Catherine Pics: Women of All Ages (cont. from MAC Chat)


Well-known member
What is really funny is if you look at the demographics for make-up. The 30+ are the people who buy the most.
Also, if a young girl cannot see something of value in a woman who was a MUSE for Christian Dior...than she really needs to rethink some things!

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
I was originally attracted to MAC b/c of Chrome Yellow and Orange eyeshadows. But that is just where my obsession began!! I have liked something (maybe not everything) from every collection b/c I'm versatile. There is a time and a place for everything. I very well can't wear Electric Eel to my day job (some women can), but when I go out, oh it's Donkey Kong
Back to my point, let people have their opinions. If MAC loses a client b/c they don't like one collection, then they weren't loyal to the company for the right reasons. I love the quality of MAC as well as color selection. And I'm sure for every client they lose, they gain two more in it's place!!

Hello, I'm 25 and I love everything (and every color) about MAC!!!

Classic Beauty

Well-known member
I like the second quad. I love the lipglasses and lipsticks.

For the rest of the conversation...

About the picture, it surprised me. I thought they would take a more natural route. I feel like it doesn't capture her elegance. However, I dont think it will lose customers, but gain customers due to the older, classy icon.
As a sixteen year old, I am tired of people stereotyping teenagers as foolish, dim-witted, and judgemental. Please, stop the hate. Belive it or not, most of us respect our elders.
And on a last note, Paris Hilton as an icon? Sick me out. Angelina and Gwen? Yes. Paris? Heck no.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Classic Beauty
As a sixteen year old, I am tired of people stereotyping teenagers as foolish, dim-witted, and judgemental. Please, stop the hate. Belive it or not, most of us respect our elders.

I don't hate teenagers at all and I'm sorry you feel that's the case. I've nothing against you, or most young people. My issue on this thread was with one particular individual who has taken it upon herself to inform us that MAC "belongs" to the teenage market and to lecture the rest of us about marketing and the MAC target sales group; subjects she clearly knows very little about.

My comments on her age were to do with me trying to make allowances for her because she's young and she hasn't yet realised she doesn't know everything, not because I think that every teenager is the same.

Also, I don't remember calling her foolish or dim-witted, and if pushed I think I would have been more likely to use the words inexperienced, immature and unwilling to consider any other view than her own. She's shown quite clearly that she does not realise she doesn't know it all, that she cannot back-up her own arguments with anything other than guesswork and her opinion, and that she's not willing to listen to and take on board anything anyone else has to say, and in doing that she lost my respect.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cruella
Turbokittykat, will you marry me? In fact, how about all us "older" chicks get together and have a big, ol' luv fest?

better yet...

let's all get together in Toronto and i'll take you to the Bay Queen Street and show you where the very first MAC retail counter used to be and to Carleton Street to show you where the very first pro store used to be!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
...I honestly think MAC should stick to it's target group. Which is like teens-30s.

i would like to point out one piece of history that this girl doesn't know...

MAC was created for the fashion industry. the original "target market", in fact, with the Pro Line, the current "target market", is the fashion industry.

when i started using it, it wasn't available at retail - i was able to get it because i was a professional opera singer and it was available to Toronto's stage community at the time.

Frank and Frank went retail because people were asking "where'd you get that?" and then call, asking to buy, even when they weren't models or actors or singers or MAs, etc.


Well-known member
that's such a great piece of M.A.C history!! It makes me feel all warm inside to be part of such a great company with such an unqiue past!!


Well-known member
TurboKitty, you have to go to Canada!! I'm allowed back in Feb!! The last visit to the pro store in Vancouver almost killed the poor hubby, so he said I had to wait a whole year to go back!! I say everyone meet up in BC!! All us "old" gals can shop crazy and I know of this awesome Gelato store there!!


Well-known member
Alow me to clarify.....

Alright, I see that my opinion is not the popular opinion. I was mistaken, I didn't realize there were so many older (or mature as you might like me to say) women here on Spektra. I am VERY sorry if I have offended anyone. I'm just saying that to younger people this collection will not be a must-have. **Just like ya'll wouldn't dream of wearing colors promoted by Paris Hilton, I couldn't dream of wearing colors promoted by a 60 year old!!!**

Originally Posted by rouquinne
if that were true, then why wouldn't Lauder drop MAC's driving motto when they bought the company - or now?
why would they get 3 women in their 60s to act as ICONS???
your loss.
you have a crystal ball???
the Icon series products sell out. have you seen what people are asking for Liza PM palettes?
MOST older women?
how many have you surveyed?
at the last 3 MAC seminars i attended, the over 35s out-numbered the under 30s.
i've been wearing MAC since the company started, are you suggesting that i should stop wearing product i love because i'm too old?????
EL's colours are chalky and Lancome has limited range of stuff and they still don't make decent foundation!
if it didn't work from a marketing perspective, do you think the company would do it???
"older" women are a consumer force to be reckoned with these days!

