Catherine Pics: Women of All Ages (cont. from MAC Chat)


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btw, if a 100 year old grandma in diapers was promoting a collection, but i loved the colors id still buy it. icon collections dont even come out all that often, its not like MAC is permantly having only mature models.


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HAHAAHAHAAHA this thread will never die unless the mods pull the plug


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If Anyone Has A Catherine D Postcard With Her In The Black Jacket...please Find Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Ladies.........all ages

Makeup is fun, it makes us all feel better and glamorous, special. My daughter 21 wears it, I am 47 and wear it and my mother who recently was diagnosed with cancer begged me to bring my MAC case to the hospital and do her face. It cheered her up immensely. It's about looking as good and feeling good, not AGE. Not what icon MAC chooses to use.

Julia Vanhorn

Well-known member
Please forgive me for adding on to this thread ( I actually sat here and read the whole thing, and granted it started off very rough and is starting to finally calm down), I just wanted to say that I love the Catherine collection and also think that she is a great person to represent this collection. Before this collection came out, I did not even know who Catherine Deneuve was, but after this collection was launched I am wanting to learn about here and what made her be the icon that MAC sees and remembers in a sense (not sure where I am going with that comment, so please overlook that). I am 20 years old and I would almost say that I am timid of the bright colors, not to say that I won't try and experiment with it. It just that every time and event calls for certain colors. I personally would prefer the calmer colors since it is so versatile. And my first MAC product that I have ever purchased was Parfait Amour, definitely not a staple in my collection. Cranberry, Brown Down, and Shroom are the ones that I use most often.

In reply to the original comment about the grandma bit, I think that Catherine looks great and that I wish my grandmothers could pull that off, but I will love them all just the same.


Active member
Originally Posted by absolut_blonde
Young people are hardly the only ones who buy makeup. My mom is 56 and wears MAC lipsticks almost exclusively.

Not related but, I think we (mac addicts) have to inherit the love for make up from somewhere right? I think we all get it from our mums/grandmothers!

My mum LOVES MAC lipsticks too! I bought her the Catherine D blot powder and she is completely in love with the design.

Thank goodness for hip mums!


Well-known member
sorry i know its been beaten to death. but i just wanted to say that i think she looks fabulous and very Glam!! i loved the collection! and as for older women wearing mac.. WeLL i'm 21 and my mom is late 40's and love love loves her mac. she has some wild colors that i have too. but shes nto caking it on like i do lol. just live and let live. dont let the media tell u what to wear. just because im years younger than Catherine D doesnt mean that im not gonna buy her makeup collection.

people need to open their mind and buy what THEY LIKE. not something just because paris hilton is wearing a uber c0ol lip gloss in her latest sex video.


Well-known member
i kind of wanted to stay out of this because it has been nitpicked..... but alas i want to voice my opinion!

i dont think mac is for a specific age group even if it appeals more to a certain age group... i think it appeals to a unique characteristic in all of us... people who love color and good quality and like the image MAC has. whenever an "older" lady is at the MAC counter she looks freaking awesome when she leaves... and i quietly applaud her for stopping by and getting her make up done otherwise she could leave and end up with "neutral everyday colors" from somewhere else. sure, she may want that... and if you do you can still get that at mac... but i really think mac just appeals to a certain spunk in people... someone who loves beauty and sees makeup as an art. all the MA's there share that spunk and usually do a good job of personifying it.

i do see a few older people sort of shy away from the counter because it is a little intimidating... when i was younger i was a little intimidated of the counter and felt more comfortable at the clinique one

what about us youngsters who will stick to mac for life? i dont see a reason to stop once im 50 or 60... sure i may retire my funky bright sparkly looks... but that might be just to fit my more professional life style...

i think catherine looked very glam and its really cute... because my grandmother had "glamour shots" taken years ago... and thats exactly the pose, red jacket and hair style she had... so it reminds me of her... kind of a soft spot for me i guess. i wouldnt have minded seeing catherine "more sophisticated" because thats the type of "older lady" i plan to be... set in the neutrals... more of a classic beauty (haha i hope)... but seeing her look so stylish was refreshing for me... i love mac even more for not having any age biases and just letting her represent mac... i might have identified more if i had seen her in a classic beauty neutral way because thats what i think i would be like... but it's more "mac" to me the way it was done =)


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I was seventeen when the Catherine collection came out, and I loved the picture. I still do. I don't think she looks like she's trying to be 'younger' I think she just looks like she's having fun.


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Originally Posted by sigwing
As far as "young" models or whatever, I'd agree with the Angelina or Gwen, but Paris Hilton? You've got to be kidding. I guess if you want to iconize someone who is only famous because they market themself, they are "lucky" enough to have been born into a billionaire family and they can afford to make their own perfume....then while I might consider that a weird sort of person to admire, what do I know....I'm old and apparently have different values.

