grandma both love MAC just as much as I do. And not just the neutrals.... my grandma wears Sashmi Mimi lipstick, which is brighter than I'd ever dare to wear lol! My mom sticks to the neutrals pretty much, but she is starting to like shimmer
I think you can wear whatever color that you feel confident in.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
See, that's what I was thinking. A lot of their promo pics are meant to grab your attention. Sort of like a lot of the crazy things we see on runways...a lot of people don't really wear the clothes the same way. A woman her age could buy one of those palettes and a laquer and wear in a way that makes her feel comfortable. Maybe wear the dark nail polish with a simple suit for if she was feeling saucy. Think of the photo they used for Ornamentalism, who wears their makeup like that? haha

Thanks Barbie, I don't feel old unless someone younger asks what it was like before MTV/cable, lol.

Or if you know the very first song that aired on MTV...LOL

( I totally agree with your statement - as I made in mine ) here here!!


Well-known member
oh my gosh... it's just one collection people... besides mac fans, not that many people remember every single collection. and the collections that are coming out are definitely drawing in a lot more of the market: the disney TLCs and this icon one in particular.

when i go to my counter (which is often), people don't really notice the new collections unless the muas tell them about it. so this ONE collection isn't going to push people away. it will be bringing people in. and with the packaging, younger people will probably like it too and buy it. my counter does get a lot of older women. so it's going to sell out around my area. and as far as younger people (myself included since i'm only 22), not everyone likes bright colors. and if people don't like the new icon/collection, then they can go right past it and go to sushi flower and pink poodle.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
...I know the whole MAC motto..all ages, races, sexes, etc.) But I honestly think MAC should stick to it's target group. Which is like teens-30s.


if that were true, then why wouldn't Lauder drop MAC's driving motto when they bought the company - or now?

why would they get 3 women in their 60s to act as ICONS???

I know that me and my friends won't.

your loss.

Catherine's look will not sell as much.

you have a crystal ball???

the Icon series products sell out. have you seen what people are asking for Liza PM palettes?

Most older women (my mother included) feel uncomfortable shopping at MAC, seeing as it is a young, hip brand; they prefer Estee Lauder or Lancome or something more sophisticated/mature.

MOST older women?

how many have you surveyed?

at the last 3 MAC seminars i attended, the over 35s out-numbered the under 30s.

i've been wearing MAC since the company started, are you suggesting that i should stop wearing product i love because i'm too old?????

EL's colours are chalky and Lancome has limited range of stuff and they still don't make decent foundation!

I am very sorry if I offend anyone here. I'm just looking at it from a marketing perspective. :roll:

if it didn't work from a marketing perspective, do you think the company would do it???

"older" women are a consumer force to be reckoned with these days!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
I get a mix at my counter, some want dramatic colors, some want natural colors...everyone from teenagers to women in their 60's. I did a woman's makeup the other day who was old enough to be my grandmother. Sometimes the older women do get a little uncomfortable with all the younger MAs, but there are a few of us in our 30s (cough cough) so it evens out.

I think she looks lovely in the photos, maybe she was ready to try something different. It will show women her age that it's ok to have a little spunk.

What's wrong with being in your 30's?

I'd totally missed this ridiculous thread till now. I echo Rouquinne's comments. It's great that some kids get to spend $500 a month, plus their parents income!, on makeup and get to post at websites like that makes them special and someone to be bowed down to by some of us who might even be over 40. (cough cough) I can't believe some of the condescending remarks like "older" women have "spunk" because they like to buy whatever makeup brand. I bought Mary Quant in my teens, Clinique and Lancome in my 20's & 30's, along with EL sometimes, and several others. I make three times as much money now as I did then, and I buy an assortment of things, but prefer MAC eyeshadows. So what. I didn't know there were age categories or requirements, or judgmental kids looking down their noses at me and laughing at me behind my back for it. Thanks for enlightening me. I've got some great MA's that are genuine women who don't do that, I would bet on it, and I'd guess laugh more at the teenager coming in with her mom trying to pick out what eyeshadow to get, taking a bunch of time to get just the right one and make the big decision, and my MA can wait on me in the meantime and I pick up several e/s and various other items and she checks me out while the little girl finally decides on a pot of "Hush."

This Catherine collection looks wonderful, and I don't understand the comments about her age, etc., because as soon as everyone gets their hauls of it, they'll forget her and go on to the next collection or wondering what is coming out next that they can look forward to.

As far as "young" models or whatever, I'd agree with the Angelina or Gwen, but Paris Hilton? You've got to be kidding. I guess if you want to iconize someone who is only famous because they market themself, they are "lucky" enough to have been born into a billionaire family and they can afford to make their own perfume....then while I might consider that a weird sort of person to admire, what do I know....I'm old and apparently have different values. I've posted here at this website because I've ALWAYS loved cosmetics and collected makeup, discovered MAC several years ago & have thoroughly enjoyed it & found a lot of "enthusiasts" here, but hadn't felt offended by any kind of age-related prejudice or snobbery until I read this thread. I'm going to have to be more selective if I ever come back and click on anything to read again. There are a lot of nice people here, I've thought so far, but maybe it is silly for someone my age trying to join in what I thought was a community of women from all over the world, all ages, races, etc. I can assure you, though, I do not buy MAC or anything else to try to be "young."


