Chanel Spring 2012 collection

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Happy New Year Chanel Family


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I do have one of their 32" bead chain with a heart on it. I love that I can double wrap it.
HA! on the link sending. Start tomorrow
for an early Valentines heads up. I LOVE Valentines Day. Its one of my favorite holidays. I'm such an old fashion romantic at heart

I like that bead one. I haven't checked that one out.

I really like this on because you can switch the charms around. Each link opens and there's n oval one also.

I looked at this one a couple of years ago when I couldn't make up my mind and it was just over $200 then. The price of silver has changed quite a bit since then. This one they will send to NY and have them put on so you have to be sure you know how you want them placed. Right now I have another chain I switch out and wear them on separately so they don't clank together. I should've chose one of those back then while the price was down.

This one is the one hubby just got me for my LOL charms. I have a few of their chains and crosses. I love the quality and the prices are great. They have a lifetime guarantee


Well-known member
Happy New Year to all of you Chanel lovelies!! I have a feeling 2012 is going to be a beautiful year ;)


Well-known member
Happy New Year everyone! Here's to another year of enabling, shopping, and empty wallets! *clinks glass*
Happy new year Chanel Rotanas! I like another year of great Chanel collections, enabling and empty wallets! :lol: :cheers:


Well-known member
I really like this on because you can switch the charms around. Each link opens and there's n oval one also.

I looked at this one a couple of years ago when I couldn't make up my mind and it was just over $200 then. The price of silver has changed quite a bit since then. This one they will send to NY and have them put on so you have to be sure you know how you want them placed. Right now I have another chain I switch out and wear them on separately so they don't clank together. I should've chose one of those back then while the price was down.

This one is the one hubby just got me for my LOL charms. I have a few of their chains and crosses. I love the quality and the prices are great. They have a lifetime guarantee

I LOVE that first one & I have had that second one in my cart forever but I think its either sold out or special order for the 16 inch.

The one your hubs got you is so nice!


Well-known member
I shopped my stash today since the hubby's busy with football (and my team isn't playing-- GO CAROLINA!). I think I found a few possible dupes for the Spring collection. Keep in mind I have a deeper/warmer skin tone than most here, so YMMV.

  • Tiger Lily/Eclosion (deepest color) = NARS Cheyenne Duo / UD Jones e/s (orange); the lighter shades all look the same iridescent white/gold/peach on me and look the same as MAC Ricepaper/Shroom on my eyes.
  • Eclosion (deepest color) / Grenat eyeliner = NARS Cheyenne Duo MAC Glamour Check! e/s
  • Destinee Rouge Coco = Etole RC (more mauve), MAC Party Line (deeper/more berry)
  • Horizon Blush = Rose Tourbillon + Reflex JCs (note: I have Euro versions)

As much as it pains me, I might have to return Tiger Lily. It's a beautiful color in-pan, but it disappears against the yellow/golden tones on my skin and is subtle to the point of nonexistence. I even had to forgo using my 239 and pack it on with the enclosed sponge brush just to get it to show. The sponge brushes are of course hella scratchy so my poor eyelids feel sore. Can anyone recommend a more "heavy duty" eyeshadow brush? If I do return Tiger Lily I might exchange it for Grenat.

Tiger Lily pairs extremely well with the NARS Cheyenne duo and MAC Saffron e/s, BTW.


Well-known member


I am on vacay in SA and have been having a blast.... with family and also Ramon. Last night we partied till 4 am and now I feel like a cadaver.. ha.

Back to work next week tho..

Best to all!!



Well-known member
HG--Good to hear from you. Sounds like you're having a great time. I bet everyone loved all those great gifts you snapped up a while back on your shopping trip of my dreams.

Is your sister still doing well? I hope 2012 brings great health to her.

Elegant--I really like that second also. When hubby asked me what chain I wanted in Sept for my b-day I went on the site and was confused because that one jumped in price by a third and I could've sworn that first one was higher than it is now. It put them closer in price, not that $175 is anything to sneeze at but still for something I'm going to put my charms on and have forever. For now I guess I'm still in limbo. I like the 18 inch so it hangs just a bit longer.

Thanks on the one he bought, wish I could say he did it all on his own. I chose it and then went and looked at it. I thought the way the larger links were spaced the LoL charms would be pretty on it. I then told him that one was a go. I have to at least point him in the right direction (most of the time draw a map & be very specific) for gifts. Engineers are a whole different breed. His entire family are engineers and accountants so the poor man never stood a chance. I've been training him for 25 years and have seen little improvement in romance and choosing gifts. But I did have a heads up in that area. My sister married an engineer 13 yrs prior so I knew from the get go he would need guidance:)

I apologize to all the engineers and accountants here that do have a clue. My comments were not aimed at you. I applaud you for breaking from the stereotype.

I need to remember the next time I'm in the mall to stop and look at that beaded chain. I can see that looking really pretty doubled like you said.

MissQQ--I like those shoes, a very classic style that could go with many things. I'm a shorty so I usually go for a higher heel, generally a wedge for everyday kind of stuff.

Happy New Year Everyone..........I'm still trying to figure what the hell happened to 2011. It seems it passed me by.



Specktra Bestie
Happy New Year everyone! HG- Sounds like you partied enough for three people, so I don't feel so bad about staying in. I'm currently recovering from our New Year's supper- both cooking it and eating it. I have no idea why I always have to do a big holiday feast, even when there's only two of us, but we always end up very stuffed. The kitties were very glad that we didn't finish all the fowl, since that meant they got quite a bit. (They're all pretty much unconscious with bloated bellies at the moment.)