Diana Ross and Liza Minelli are very well known. I don't have a problem with them at all. Their collections were great! But with Catherine, I -personally- couldn't relate. I'm not saying don't buy it, just that I'm not going to! It's just my personal opinion, thats all! I think that whoever can pull off the look should wear MAC. You misunderstood. I was just saying that my generation can't really appreciate or look up to her as an icon. And what I meant by 'most' older women is simply that I have not seen hardly anyone over 40-50 shopping at my local MAC counter. I see the older crowd going to Estee Lauder or wherever. Not that older women shouldn't, just that I personally haven't seen alot. Thats all!

Originally Posted by sigwing
What's wrong with being in your 30's?
I'd totally missed this ridiculous thread till now. I echo Rouquinne's comments. It's great that some kids get to spend $500 a month, plus their parents income!, on makeup and get to post at websites like that makes them special and someone to be bowed down to by some of us who might even be over 40. (cough cough) I can't believe some of the condescending remarks like "older" women have "spunk" because they like to buy whatever makeup brand. I bought Mary Quant in my teens, Clinique and Lancome in my 20's & 30's, along with EL sometimes, and several others. I make three times as much money now as I did then, and I buy an assortment of things, but prefer MAC eyeshadows. So what. I didn't know there were age categories or requirements, or judgmental kids looking down their noses at me and laughing at me behind my back for it. Thanks for enlightening me. I've got some great MA's that are genuine women who don't do that, I would bet on it, and I'd guess laugh more at the teenager coming in with her mom trying to pick out what eyeshadow to get, taking a bunch of time to get just the right one and make the big decision, and my MA can wait on me in the meantime and I pick up several e/s and various other items and she checks me out while the little girl finally decides on a pot of "Hush."

This Catherine collection looks wonderful, and I don't understand the comments about her age, etc., because as soon as everyone gets their hauls of it, they'll forget her and go on to the next collection or wondering what is coming out next that they can look forward to.

As far as "young" models or whatever, I'd agree with the Angelina or Gwen, but Paris Hilton? You've got to be kidding. I guess if you want to iconize someone who is only famous because they market themself, they are "lucky" enough to have been born into a billionaire family and they can afford to make their own perfume....then while I might consider that a weird sort of person to admire, what do I know....I'm old and apparently have different values. I've posted here at this website because I've ALWAYS loved cosmetics and collected makeup, discovered MAC several years ago & have thoroughly enjoyed it & found a lot of "enthusiasts" here, but hadn't felt offended by any kind of age-related prejudice or snobbery until I read this thread. I'm going to have to be more selective if I ever come back and click on anything to read again. There are a lot of nice people here, I've thought so far, but maybe it is silly for someone my age trying to join in what I thought was a community of women from all over the world, all ages, races, etc. I can assure you, though, I do not buy MAC or anything else to try to be "young."

Um, wow. So uncalled for! I'm sorry that my parents give me money to spend as I choose. I haven't always had money, it's nice to spurlge now that we can afford it. And I never said I think I'm special or better than anyone. That is completely untrue. And by the way, I am not one of those 'little' girls who takes forever picking out one shadow. Usually I have my MA do a fun new look and I get all the colors in addition to other stuff I see and like. So please don't put me in that category. I'm just a girl who loves buying and doing makeup!! If you don't ever come back b/c of MY *personal* opinion, then thats your decision, but don't let my comment keep ou from something you love.

***Continued in new relpy!!***


Well-known member
Continued from previous post:

Continued from my previous post:

Originally Posted by Turbokittykat
OK barbie_doll_713, this is the last time I’m going to address you because I know it’s pointless. You are just too young to fully understand the retail market you are trying to talk about and you’re too young to be able to participate properly in a sensible debate. You're already quite certain you know how it is. I’m going to try very hard not to be sarcastic and condescending, although that’s quite difficult because you’re just so wrong, and so convinced you’re right. Still, having been 16 myself once, I remember that I thought I knew everything at that age too.

