Catherine Pics: Women of All Ages (cont. from MAC Chat)


Well-known member
As you pointed out, brands like Clinique, Chanel and Estee Lauder are associated now with an older clientele. Well, those of us who are getting older don't necessarily want to be associated with brands that are known for the classic, plain looks. Many of us want to wear brighter, hipper, funner colors. We want to associate with brands that are associated with a hipper image. Who wants to be made to feel old by the makeup she wears? I sure don't.[/quote]
There is nothing plain about Lancome,Chanel, L'Oreal, Dior, Givenchy, YSL,NARS, or Shiseido. The age group who buys these products tends to seek out a more sophisticated look. They are "not made to feel old" by the brand they have chosen.The mentioned brands are bright, but the atmosphere that surrounds them tends to be more luxurious and less "I have to have everything new and glittery and metallic".


Ha and the thread continues....

I had to put in my 2 cents (even though this thread is going on three years old I believe)

I'm sorry but I don't value anyone else's opinion of me more than my own..especially regarding things like physical appearance, I love neon green, teal and glitter..."age appropriate" or not I will wear this until I get over that look and prefer other colors. I'm not going to look a certain way that I don't like just because others think I should now or ever.
Right now at 23, its mostly considered okay to not like to wear neutral colors but I probably still wont like them (as much) in 10, 20, possibly 30 years from now and will still be outlining my eyes in glitterliner...thats just me, and it takes all kinds to make a world.

I also wanted to say that "older women" is a term I hate. To a nine year old...a 16 year old is older, its...just...I hate labeling people generally as "older" or "younger" like there is a specific age group that is right for all else to be based off of.

Okay.....Im done heh


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pinotnoir
Not related but, I think we (mac addicts) have to inherit the love for make up from somewhere right? I think we all get it from our mums/grandmothers!

My mum LOVES MAC lipsticks too! I bought her the Catherine D blot powder and she is completely in love with the design.

Thank goodness for hip mums!

Hahah, well I certainly didn't inherit my obsession!! My mom and my nanny both HATE make up with every ounce of their beings, as do most of my cousins and aunts..quite sad, really.

I just read through this entire thread, and I feel a strange mixture of amusement and annoyance.."Mature," "older ladies" whatever y'all are being generalized as in this forum, please don't get mad at someone for lumping you all together and then do the exact same thing. I felt an small undercurrent of teen-bashing in response to the comments of a FEW teenagers, and that in no way sums up how MOST youth would feel about purchasing from an Icon collection (I, for one, think you can be smokin' at any age, and I plan to be rocking well into my eighties, God willing). If you're mad that someone made comments about everyone in a certain age group, then don't do it right back. Catherine is a stunning woman who has aged beautifully and who I'm proud to say, as a 17 year old, that I respect and admire immensely. Not all teenagers are prejudiced and think that all women over 30 should lock themselves up and put on paper bags. (Barbie, that was in NO way a jab at you, I personally felt that you were bullied a little bit, and I feel bad that you were jumped on).
Just a quick addition, I hope no one yells at me for saying this..I'm literally commenting on the posts of four or five people MAX, and I just want everyone to get along and share equal amounts of respect.


Well-known member
I'm 34 & I love MAC. My mom who is 56 & my grandmother who is 78 loves MAC as well.
The 1 think that I love about MAC, is that there is no animal testing.

Age is just a number. You're as young as you feel.