Chanel Spring 2012 collection


Well-known member
Ok, this is not about Chanel, but I am so excited!!!!!

My boyfried just got the new Meteorites in Cruel Gardenia for me!!!!

He went to Guerlain counter to buy me gift and had the SA call me to see what I would like and they just got the spring in today, they dont have testers yet but have the product!!!!!!!

Great gift!!! Enjoy it. I am really wanting to try the new G mascara.


Well-known member
Elegant, I LOVE Grenat! Omg.... I'm wearing it again today. I saw it on a Chanel rep with just lots of mascara and red lips... she looked STUNNING. It's such an amazing pencil.

Jasmine is a peach gold glow on me. It's a perfect highlighter... really lovely.

HOLLERING @ "I wasn't even a good girl." Maybe that's why you got the gift...

I didn't even look at Jasmine. I think I may have to check it out now. Thanks.

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Ikram - Great gift! Enjoy! Look forward to your review! jmarie - I'm excited about the new mascara too! I don't wear mascara daily but I'm strangely attracted to the packaging and concept. I guess you will get to see it first and I look forward to your thoughts! Wicked was great! I enjoyed the show and the night. It was a bit stressful getting there in time as my friend was held back and got there late so we had a quick meal before haring to the theatre. Inside the theatre it was quite warm too. Even from so far back, I could see how glittery and sparkly the good witch's costume was. It must be stunning up close. Have fun on Christmas Day! I don't really have any plans for the day, maybe I'll just eat more chocolates and ginger breads lol.


Active member
Merry Christmas everyone! Do I hear squeals of delight everywhere yet? I hope everyone's enjoying yourselves and having a great time with family and friends!
Santa's been sweet to me - he decided I had to have a pair of Cs sunnies for the tropics! (And possibly to shield my roving eyes in a valiant attempt from the Chanel cosmetic counters
) and a caramel coloured WOC!

Miss QQ
Thanks for the heads up on the theatre - glad to know Wicked was wicked! Am looking forward it tonight and will take your advice to go down much much earlier.. I shall go to the cosmetic counters then! Ugh.. warm theatre? I hate that - oh no...
Hahah - I bailed while cooking Christmas dinner and decided I HAD to get Famous before they removed it. But I went home with that, Dragon, the Ivoire/Noir duo, a gloss in #152 Blossom... and also made an appointment with the MUA for the Spring collection while trying to ask about the Le Blanc release date too..

I cannot wait for your reveal of your little blue box(or maybe not so little?)!!

Congrats on your new additions! It's amazing that your man actually can buy you the makeup you want! So sweet of him!

I got a question about Grenat - I read on the Chanel site that it's not a limited edition, can anyone confirm? So I can check it out and decide if it is a worthwhile BU buy?


Well-known member
MissQQ--Wicked is wicked awesome as my daughter would say. I absolutley love it.

Elegant--The blue box sounds interesting. I haven't received one of those special colored blue boxes in a while, perhaps I haven't been naughty enough:)

Clair and the one from MAC are very similar in color but not in wear. As HG pointed out to me Clair to me brightens the eye more and she had trouble with the MAC one collection in the inner corner of her eyes. I haven't had any smudge or travel issues with Clair and it is very smooth to apply, no tugging.


Well-known member
Sorry for the second post but it would not let me skip on down.

Anyway, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas or any other type of holiday you may celebrate and have a wonderful time with your friends and family.



Well-known member
I picked up Paradis the other day and wore it for the first time last night. When I first put it on I thought it was too light and soft (same problem I had with Enviree) but after wearing it for a few minutes and letting it "warm up" it became the most stunning color on me. I don't think I have had a lipstick do that before. Maybe I shouldn't have returned Enviree so soon.


Well-known member
I wore Bagatelle over Rose Corrail for the first time yesterday for Christmas Eve services. It was beautiful! Even my mom and gram commented on it. I never back up makeup, especially lips things ( I love lip products, but forget to wear them a lot of the time), but I may have to make an exception for these.


Well-known member
I wore Bagatelle over Rose Corrail for the first time yesterday for Christmas Eve services. It was beautiful! Even my mom and gram commented on it. I never back up makeup, especially lips things ( I love lip products, but forget to wear them a lot of the time), but I may have to make an exception for these.

This combination really is beautiful together! Glad you loved it too.


Well-known member
Good morning ladies! How was everyone's holiday? Did you get everything you wanted?

Debating on hitting the mall today, doing a CP for a friend in HK but I can just imagine the crowds will be INSANE. :/ I might just wait until Wednesday or Thursday and hope the crowds have died down some...also trying to resist looking at Horizon one more time. >_> I've also been debating picking up Famous RA to serve as a backup for Rouge Byzantin. I've worn RB enough already to flatten it, I imagine in another 6 months it'll be used up.

On the Chanel site the nifty little Tetris (LOL) makeup animation on the Makeup Confidential section is now available as a screensaver download.


Well-known member
Oh, also wanted to add since I indeed dragged myself off to the mall today: there's a glossimer collection (the one we thought was part of summer 2012) with a bunch of corals and nps due out in February, and the Vitalumiere Aqua compact collection is due out March. With the VA collection there will also be three JCs released: Pink Explosion (yay for those of us who missed out!), light pink Tumulte, and coral Malice. My SA couldn't confirm whether these JCs would be in the US or Euro baked formulas, but she did say Tumulte looked similar to Narcisse.