Well-known member
whoa, makeup is supposed to be fun! :/ sigwig, everyone here contributes valuable things to specktra. i hope you continue to particpate in the forums.


Well-known member
Hmm. I think maybe my post wasn't clear. The "cough cough" was a subtle way of saying I was in my 30's. I guess my dry sense of humor doesn't translate well on the computer screen, haha.

When I said the pic would let older women know it was ok to have "spunk" (meaning the edgy look Catherine is sporting), I was refering to the women that come to me and ask how they can wear certain looks. Some women will come to the counter and think they can't find anything that they can pull off. I see a lot of women in their 30's and up that have been told by the media that they have to look a certain way. I would personally never tell a woman, "Oh, you can't wear that!" It was meant in a good way.


Well-known member
Wow--did the Liza and Diana Icon collections cause such a flap? Because, those two women are certainly icons, but they're not 18
I just wish they wouldn't airbrush the hell out of them.

Paris Hilton will be an Icon over my cold dead 29-year-old body.

I'm disappointed in the quads -- there aren't many LE colours. I like neutrals, but...meh. Maybe I need to see them in person. I do like that pink lipglass though...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACgirl
lets all just calm down and be happy that catherine is a mac icon, and we have another great collection to look foward too, and catherine still rocks...

amen. ok, lemme open up the
this is MY opinion. for whatever reason i feel that older women are not seen as beautiful by many people in america. now, i'm not saying this applies to everyone, but youth especially when it comes to women seems to be the most revered. older women are no longer seen as beautiful and vibrant.. just older, grandma, dated etc., which is why so many have plastic surgery to keep a youthful appearance. i mean the comment about being a grandma in a leather jacket was just uncalled for, but is indicative of the views many hold when it comes to older women. (banana i know u recanted, so i'm not trashing you hon.)

it is a double standard because older men are not held to the same belief. sean connery, jack nicholson, michael douglas are seen as dashing, aging gracefully, can still get major roles as love interests, etc., while older actresses rarely are. they are just seen as old, washed up, over the hill. they will cast the much older male actor with a female lead role/love interest 1/2 his age and that's ok, but rarely do you see the same with an older actress and a 1/2 her age male lead actor/love interest.

the fact is that catherine deneuve is a BEAUTIFUL, ELEGANT lady AND an ICON. always has been, always will be.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by n_j_t
Wow--did the Liza and Diana Icon collections cause such a flap? Because, those two women are certainly icons, but they're not 18
I just wish they wouldn't airbrush the hell out of them.

Paris Hilton will be an Icon over my cold dead 29-year-old body.

I'm disappointed in the quads -- there aren't many LE colours. I like neutrals, but...meh. Maybe I need to see them in person. I do like that pink lipglass though...

Paris Hilton as an Icon? A glorified porn star who speaks in 2 word sentences? She is disgusting. That would be the day I threw every MAC product I owned in the garbage can.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by n_j_t
Paris Hilton will be an Icon over my cold dead body.

my sentiments exactly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bluegrassbabe
Paris Hilton as an Icon? A glorified porn star who speaks in 2 word sentences? She is disgusting. That would be the day I threw every MAC product I owned in the garbage can.

Ditto. I can't believe she now has a perfume. I try to think of what she must smell like, and all I think of is spermicide!


Well-known member
Truthfully, whomever is chosen to be a MAC Icon *has* to be a "person of a certain age" (older). You get to be an Icon by having an established career. Diana Ross, Catherine Deneuve, and Liza Minelli are all legends in their own right, partly because they've been around for more than 5 minutes! I don't want to see Lindsay Lohan or Hilary Duff as an Icon because frankly, they aren't at that stage yet. And Paris Hilton shouldn't even be in the running, she's an anti-Icon!

Ok, now back to the actual collection itself. Being kind of a rube when it comes to makeup brushes, what is a kabuki brush and what exactly does it do?


Well-known member
Personally, I think she looks....Ok.

For some reason I'm not loving that jacket on her or the hairstyle. I think it's amazing MAC chooses more mature women instead of the "it" items of today. Like Christina, or Gwen Stefani. Seriously, they are hot now but they will quickly become like RuPaul and in after 3 more years no one will remember who the hell they are. These mature women have more standing.

I still hate the jacket, and I just dont like the picture in general. I think she's a beautiful woman (after I found out who she was lol) but seriously I'm not fond of the picture.


Well-known member
OK barbie_doll_713, this is the last time I’m going to address you because I know it’s pointless. You are just too young to fully understand the retail market you are trying to talk about and you’re too young to be able to participate properly in a sensible debate. You're already quite certain you know how it is. I’m going to try very hard not to be sarcastic and condescending, although that’s quite difficult because you’re just so wrong, and so convinced you’re right. Still, having been 16 myself once, I remember that I thought I knew everything at that age too.

