Chanel Spring 2012 collection


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by elegant-one
I loaded up a couple of things in my cart but didn't order anything - today that is. I did finally order Clair ep the other day.

You will love Clair. I bought it on HG's recommendation. It's such a great color and really brightens up my eyes. It stays put and doesn't travel to the inner corners of your eyes. I never liked using white because I felt it just looked odd on me.

I believe the pretty striped blush needs to come home with me. I love the sound of a lovely glow without glitter or too much shimmer that it looks frosty. I pretty much only like frosty in the form of a snowman.


Well-known member
Thanks to my skin twin and favorite enabler (Ms. Elegant) I ordered Belgravia a few days ago in the hopes to get it by Christmas with the free 2 day shipping option. Because of the deluge of orders I guess it took longer to process and now my package is not scheduled for delivery until 12/27. :-(

So far I love everything I got from Spring 2012. I may go back and pick up Paradis later today.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
RCSs leave a pretty stain. Empire RAL too, it leaves a pretty pink on me. Happy to know everyone is loving the Spring collection, can't wait to see everything in person.

lol on the circus peanuts, they really have the same shade as June.

elegant - Cascade is ultra shimmery. It is almost as sparkly as Fantasme, and maybe like Platine too but I don't own it so I can't be sure. Your Christmas table is so beautiful!

Ingenue - Your skin looks amazing!

I got a Christmas card from Chanel, that's all. Not getting any gifts like I suspected.

Guess almost everyone will be busy with the Christmas this weekend. I'm watching Wicked, Australia cast, on Christmas eve! Merry Christmas, ladies! Hugs!


Well-known member
Guess almost everyone will be busy with the Christmas this weekend. I'm watching Wicked, Australia cast, on Christmas eve! Merry Christmas, ladies! Hugs! :kissy:  :xmas:
Merry Christmas to all the Chanel ladies :kissy:  :santa2:


Active member
Merry Christmas to all the Chanel ladies

Merry Christmas to all in advance - may under your trees be filled with doubles Cs!! I couldn't resist pausing my Christmas cooking this afternoon and hit the Chanel boutique again for some more damage! I'm going to hide my new stash in the wardrobe :)

MissQQ - hah I will miss you! I'm watching Wicked on Christmas Day instead! And the card's pretty!


Well-known member
MIssQQ -- the card is beautiful! Enjoy Wicked! I saw it on Broadway in NY and loved it! The songs are all very catchy -- you'll be singing them for days ;) Merry Christmas!!


Well-known member
QofS -- enjoy Belgravia! It is so gorgeous!

Debi -- LOL -- cute that your hubs is so "in the know" with the make up terms now! love it :)

Bis -- a very Merry Christmas to you!


Well-known member
Elveneyes I love Flirt too. It's a perfect bright coral on me... and that's hard to do for many lip colors/brands.

Thanks MIss QQ!

The rest of my Chanel goodies are finally with me: Horizon Blush (SO FREAKIN PIGMENTED), Jasmine Highlighter, Tigerlily Single Shadow, Bagatelle Glossimer, and a backup of the Grenat Pencil (what?).

I learned my lesson about those pencils... when I fall in love with one I ALWAYS get a backup. I nearly missed out on backing up Rose Platine... by some stroke of dumb luck I found one at Nordies after they'd sold out everywhere.


Well-known member
Thanks to my skin twin and favorite enabler (Ms. Elegant) I ordered Belgravia a few days ago in the hopes to get it by Christmas with the free 2 day shipping option. Because of the deluge of orders I guess it took longer to process and now my package is not scheduled for delivery until 12/27. :-(

So far I love everything I got from Spring 2012. I may go back and pick up Paradis later today.


My BU of Belgravia got that same delayed ship date. You will love it! Paradis is so so so pretty on too.


Well-known member
MissQQ - that card is so elegant & creative! Sorry, I want more than a Christmas card (spoiled brat I am)

Platine is not that sparkly, just beautiful shimmer.

Ingenue - what do you think of Jasmine on? I LOVE LOVE LOVE Grenat

Shadowaddict - I just got my delivery of Clair so I am excited to read that. I hope its way better than the similar MAC one.

Its almost Christmas - WOOT!
Our kids are on their way
<---------------- Me & Santa have a thing going
he delivered a Blue Box with a red bow today
and I wasn't even a good girl this year


Well-known member
Elegant, I LOVE Grenat! Omg.... I'm wearing it again today. I saw it on a Chanel rep with just lots of mascara and red lips... she looked STUNNING. It's such an amazing pencil.

Jasmine is a peach gold glow on me. It's a perfect highlighter... really lovely.

HOLLERING @ "I wasn't even a good girl." Maybe that's why you got the gift...


Well-known member
Happy Holidays everyone, and here's to an enabling filled 2012!

Ingenue--you know, every time I think something doesn't work on me you swatch it and then I have to go back and get it. I was totally done with Spring 2012 and was perfectly fine with just Tiger Lily and I'm rethinking Flirt and Horizon. You and Elegant I swear, every time you say "buy!" I'm beginning to go "how many?".


Well-known member
Things are getting busier here, so just want to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season!! May it be filled with joy, good health, happiness and pretty MU! xoxo



Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by elegant-one

Its almost Christmas - WOOT!
Our kids are on their way
<---------------- Me & Santa have a thing going
he delivered a Blue Box with a red bow today
and I wasn't even a good girl this year

Have fun with your son and DIL -- I'm sure they are in for a treat!!
Is that the Tiffany blue box you got??? Lucky girl!
The kids are home today from school -- and hubs took the day off, so I am loving hanging out with the fam.

Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas!!


Well-known member
Happy Holidays everyone, and here's to an enabling filled 2012!

Ingenue--you know, every time I think something doesn't work on me you swatch it and then I have to go back and get it. I was totally done with Spring 2012 and was perfectly fine with just Tiger Lily and I'm rethinking Flirt and Horizon. You and Elegant I swear, every time you say "buy!" I'm beginning to go "how many?".

Omg..I LOVE Grenat. It is STUNNING. That blush is insanely pigmented... I had to blend mine down today. And I love Flirt. I really thought it was going to look a mess on me, but it doesn't.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I'm beginning to think I need Grenat too. Can anyone compare it with Cassis? I drank the eggnog this morning. It is so thick, I could only take half a glass and not more. I don't hate it, but probably will not crave for it lol. I'm having a rainy Christmas eve. Just took a bath with lush sex bomb bath bomb. The store just opened here this month and I bought it to try it out. Only used about a third of it and smells great! Elegant - have fun! Did you get a Tiffany box? Lexi - what did you get from chanel? Looks like you got yourself Chanel gifts for Christmas! Enjoy!


Well-known member
Have a wonderful holiday everyone! Tonight DH and I will be busy wrapping away. With our kids we need to put presents out at the last minute, otherwise I have to march around the tree like an army seargant guarding the presents.



Well-known member
Ok, this is not about Chanel, but I am so excited!!!!!

My boyfried just got the new Meteorites in Cruel Gardenia for me!!!!

He went to Guerlain counter to buy me gift and had the SA call me to see what I would like and they just got the spring in today, they dont have testers yet but have the product!!!!!!!


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