Lots of the products that we use today are made from families that have billions of dollars to invest in them. So she made a perfume... Big deal.

Best part of Paris's perfume, is I get compliments on it people ALL the time. And when they ask who's it from, and I tell them it's Paris's, they are like, "oh..."

It's so funny.


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Originally Posted by Viva_la_MAC_Girl
Or if you know the very first song that aired on MTV...LOL

( I totally agree with your statement - as I made in mine ) here here!!

Totally not the point of the thread, but I know the first song on MTV! Lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DropDeadDarling
Totally not the point of the thread, but I know the first song on MTV! Lol.

Me too...and I actually saw MTV's first broadcast...


Active member
I think Catherine looks fantastic here, I have 4 copies of the postcard and can honestly say it's one of my faves. Just because she's older, doesn't mean she shouldn't wear makeup, a leather jacket, a funky hair style...whatever it was you were 'disappointed' with. Are you critics going to suddenly stop wearing making makeup - or MAC makeup - when you reach a certain age?


Well-known member
yo! i think she looks great! and don't they have those old women in the MAC promo pictures... or at least they do at my nearest MAC. i think its awesome!


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Re: Disapointing

Originally Posted by blueyedlady87
I know I'm gonna get alot of crap for saying this... but I'm going to anyway. (And yeah, I know the whole MAC motto..all ages, races, sexes, etc.) But I honestly think MAC should stick to it's target group. Which is like teens-30s. I mean, how many teenagers out there are going to want to run out and buy makeup that is modeled by someone who could be their Grandma? I know that me and my friends won't. I mean Christina Aguilara & Pam Anderson were hot sellers because young girls want to look like that, Catherine's look will not sell as much. Most older women (my mother included) feel uncomfortable shopping at MAC, seeing as it is a young, hip brand; they prefer Estee Lauder or Lancome or something more sophisticated/mature. (Yes I kno MAC is a prodeuct of EL, but the colors and the whole lines are so completely different that I consider them to be unique of eachother.) I would love to see Paris Hilton, Angelina Jolie, Gwen Stefani, or someone like that as a model. People like them will appeal to MACs customers more. I am very sorry if I offend anyone here. I'm just looking at it from a marketing perspective. :roll:

.....I think Catherine D is still looking totally go ahead and wear the red leather, it still looks good. She has a better figure than most of the college girls I see on the beach.
I'm 45. When I go to MAC, it looks like a fastfood joint on a saturday afternoon-packed with trendy teenage girls trying on products. I've stood behind them with my list, frustrated, and often just leave because it can be a zoo......that is at the MAC freestanding store in the mall. Macy's is not mobbed with kids, so middle age women will spend their bucks there.
Also, by the time a woman is 60, she is not worried about the newest colors, she wants something that looks great on her, and she wants really personalized service. My NARS reps call me at home, they now what I have,what is and isn't going to work on my face, and they know that I too have been an artist and want what looks good on me rather than what's hot this second on Hannah Montana.
Catherine Deneuve is a classic, but often unappreciated by 17 year olds. Those of us who are more seasoned see her as an iconic beauty and prefer her to say, Xtina . So maybe teenagers aren't gonna buy this look, and maybe it won't get noticed by women who are more experienced in years because , let's face it a career woman is not going to run out and purchase something shown on Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan,Gwen Stefani (who is middle aged) because they want to be taken seriously on the job.

At a certain age, woman prefer Catherine Zeta Jones or Catherine Deneuve in an ad campaign because they feel they can trust the look.

Women do not depreciate as they age. It's important to see that. We gain experience, knowledge, and wrinkles. Wrinkles are not ugly. Aging is not ugly. Its a fact of life. Older women know this, and the self actualized ones do not want to look like adolescents.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blueyedlady87
Lol! I do see your point. No need to be
You also said that the majority of MACs customers want a subtle look (by the way, I never said MAC should be all about the wild, fun look!). Thats quite wrong. I worked in a Macys and people who wanted a serious, more plain look went to Clinique or Chanel. If you want a fun, young, modern look you go to MAC.

I think this is exactly the point. MAC is deliberately broadening their appeal rather than just attracting the "young, trendy and hip" because, lets face it. Many young people are fickle and will go for what's "in" now.And while you might have a lot of money to spend on MAC cosmetics, many folks your age do not. Older customers, if treated well and given products that they like will become loyal, repeat customers for life. Baby Boomers are the largest segment of our population, and the wealthiest. In the long run it will cost MAC a lot more money to alienate them than the younger set. MAC wants the business that is now going to Clinique and Chanel.

As you pointed out, brands like Clinique, Chanel and Estee Lauder are associated now with an older clientele. Well, those of us who are getting older don't necessarily want to be associated with brands that are known for the classic, plain looks. Many of us want to wear brighter, hipper, funner colors. We want to associate with brands that are associated with a hipper image. Who wants to be made to feel old by the makeup she wears? I sure don't.