Hi ladies,
Wow, I see I've got a lot to catch up on!
So this is the look that the MUA did for me.. not really a daytime look but more of a Spring evening/dinner look. It's the most glittery shade in Eclosion from the lid to the brow(but only until the pupil), and the darkest colour on the outer eye ( I have no crease so we had to create one) and Tigerlily on the outermost area outside. I have Grenat as a liner and it does not show up reddish as I first though it would.
MissQQ - your Jimmy Choos are beautiful and to die for! P.S Did you realise that our local Chanel had a price increment of 5%?!?!
I bought Candeur but am a little regretting it because the colour doesn't really show up on my pigmented lips

It comes up looking a little milky-pink on me, I don't know why. Flirt is beautiful though and my choice over Candeur.
Bonitinha - your husband is amazing and so sweet to surprise you with a Kate Spade bag! I think her designs are really cute and quirky.. perfect for weekends or a day out at the mall.
Shypo - Hi there and thanks for the welcome
QueenofSnark - Well... technically you didn't "buy" it right?

It was a gift and a totally worthwhile item to cave in on heheheh
Nicala - congrats on your new Horizon purchase! I think it's a beautiful blush and that it can be swatched either more pinkish or more coral is a definite factor in its favour! BTW I love the lipstick colour you have on in your avatar picture - you look really gorgeous!
Winthrop44 - Bagatelle doesn't turn up bubblegummy pink on me either - it leans more to salmon on me .. I feel hungry thinking of salmon on my lips.. *sashimi!*
ElvenEyes - I love how you did your makeup - the colours create such a lovely soft glow on you!
I finally got my Knightsbridge collection and surprisingly, I'm in major LOVE with Hyde Park! I can't bear to use Brompton yet though because it looks so pretty in the packaging.. I'll probably bust it out for the lunar New Year later this month.