Firstly, I’m not bitter, I’m just totally incredulous that someone with so little knowledge of the MAC ethos, their market and their marketing strategy would be talking with such certainty, and refusing to take note of what anyone else has said. I suggested you ask a MAC MA to back up what I said about a large proportion of MACs business coming from customers who want neutral or subtle looks. You didn’t bother, you just dismissed it as “wrong” on the basis that you have “worked at Macy’s”. You may well have worked at Macy’s but you have not worked for MAC. I know that for a fact because you are too young. The following is a comment posted very recently on the Live Journal mac_cosmetics group by a current MAC MA. She’s talking about the Catherine Devenue collection.

” the majority of MAC users don't wear bright shadows. Sure there's a bunch of us who do, and yes, that's what MAC is known for . . . but as a MAC artist, I'd say that 75% of the people that come in are scared by the likes of Electric Eel, SUshi Flower etc. Also, the collection is supposed to reflect the Icon. Catherine Deneuve isn't someone most of us (in this community) ever even heard of. She's of a different generation. And actually, I think it's a great idea to have something more geared towards older women. I myself was a bit disappointed in the Holiday shadow sets this year, because I don't feel that there's something for everyone. The cool palette is the only one anyone over the age of 50 has even looked at. Yes, older women can wear color, but it's not how they were raised and not something they feel comfortable in. NE flew off the shelves with that demographic. They can get away with more muted tones. I don't know. I like that MAC finally has an icon for more mature women. Almost every other collection is geared towards people like us.”

I’ve seen the same said by several other MAC MAs and the girls who work at my local MAC counter say exactly the same thing. If you actually ask someone who works for MAC you’ll find that bright colours do not makeup the bulk of MAC sales and that MAC already has a customer base of more mature people. I see them myself, browsing at the counter almost every time I go there. It may well be rare in your city, (although at 16 I doubt I would have noticed who else was shopping in a store because I was usually thinking more about what I wanted), however the majority of MAC MAs will tell you, it’s not rare in most other locations. There was a MAC MA on LJ a little while ago who was complaining that at her counter people only ever wanted brown eye shadow. She wanted to ask for a transfer to a different area so she could do makeovers with some of the brighter colours occasionally! If I had the spare time, and if I thought it would do any good at all, I would go and find some of her posts.

As for your assertion that younger customers will not buy much from this collection, (and I don’t see why they wouldn’t – a pink lipglass is a pink lipglass, as someone has already said), even if you are correct, your claim that MAC will lose customers over it is not correct. They will be right back for the next collection, which, knowing MAC, will be out 2 weeks after the Icon collection. You’ve said yourself, if someone wants bright, edgy colours, they go to MAC. So where else are they going to go? It’s highly unlikely that a large proportion of the younger customers are going to find somewhere else to get their fix of brights in the short space of time before MAC brings out the next collection. MAC knows full well that they’re not going to lose you, you’ll all be back. And in the meantime, the Icon collection will sell to the more mature customers.

I know you’re not hating older women, you’re just not understanding them at all, and at 16 that’s not particularly surprising.

Still, I already know from what you’ve written so far that you will not accept a word of this and that you are 100% convinced that you know exactly how the world works. I’d hope you will at least think about what I’ve said though.

I’d love to be able to show this to you when you are 50 and see what you think then!


Well-known member
Turbokittykat, will you marry me? In fact, how about all us "older" chicks get together and have a big, ol' luv fest?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
I know I'm gonna get alot of crap for saying this... but I'm going to anyway. (And yeah, I know the whole MAC motto..all ages, races, sexes, etc.) But I honestly think MAC should stick to it's target group. Which is like teens-30s. I mean, how many teenagers out there are going to want to run out and buy makeup that is modeled by someone who could be their Grandma? I know that me and my friends won't. I mean Christina Aguilara & Pam Anderson were hot sellers because young girls want to look like that, Catherine's look will not sell as much. Most older women (my mother included) feel uncomfortable shopping at MAC, seeing as it is a young, hip brand; they prefer Estee Lauder or Lancome or something more sophisticated/mature. (Yes I kno MAC is a prodeuct of EL, but the colors and the whole lines are so completely different that I consider them to be unique of eachother.) I would love to see Paris Hilton, Angelina Jolie, Gwen Stefani, or someone like that as a model. People like them will appeal to MACs customers more. I am very sorry if I offend anyone here. I'm just looking at it from a marketing perspective. :roll:

I think using an older model was a good marketing technique. They are now appealing to an older crowd. They already have the younger people so now they are taking on even more. I personally am loving this collection and I am no where near 60 years old.

Just because the model is older doesn't mean we all have to be 60 in order to wear the make-up. I remember MAC using men for the TLC sticks and did that stop women from buying them? No.