Firstly, I’m not bitter, I’m just totally incredulous that someone with so little knowledge of the MAC ethos, their market and their marketing strategy would be talking with such certainty, and refusing to take note of what anyone else has said. I suggested you ask a MAC MA to back up what I said about a large proportion of MACs business coming from customers who want neutral or subtle looks. You didn’t bother, you just dismissed it as “wrong” on the basis that you have “worked at Macy’s”. You may well have worked at Macy’s but you have not worked for MAC. I know that for a fact because you are too young. The following is a comment posted very recently on the Live Journal mac_cosmetics group by a current MAC MA. She’s talking about the Catherine Devenue collection.

” the majority of MAC users don't wear bright shadows. Sure there's a bunch of us who do, and yes, that's what MAC is known for . . . but as a MAC artist, I'd say that 75% of the people that come in are scared by the likes of Electric Eel, SUshi Flower etc. Also, the collection is supposed to reflect the Icon. Catherine Deneuve isn't someone most of us (in this community) ever even heard of. She's of a different generation. And actually, I think it's a great idea to have something more geared towards older women. I myself was a bit disappointed in the Holiday shadow sets this year, because I don't feel that there's something for everyone. The cool palette is the only one anyone over the age of 50 has even looked at. Yes, older women can wear color, but it's not how they were raised and not something they feel comfortable in. NE flew off the shelves with that demographic. They can get away with more muted tones. I don't know. I like that MAC finally has an icon for more mature women. Almost every other collection is geared towards people like us.”

I’ve seen the same said by several other MAC MAs and the girls who work at my local MAC counter say exactly the same thing. If you actually ask someone who works for MAC you’ll find that bright colours do not makeup the bulk of MAC sales and that MAC already has a customer base of more mature people. I see them myself, browsing at the counter almost every time I go there. It may well be rare in your city, (although at 16 I doubt I would have noticed who else was shopping in a store because I was usually thinking more about what I wanted), however the majority of MAC MAs will tell you, it’s not rare in most other locations. There was a MAC MA on LJ a little while ago who was complaining that at her counter people only ever wanted brown eye shadow. She wanted to ask for a transfer to a different area so she could do makeovers with some of the brighter colours occasionally! If I had the spare time, and if I thought it would do any good at all, I would go and find some of her posts.

As for your assertion that younger customers will not buy much from this collection, (and I don’t see why they wouldn’t – a pink lipglass is a pink lipglass, as someone has already said), even if you are correct, your claim that MAC will lose customers over it is not correct. They will be right back for the next collection, which, knowing MAC, will be out 2 weeks after the Icon collection. You’ve said yourself, if someone wants bright, edgy colours, they go to MAC. So where else are they going to go? It’s highly unlikely that a large proportion of the younger customers are going to find somewhere else to get their fix of brights in the short space of time before MAC brings out the next collection. MAC knows full well that they’re not going to lose you, you’ll all be back. And in the meantime, the Icon collection will sell to the more mature customers.

I know you’re not hating older women, you’re just not understanding them at all, and at 16 that’s not particularly surprising.

Still, I already know from what you’ve written so far that you will not accept a word of this and that you are 100% convinced that you know exactly how the world works. I’d hope you will at least think about what I’ve said though.

I’d love to be able to show this to you when you are 50 and see what you think then!

Hello again. I'm sorry that you took my comments so personal. I mean you have your opinion and I have mine. I'm not saying I'm right, but my God I hope you don't think you are. In the same way that you could not look up to Paris Hilton as an icon, I can't look up to Catherine. And no I never said I worked at MAC!! Just at Macys! I'm well aware of the age requirements and plan on applying at MAC as soon as I can on the suggestion of the manager. Thank you very much! And for you to say I can't participate in a debate is just insulting. Shoot me for expressing my opinion!! The fact that I'm young has nothing to do with it. I'm sorry that I like the fact that MAC has the reputation of being young, modern, flashy, and hip. Afterall, they started in fashion shows and God knows thats not all beige and pastel. Nor do I think I know how the world works. But I know what I like and what I don't like. I know I don't like to see 50+ women in drag queen makeup walking around acting 15. And please don't tell me I don't understand older women! I may not be in their shoes yet but my mom and aunts agree with me on this. When you think of MAC you think of a young hip girl, not a 60year old women. And I like it like that! I'm sorry, maybe some day I will change my opinion, but for now it is what it is. It's kind of like how you don't like to see some homeless person wondering into Saks. At least for me, personally! Again, this is just my personal opinion. So what if I don't think older women should be wearing makeup like they're 20? If your older and you wanna wear it, go ahead! WHo cares what i think?

