Catherine Pics: Women of All Ages (cont. from MAC Chat)


Active member
ok...I got 1/2 way through this thread before I felt the need to comment

I will go back and read the whole thread, but here is my opinion on what I have read. If we look at the runways which is where most fashion, including, but not limited to makeup comes from, then we will see some really CRAZY things! I myself do shop couture, but when you shop couture it is not intended to be worn the same way it is worn on the runways. The same goes for MAC collections. How many times do we see the awesome artistic pictures on the postcards for every collection that are very beautiful art, but you would never wear this look on the street. I think (and I'm 33) that MAC is an awesome promoter of their line. It does have everything for every age. My 87 year old mother in law, myself, and my 17 year old step daughter all wear MAC and we are in the Miami/Ft Lauderdale area which is one of the hottest, most trendy spots in this country. I see plenty of women above 25 shopping at MAC. Infact, I see more adults than teenagers. I think that ANYONE thinking that any product line is for 1 age group is being very closed minded! I am only 33 and was happy to finally see someone classy and clothed representing this company. I see plenty of women here looking very edgy and hip and WHO says that shouldn't be. I think anything that makes a woman feel beautiful is great! Isn't that the whole point of makeup anyway? MAC will never lose customers based on who represents them. In the end it is the product that sells! I would love to see any of the youngsters here go to a MAC counter and have a C. Deneuve makeover. I am sure any of the talented MA at MAC could give you any look you were going for with this line! I dare any to try. And BTW even if a 85 year old woman wears blue eyeshadow who are WE to judge? I see 16 year olds wearing thongs on the beach, but who am "I" to judge. To each his own I say! And I would also dare to say that any of the hip and trendy couture lines like Dolce and Gabbana would want you to wear their clothes on the street like they have them displayed on the runway so I don't think MAC was only gearing this line for the "older" crowd, they were just "showing" the older women that they too could wear MAC and look beautiful! Just my 2 cents!


Well-known member
by the way all.....One of those OLD LADIES is Cher ...she is turning 60

..yes 60 years old...

Now THERE is an ICON!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rouquinne
i actually met RuPaul at the launch party for the first Viva Glam lipstick.

he was VERY sweet!

and VERY TALL!!!!


Oh thats awesome, He seems like he would be too!

Drag queens are a ball to hang out with! There's a club in DC that has Drag Queen fashion shows once a month and its SO much fun


Well-known member
Meeting Ru Paul must have been great fun! I love the Viva Glam cards I have of him/her in that red cat suit!


Well-known member
just a comment and i hope i dont get cursed for this - but liza minelli and diana ross were icons for MAC, and they are older women too. i think they look great for their age and you mentioned way back that you dont think the way she is represented in the postcard for this launch isnt good, but i feel that if catherine d. didnt like it, she wouldn't have approved it. i would think she would have the final word on the collection and how she looks and how she is being represented by mac??
just my 2 cents. thanks


Well-known member
i want cyndi lauper as an icon as well as marilyn monroe. i want MAC to come up w/ a shade of red-coral that dups so many pics i've seen of marilyn. if you don't know what i'm talking about i'll go scrounge up a pic & put it in my file. ok, back to lurking.


Well-known member
Hahaha does anyone else find it hilarious this entire thread was spawned by " I am kind of disappointed by Catherine's picture. I was hoping for something classier, not grandma got a new leather jacket"? Jeeeez, I am a little suprised people got so hot and bothered over THAT!


Well-known member
I just read through this thread and laughed...

I think what some teens and 20-somethings forget is that most of us "older women" (I'm about to turn 38 ) have A LOT more money to spend on makeup than they do! LOL :p
Sooo OF COURSE MAC will market to us old henz.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaisyDee
I just read through this thread and laughed...

I think what some teens and 20-somethings forget is that most of us "older women" (I'm about to turn 38 ) have A LOT more money to spend on makeup than they do! LOL :p
Sooo OF COURSE MAC will market to us old henz.

I am SO GONNA KILL YOU! LOl!! 38 is NOT OLD....Sob...! I am older than you so nooo...not going there!!



Well-known member
I think MAC does target specific audiences, but target marketing doesn't mean you're limited to one audience. You just have different product lines targeted to different audiences. Target marketing is based on so much more than age.


Well-known member
Well I think she looks great for her age and I would def. buy this collection (if I have money lol)...I also think Lauren Hutton would be a great ICON even though she has her own line of MU for older women her age...she would also be a great ICON.



New member
Just wanted to add.....I'm 52 and I bought the entire Catherine Deneuve collection.

I think MAC was absolutely brilliant to gear this collection around a "mature" woman. marketing!
I had never gone near a MAC counter in the past. MAC didn't appeal to me at all.

Buying this collection has gotten me to try a product that I normally wouldn't have touched with a 10 foot pole. I discovered that I really love the now, I'm sure that I will be purchasing more in the future.

So.....MAC just got me as a customer...and I'm sure many other "old ladies" as well. Smart move.

By the you realize how much the ENTIRE collection cost me?

....and being "old" and retired....having paid off my home, car, etc.; I could afford it easily.

Most "mature" woman have more money to spend on luxury items such as cosmetics. It's about time that big companies realize that and begin appealing more to them!


Well-known member
Okay to be honest, I like the Icon collections of course, but I didn't even know who the hell Catherine Deneuve is, so that made me wonder, why would they put someone up who isn't (as far as I can tell) not very well known...? maybe I've been kept in the dark too long or maybe it's just coz I'm only 19 but hey... she looks great though...


Well-known member
Catherine Deneuve is extremely well known, just not to people who think the universe began in 1990 and have never bothered to learn about things that have taken place before then.


Well-known member
OK see Cruella, I'm going to have to respectfully point out that comment was really uncalled for. She maybe very well known but not everyone is going to-well how can I say this-care who she is. For example, I adore Mae West I know a lot about her, I actually care who she is because I've seen her movies and know about her. I adore Paul McCartney, I think he was insanely influential to the modern move of music but I also know about him and therefore I care who he is. I'm a fan of Spanish, English, American, Japaneese, and Chineese culture. I also like German culture but only during the WW2. I've never been a fan of France (nothing personal against it it just doesn't interest me. The only person that has remotely entertained my interest was Napolean Bonapart)

There are many of us who have never been culturally savvy. I can not tell you the name of many actors in hollywood right now, nor can I tell you many groups or musicians. Why? They just aren't important to me.

So you can't say that everyone who doesn't know who she is thinks the world started in 1990. Sometimes a person comes around that just never sparked our interest and they just aren't important to a person.

NOW, like I said before, I think it's great that she was chosen and many people have learned who she is (for those of us like me who really didnt care in the first place) and maybe it will start a new wave for her. Because of this I know I personally wanted to learn more about her.

So now I've thrown my little fit. I'm going to order some lunch.


Well-known member
There is a difference between saying you don't know who someone is and saying that the person isn't well-known.


Well-known member
How insulting to insinuate that Just because Im 19 I don't WANT to know anything before my time. That;s also insulting to my parents who taught me to be open minded and taught me about the past- as you can't have a future if there was no past! Grrrrrr...


Well-known member
To me it's not the Catherine images that turn me off from the collection it's the colours. They're a bit too deep for my liking. However I actually think Catherine looks gorgeous in the display. This coming from a 16 year old.