I have a question that I'm not sure anyone can help me with, regarding Tiger Lily: I'm wondering if it's close to the orange shade that came in Mac's Leopard Luxe quad from Fabulous Felines. In Temptalia's swatches, they look fairly similar and I don't wear that type of shade enough that I think I need another version of it... I'm trying to justify it in my head.

As far as Destinee is concerned, I might take Party Line with me when I get to visit it in store. Again, I'm trying not to buy dupes where I can avoid it...


Well-known member
Happy New year to all the amazing ladies in here!!! It's been two good days of 2012 already: we are having almost spring weather during the day and I have enjoyed being with my family and friends so much. If everything turns out well, soon enough I will be defending my PhD thesis, and then, looking for a postdoc position. I have already spotted some labs in the US I'd like to apply for the position, or maybe the UK, if I don't feell like going so far away from home at first. We will see!

I have gone through a lot of pages in a short time but I am loving those Jimmy Choo's and the Tiffany necklace. They are great Christmas presents! Me, I have to wait till 6th January to get mine, although, tbh, I already know what some of them are


Well-known member
As much as it pains me, I might have to return Tiger Lily. It's a beautiful color in-pan, but it disappears against the yellow/golden tones on my skin and is subtle to the point of nonexistence. I even had to forgo using my 239 and pack it on with the enclosed sponge brush just to get it to show. The sponge brushes are of course hella scratchy so my poor eyelids feel sore. Can anyone recommend a more "heavy duty" eyeshadow brush? If I do return Tiger Lily I might exchange it for Grenat.
This happens to me with a lot. My suggestion is to apply the shadow wet. Beige Lame didn't work for me for the same reason and I know a lot of people have given it rave reviews. I have golden/olive skin so colors can be tricky for me.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I bought the shoes today! :) It is the one in the link I put up, but it is navy blue like the SA said, but so deep that it looks black unless you hold it under very bright light. Hi Cheryl! Miss you! Almus - sounds like 2012 is an exciting year for you. Good luck! Hope you get all the gifts you want too. HG - so you have been partying all December! Hope you are recharged! It's back to work for me tomorrow too, and I was only had a couple of days off, so I wish I have a longer break before the year rolls again. shadow - Thanks, I like that the shoes goes with everything, and also the heel height because I can run after the buses and trains in them. I browsed the website and they have pretty wedges this season, so you can check them out! Can anyone compare Cassis with Granet? An if I can only get one lipstick from this collection, which would it be?


Well-known member
Can anyone compare Cassis with Granet? An if I can only get one lipstick from this collection, which would it be?

Awesome way to start the new year!!!! Hope you love them.

Shaddowaddict - funny about the engineers & accountants. Men can always use the 'encouragement" of hints, tips & links
Yes, an 18" would def. be better for charms. Sound so pretty.

Cassis is more eggplant/purple-ish whereas Grenat is more bronze-ish bowned-burgundy. Both are divine & different enough to own both.


Well-known member
Speaking of Tiffany's
Hubs wanted to watch Breakfast at Tiffany's late last night.
He loves to watch the beginning where she's all dressed up & has her coffee looking in Tiffany's window because it reminds him so much of me
omg - how cute is that.

Anyhow - I LOVED this line she says in the movie that should be every girls motto - "Nothing bad can ever happen to you in Tiffany's"

You gotta love that. I should re-run it to get the exact quote, but she says it twice in the movie.


Well-known member
Speaking of Tiffany's
Hubs wanted to watch Breakfast at Tiffany's late last night.
He loves to watch the beginning where she's all dressed up & has her coffee looking in Tiffany's window because it reminds him so much of me
omg - how cute is that.

Anyhow - I LOVED this line she says in the movie that should be every girls motto - "Nothing bad can ever happen to you in Tiffany's"

You gotta love that. I should re-run it to get the exact quote, but she says it twice in the movie.
Awww, how sweet. We just watched Roman Holiday with the girls. I love Audrey Hepburn movies. And how true about nothing bad ever happening at Tiffany's (well, maybe to our bank accounts LOL)


Well-known member
Katred, I have both and honestly they are not even remotely the same. This is the best description of the difference I can think of: one is like orange juice (Tiger Lilly) while the other is like a caramel (Leopard Luxe).

Happy New Year everyone! HG- Sounds like you partied enough for three people, so I don't feel so bad about staying in. I'm currently recovering from our New Year's supper- both cooking it and eating it. I have no idea why I always have to do a big holiday feast, even when there's only two of us, but we always end up very stuffed. The kitties were very glad that we didn't finish all the fowl, since that meant they got quite a bit. (They're all pretty much unconscious with bloated bellies at the moment.)

I have a question that I'm not sure anyone can help me with, regarding Tiger Lily: I'm wondering if it's close to the orange shade that came in Mac's Leopard Luxe quad from Fabulous Felines. In Temptalia's swatches, they look fairly similar and I don't wear that type of shade enough that I think I need another version of it... I'm trying to justify it in my head.

As far as Destinee is concerned, I might take Party Line with me when I get to visit it in store. Again, I'm trying not to buy dupes where I can avoid it...


Well-known member
Happened to be at the mall today and swatched Horizon for the umpteenth time...I think I might get it. I have a $100 Neiman's GC I need to spend, so I've been thinking of getting that, Grenat (finally) and Brun Rose.

I'm surprised at how tenacious the Stylo Yeux Waterproof eyeliners and the lip liners are, I swatched them all early this afternoon and they're still as strong on my arm now as when I first swatched them.

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