Originally Posted by bluegrassbabe
Paris Hilton as an Icon? A glorified porn star who speaks in 2 word sentences? She is disgusting. That would be the day I threw every MAC product I owned in the garbage can.

Ok, ok! Yeah, this may be true. But I'd love to see the fun colors they'd make to go along with her. If they have Christina Aguialra, Paris Hilton is not that far off. And no, she's not icon status I must agree.

Originally Posted by Turbokittykat
I don't hate teenagers at all and I'm sorry you feel that's the case. I've nothing against you, or most young people. My issue on this thread was with one particular individual who has taken it upon herself to inform us that MAC "belongs" to the teenage market and to lecture the rest of us about marketing and the MAC target sales group; subjects she clearly knows very little about.

My comments on her age were to do with me trying to make allowances for her because she's young and she hasn't yet realised she doesn't know everything, not because I think that every teenager is the same.

Also, I don't remember calling her foolish or dim-witted, and if pushed I think I would have been more likely to use the words inexperienced, immature and unwilling to consider any other view than her own. She's shown quite clearly that she does not realise she doesn't know it all, that she cannot back-up her own arguments with anything other than guesswork and her opinion, and that she's not willing to listen to and take on board anything anyone else has to say, and in doing that she lost my respect.

I thought you weren't responding to me? Or do you not count it as responding if say 'she'? Just a thought!!

Originally Posted by MeganGMcD
What is really funny is if you look at the demographics for make-up. The 30+ are the people who buy the most.
Also, if a young girl cannot see something of value in a woman who was a MUSE for Christian Dior...than she really needs to rethink some things!

OK! I never said I didn't see anything of value in her! Just that I didn't relate and am not all that tempted to buy anything from this set. Thats all. I'm not judging her as a person. And was she a muse recently? Or back in her golden years?

P.S. WhenI'm 50 I'm sure I'll be wearing MAC but then of course (at least from my current perspective!) I will be getting a little help to stay young! Lol!

P.P.S. I am really sorry!!! Please don't feel hurt or offended. Other people were saying how they weren't that all impressed with the collection and i was just stating my reasons why. I'm sorry. I can't say I won't give my opinion, but next time I'll be less blunt.


Well-known member
I think this is a good time to remind everyone that this thread, like any other on Specktra must remain civil or people will find their words edited and/or deleted.

I'm not commenting on anyones post specifically, its just that you can could cut the tension with a very dull knife.

Be nice please. Remember that tone and meaning does not translate well into plain text, try to give the other person the benefit of the doubt.


Well-known member
**Just like ya'll wouldn't dream of wearing colors promoted by Paris Hilton, I couldn't dream of wearing colors promoted by a 60 year old!!!**

um....doesn't one of the quads have 3 colors that are perm, and the other one has one that is? Are ya going to throw them away if you have them already....because some "old lady" is now part of the promotion that includes some shades that are staples?

I can't even begin to respond to the post above this reply's absolutely ridiculous. But that's the beauty of the web....a kid who lives at home arguing and getting to lord over and insult anonymous women who are "mature" and have careers. It's crazy....but I've even gotten in arguments with our town's garbage collector, too. Oh, and congrats to you again on your gig with the ' what I do for a living. Mine probably wouldn't want me to move in & let them support me & pay for my makeup now, tho. Damn.

I will mention I haven't seen, or even been acquainted with, any women over 40 who try to "look like they're 20," whatever that would be.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
I'm not saying I'm right, but my God I hope you don't think you are.

At least I can back my comments and opinions up with some actual substance, such as a direct, relevant quote from an actual MAC employee, which you have conveniently chosen to ignore because it does not fit in with what you believe to be true. Your 'this is what I believe and if you disagree I'll just say you're wrong without any justification or further discussion' attitude shows your immaturity very clearly.

Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
And for you to say I can't participate in a debate is just insulting.

I didn't say you couldn't, I said you're incapable of doing so in an adult way, (i.e. with reasoning, as mentioned above). I know I said I wasn't going to respond to you again, but I'm bashing my head against a brick wall in the hope you'll actually grasp what I mean by a reasoned debate eventually. Let me try an example...