Also the Euro-version brushes will be more fully phased-in starting next month as well.

On another note: retried Flirt and Horizon again, this time on my face instead of just my arm/hand, and I'm left kinda...meh. Flirt is pretty but pulls very pink and is close enough to my natural lip color to not warrant a purchase, and Horizon is incredibly subtle on my cheeks. A little too subtle my SA thought, and with the aforementioned JCs coming out Horizon's a more than likely comfortable skip. The two lipliners are gorgeous, I think Rose Corail would be nice with Hyde Park and Bois de Rose with Flamboyante.


Specktra Bestie
Ok, this is not about Chanel, but I am so excited!!!!!

My boyfried just got the new Meteorites in Cruel Gardenia for me!!!!

He went to Guerlain counter to buy me gift and had the SA call me to see what I would like and they just got the spring in today, they dont have testers yet but have the product!!!!!!!


JEALOUS!!! It drives me nuts that we don't get the collections until so much later, but I suppose it's good for my wallet... Although I decided to treat myself to an order from


Well-known member
Oh, also wanted to add since I indeed dragged myself off to the mall today: there's a glossimer collection (the one we thought was part of summer 2012) with a bunch of corals and nps due out in February, and the Vitalumiere Aqua compact collection is due out March. With the VA collection there will also be three JCs released: Pink Explosion (yay for those of us who missed out!), light pink Tumulte, and coral Malice. My SA couldn't confirm whether these JCs would be in the US or Euro baked formulas, but she did say Tumulte looked similar to Narcisse.

Also the Euro-version brushes will be more fully phased-in starting next month as well.

On another note: retried Flirt and Horizon again, this time on my face instead of just my arm/hand, and I'm left kinda...meh. Flirt is pretty but pulls very pink and is close enough to my natural lip color to not warrant a purchase, and Horizon is incredibly subtle on my cheeks. A little too subtle my SA thought, and with the aforementioned JCs coming out Horizon's a more than likely comfortable skip. The two lipliners are gorgeous, I think Rose Corail would be nice with Hyde Park and Bois de Rose with Flamboyante.

Oh wow, thanks for all the info! I'll be very interested to see which formula the JCs are. At first I was thinking it may be more likely that they'll all be Euro since PE was Euro the first time around, but then I started to wonder why they'd be re-releasing PE at all so soon -- maybe the re-release (and then the other new ones too) will be the US formula? That's what I'll hope for, but if I had to bet I'd go with Euro.


Well-known member
^I know I'm in the minority here, but I personally prefer the Euro JCs myself so I'm crossing my fingers for the Euro format. For those that have both, what's your opinion of Rose Tourbillon vs Pink Explosion? I've had to concede recently that RT is much too cool for my skin tone so I might replace it with Pink Explosion.

I'm also wondering how Malice will compare to Reflex and Horizon (the JC, not the striped blush). My Horizon is old and should probably be tossed, but I don't have the heart to do it. Reflex is nice but a tad too light. Malice looked orange in the release list but we all know how notoriously unreliable Chanel swatch photos are. I also found it amusing and a bit out of character for Chanel to release something called Malice (sounds more like a MAC/Illamasqua name) but when I looked up malice in a French-English dictionary it means mischievousness rather than spite as it does in English.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
QoS - Thanks for solving the mystery. I was thinking Malice doesn't sound Chanel at all.

Does the spring blush have the rose scent like the JCs? I will most likely get the spring blush, but other than that I don't want more new Chanel blushes. I have quite a few JCs and tweed fuchsia. I want to save for Nars blushes instead, which lasts on me all day and looks like I glow from within. I only have Deep Throat and Desire, I love them so much, I need more! But Nars is not available in my country so I get my friends who are traveling to help me buy Nars.


Well-known member
Miss QQ

I dont detect any smell in the spring blush.

From Nars you should try Luster if you can pull it of on your skintone. That one and Madly are my most faves. Madly would go with anything. And Luster is such pretty glow, it can be used also as topper for another blush.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Merry Christmas everyone....just realized I haven't been on here for a while....I saw some of the pics of the spring collection finally and think I need the blush, the burgundy liner and the the two pink n/p's. I do hope they don't get released till later here though...i'm not in spring makeup mood yet ;)

QoS - Thanks for solving the mystery. I was thinking Malice doesn't sound Chanel at all.

Does the spring blush have the rose scent like the JCs? I will most likely get the spring blush, but other than that I don't want more new Chanel blushes. I have quite a few JCs and tweed fuchsia. I want to save for Nars blushes instead, which lasts on me all day and looks like I glow from within. I only have Deep Throat and Desire, I love them so much, I need more! But Nars is not available in my country so I get my friends who are traveling to help me buy Nars.
My go-to Nars blush is Madly. It goes with everything and the texture is divine. I would say the colour is universally flattering despite your tone/undertone. I'm cool and light medium (NW22) but usually spray tan come fall/ works amazing with or w/o a tan :)

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