Chanel Aquarelles collection- new Nieman Marcus exclusive

Welcome Sylvie! I love your name (one of my favorite books as a child was the 'Moffats' series, and the older sister's name was Sylvie!) It's so cool that your first post was on the Chanel forum!!! Thank you for the great pics, and the descriptions! I will check out the rest of your blog too! You can put the link to your blog in your signature too!

Don't know if you're familiar with the product, but in the US there's a cracker (I guess 'biscuit' in 'English') called Triscuit - this powder looks exactly like one!
I hope you're able to visit us often - we're all a li'l obsessed.....
.....and now and again a bit of enabling happens.......

Hope you enjoy our thread!
Hi everyone...thanks for your comments! I took some quick swatch photos and have posted them in that blog post. I used the palette this morning after I brushed off the glitter...Now I have a very glittery dressing table!

I will add a signature later, apparently I don't have enough posts yet :(

Thanks Shypo! I like my name too except I keep having to spell it for people...


Well-known member
From what the NM rep told me, this will not be on their site and only 3 stores will get this collection. It will be on Chanel's website, though. I got a confirmation email from Chanel about it being on their site in mid August, as well as certain boutiques.

I hope that this collection also goes online at so that I can use my giftcard. I know fat chance right? I suppose the gift card will have to go towards the holiday collection then.


Well-known member
Hi, this is my first post on Specktra :)

This collection is available in London at Selfridges already.
The grey single eyeshadow is very matte and a bit chalky when I swatched it.
The Ombres Tissées palette is labelled as an eyeshadow palette but designed to be used as a highlighter too. There is an overspray of chunky silver over the top.

I'm not what the rules are on this forum, but I have closeup photos of the palette on my blog if anyone is interested.


Thanks for letting us know! I want the higlighter palette now! I'm going to ring Selfridges Birmingham to see if they have the collection...hopefully I won't like it if I see it face to face...

Also thanks for the swatches :)


Well-known member
hmmm.....I think I may skip this
triscuit palette. I would be in for it if it had a bit more color to it.

In the pics where they brushed it just under the eyes/high on the cheekbones, it looked like it had more pink color punch to it. Unless the also used Pink Cloud. I would love to see a swatch of Pink Cloud on the finger tip ;)

I was thinking that the NM lady told me that it would be about $65?

Thinking I will wait for the holiday collection because I want a lot from it.


Well-known member
^^^ Looking at the swatches, all three colors of the triscuit look like versions of fine white glitter. If that is what they actually look like, then I will pass as well. Maybe the different colors just don't photgraph well? If anyone has seen this in person, then please let me know.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I like them - I don't have them often, but they're good - nice texture and sort of 'fibery' tasting - the low-salt ones are like eating sawdust in solid form, but the regular ones are good! Especially with something on top!
Sawdust.. I get the idea because I've tasted something like that before. Some biscuits or milk that are low in fat and high in calcium taste like cardboard to me. Ever experience the taste?

Saw the swatch of the Triscuit. I think it will just be a shimmery or frosty eyeshadow that gives the brigtening effect. Over the weekend the MA showed me the Triscuit and the grey matte es. I couldn't buy it yet as it is only launched today. Thankfully she will hold it for me until next Sunday. I'm busy this week all the way till Saturday, so hopefully I can get it on Sunday. The powder looks stunning in the pan. The detail is amazing, not like any powders I own from Chanel so far. Perhaps the holiday highlighter could beat it? The grey es is a dark matte grey in the pan, but I haven't swatched it yet.


Well-known member
Anta managed to buy the highlighter palette from selfridges! i hope that it comes on the site soon!


Well-known member
Eating sawdust
now there's a low calorie idea.

I am REALLY interested in that grey es so please let me know what you think my dear.


Well-known member
More swatch pictures


Well-known member
More swatch pictures

Thanks for posting this :) I'm still going back and forth although its probably sold out here anyways...


Well-known member
Hmmm....thinking about passing on the triscuit too......will have to see. I too am awaiting the holiday powder!!


Well-known member
The NM at Northpark just called me. They got the collection in today, but they only got the powder, the lipstick, and the blush. She asked me if I still wanted the powder, and I told her yes. She's going to ship it out to me first thing in the morning! I'll post pics when it arrives.


Well-known member
^^^ Yes please let us know what you think about the powder. I am debating about getting this powder and/or the holiday powder.


Well-known member
The e/s:

The powder:


Well-known member
Thanks for the links! So far I don't think I'm wowed by the grey e/s. Maybe other swatches will convince me otherwise.


Well-known member
More swatches of the powder and eyeshadow:


Well-known member
Just a quick reply for now...will post more later. Just got back from a business trip and was able to pick up the "magic Triscuit" at NM in Vegas. They also had the Vanities and Lagoons quads out but I just got the powder for now. I will definitely get Vanities later when I can pick it up here.


Well-known member
I went to Neimans today to check out the new collection. The trisket was gorgeous, but tried to save the $75 and passed. I picked up pink cloud blush and fauve. Pink cloud was so pretty in the pan, but I'm afraid it wont show up on me enough to justify keeping it. I am going to try different brushes.

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