I stated that MAC sell more subtle colours than they do bright colours. Your very mature response was to state outright that I am "wrong", (go back and read your response if you don't believe me). So I posted some justification, (the direct quote from a MAC MA). You've conveniently chosen to ignore this. The fact is, I'm not "wrong". My statement comes from actually talking to a number of people who work for MAC, and attending a few seminars, (as with the other poster who commented, at every seminar or event I've attended the number of 30+ women has VASTLY outweighed the number of under 30s there). I've backed up my statements, whereas you have stated, "this is how it is because I say so". You're stating your opinions as if they are facts with absolutely no supporting information. You commented earlier more than once stating something like "most older women" are intimidated by MAC. You were asked how many you had surveyed, and again you chose to ignore it. You can't expect things you state as fact to be taken seriously if you can't back them up at all! Something your mum may have said does not give you grounds to spout on about how "most older women" feel. And you're still doing it, for example "When you think of MAC you think of a young hip girl, not a 60year old women". YOU might think of a young, hip girl (probably because that's all you can relate to) but that doesn't mean that's what everyone thinks of. I certainly don't. Surely the number of people disagreeing with you here is telling you something. And whatever you think, it's not because we're insulted that you can't relate to a 60 year old, or whatever, it's because we think your statements of how things are are flawed.

And no, referring to you is not the same as directing a comment at you. Just in case you are unclear, this is a comment to you, although I really don't know why I am bothering. I guess I'd just like to see you grasp the concept that your opinions are not fact just because you say so!


Well-known member
I can't imagine writing off a collection because you don't know who the model is! Most of the MAC models used are unknowns, so if you aren't familiar with Catherine, then why should that be any different? Colours are colours.

[And the Paris comparison isn't fair either, really. Personally I *would* boycott a Paris Hilton collection because I think she's a horrifically crappy person and she hasn't *done* anything to merit being an icon-- which you can't say about Catherine. Not the same. Plus, there's no comparing Paris to someone like Christina A. who has multiplatinum records.]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sigwing
um....doesn't one of the quads have 3 colors that are perm, and the other one has one that is? Are ya going to throw them away if you have them already....because some "old lady" is now part of the promotion that includes some shades that are staples?

I can't even begin to respond to the post above this reply's absolutely ridiculous. But that's the beauty of the web....a kid who lives at home arguing and getting to lord over and insult anonymous women who are "mature" and have careers. It's crazy....but I've even gotten in arguments with our town's garbage collector, too. Oh, and congrats to you again on your gig with the ' what I do for a living. Mine probably wouldn't want me to move in & let them support me & pay for my makeup now, tho. Damn.

I will mention I haven't seen, or even been acquainted with, any women over 40 who try to "look like they're 20," whatever that would be.

Seeing as I'm a minor, yes I do still live at home! And i'm sorry you don't agree with the fact that my parents give me money. If I was over 18 I would not be taking money from them. But seeing as I'm in high school full time, have a 3.8 GPA, and am active in my church, I don't see it as a bad thing that my parents help to support my MAC addiction! By the way I'm not insulting anyone. i was just stating my personal opinion. I didn't attack anyone! I'm not here to make enemies. And the women I'm talking are quite common, at least in Southern California. They are 50 or 60 and have so much Botox they can't smile, they dress in teen styles that are usually 3 sizes too small, they tease their hair in a perfect 80's look, go to concerts get drunk and make idiots of themselves trying to relieve their younger days, and they swear 50 tons of MAC makeup on their face. All that alone is not what bugs me,it's the fact that they think they look incredibly hot when really people are laughing behind their backs. Thats not an attack toward MAC and everyone should have a right to buy it, I'm just saying that some women try wayy too tried. Theres something to the whole age-appropriate thing. No offense toward anyone in particular. I'm sure someone knows what kind of woman I'm talking about!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
Alright, I see that my opinion is not the popular opinion. I was mistaken, I didn't realize there were so many older (or mature as you might like me to say) women here on Spektra. I am VERY sorry if I have offended anyone. I'm just saying that to younger people this collection will not be a must-have. **Just like ya'll wouldn't dream of wearing colors promoted by Paris Hilton, I couldn't dream of wearing colors promoted by a 60 year old!!!** !!***

Ok, let me ask you this in all fairness - I see that your a BIG fan of Marylin Monroe - ( and she was "older") tell me if MAC launched her as an ICON - would you buy it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Turbokittykat
At least I can back my comments and opinions up with some actual substance, such as a direct, relevant quote from an actual MAC employee, which you have conveniently chosen to ignore because it does not fit in with what you believe to be true. Your 'this is what I believe and if you disagree I'll just say you're wrong without any justification or further discussion' attitude shows your immaturity very clearly.

I didn't say you couldn't, I said you're incapable of doing so in an adult way, (i.e. with reasoning, as mentioned above). I know I said I wasn't going to respond to you again, but I'm bashing my head against a brick wall in the hope you'll actually grasp what I mean by a reasoned debate eventually. Let me try an example...

I stated that MAC sell more subtle colours than they do bright colours. Your very mature response was to state outright that I am "wrong", (go back and read your response if you don't believe me). So I posted some justification, (the direct quote from a MAC MA). You've conveniently chosen to ignore this. The fact is, I'm not "wrong". My statement comes from actually talking to a number of people who work for MAC, and attending a few seminars, (as with the other poster who commented, at every seminar or event I've attended the number of 30+ women has VASTLY outweighed the number of under 30s there). I've backed up my statements, whereas you have stated, "this is how it is because I say so". You're stating your opinions as if they are facts with absolutely no supporting information. You commented earlier more than once stating something like "most older women" are intimidated by MAC. You were asked how many you had surveyed, and again you chose to ignore it. You can't expect things you state as fact to be taken seriously if you can't back them up at all! Something your mum may have said does not give you grounds to spout on about how "most older women" feel. And you're still doing it, for example "When you think of MAC you think of a young hip girl, not a 60year old women". YOU might think of a young, hip girl (probably because that's all you can relate to) but that doesn't mean that's what everyone thinks of. I certainly don't. Surely the number of people disagreeing with you here is telling you something. And whatever you think, it's not because we're insulted that you can't relate to a 60 year old, or whatever, it's because we think your statements of how things are are flawed.

And no, referring to you is not the same as directing a comment at you. Just in case you are unclear, this is a comment to you, although I really don't know why I am bothering. I guess I'd just like to see you grasp the concept that your opinions are not fact just because you say so!

Ok, really I think your digressing from the fact. This is a place where people write their opinions. I was just stating mine. Have I ever heard a specific MA say that MAC is gearded toward young people? No, but I've seen the eye rolls and looks when *certain* older women come by. I based my statement that a lot of older women are intimidated by MAC on the fact that I have rarely seen older women at the counter. However, I do notice them looking over as if they would like to check it out (which this collection may help them do!) And if thats completely true, why have I never seen a women under the age of 40 working at MAC? Most are under 30. I think it's the image they want to promote, but maybe now they're changing. The collections not a bad thing, it's just not something that draws me. But if there was an amzing color of course I would buy it! I'm just saying I *personally* wouldn't look up to someone like that as a makeup icon. But guys, this is the beauty of America. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I've apoligized but thats about the best I can do. I'm not going to change my mind just because some people are upset by it! But if you'd like me to realize your point of view, I do! I just don't agree with it!

Let's just agree to disagree! ;-)


Well-known member
Good point!

Originally Posted by Viva_la_MAC_Girl
Ok, let me ask you this in all fairness - I see that your a BIG fan of Marylin Monroe - ( and she was "older") tell me if MAC launched her as an ICON - would you buy it?

If MAC had been during her time she surely would have been a great icon and I would definaetly have bought it. But consider that she lived and didn't die so young... would she still be so huge in her old age? I think what draws people to her is that she died so young before her time. Had she not, I think she would gradually have faded from Hollywood. But saying she lived to be 60 or so.... I don't think i'd be as drawn to her as am to the troubled, beautiful soul who no one could save.

Bottom line: Had she lived and continued to be so huge, yes I would probably buy the line. (It'd be fun to see the blood red lipsticks, smoky eyes, and pale shimmers they would do for her!) But then again, maybe another reason I'm not drawm to Catherine is because she was before my time.


Well-known member
My favorite MA is the oldest i've seen working at MAC. She's in her 50's but she knows her stuff!! She truly enjoys her job (who wouldn't) and shows me multiple ways of using things. I like her because she is so attentive and experienced. She also told me I could wear any color almost, it is all in the application and experimentation.
With that said I really want Bourbon lipstick, both quads because I have none of those eye shadows, blot powder which will make my life easier, the kabuki brush is nifty, and the nailpolishes. I am going to be a poor woman after these 2 collections.
what are studio lights? those look interesting too.