Chanel Summer 2011


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After your swatches Winthrop -- I now think I need Gardenia and Camelia


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[quote name="Bonitinha" url="/forum/thread/171803/chanel-summer-2011/750#post_2108589"]After your swatches Winthrop -- I now think I need Gardenia and Camelia

[/quote] Gardenia is beautiful. I was surprised at how much I liked it. This is a pretty solid collection.


Well-known member
OK I am rethinking my decision to pass on Aurore and Rose Platine. Any thoughts? I am NW15/N2 coloring with black hair and green eyes.
Well, Aurore is really pretty in person, the eye pencil is like nothing else I've seen. So far, I think everyone is loving RP. The glosses are probably more geared to one's own liking. geesh I'm not sure that helped.


Well-known member
Oh & *cough* - I just ordered Pink Peony online because we didn't make it that far in our shopping trip today...& I don't want to wait until May...yeah I knew thats what would happen.


Well-known member
So crap...I was all set to order just the three polishes, and I've now been talked into Pink Peony, Pensee and Rose I want Miami Peach. NOT GOOD!! Especially since I've gone super crazy with the Sephora VIB Sale stocking up on all sorts of things. Guess I will really have to cut the spending for the next two months if I want to get those glossimers and liner. Budgeting sucks!!


Well-known member
Karin, I'm getting a few more things than planned as well!

I still haven't had a chance to go by the counter to play with the testers. Maybe tomorrow. But I have decided that I'm getting both Pink Peony and Aurore and will skip Pensee. But now I can't decide on which bronzer! The rose looks pretty, but kinda light. The swatches online all show the colours individually, not sure if I've seen a pic of the four colours swooshed together.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Christa, we had snow in the morning, but it was all gone by lunch time. It's been awful all weekend. But we managed to get the kids all dressed up for Palm Sunday, off to church and a nice lunch with my parents afterwards.


Active member
I'm loving this Summer collection, I didnt purchase a thing from their spring line so this is a nice change. The stand out for me has been the Rose Platine eye liner. The color is so hard to define - sometimes it looks rose gold sometimes you see gray. It's amazing. I really like the Lilium quad and how it brings out my hazel eyes. I was disappointed in Mimosa and how it applies. Although the color does look pretty in the bottle. I also purchased the bronzer in rose but haven't had a chance to wear it yet. The Glossimers are all exquisite because I'm a pink loving girl. I am pleased with Chanel and this collection, great job!


Well-known member
So crap...I was all set to order just the three polishes, and I've now been talked into Pink Peony, Pensee and Rose I want Miami Peach. NOT GOOD!! Especially since I've gone super crazy with the Sephora VIB Sale stocking up on all sorts of things. Guess I will really have to cut the spending for the next two months if I want to get those glossimers and liner. Budgeting sucks!!
lol1 yeah i am with you on how much bugeting sucks! :(


Well-known member
Karin, I'm getting a few more things than planned as well!

I still haven't had a chance to go by the counter to play with the testers. Maybe tomorrow. But I have decided that I'm getting both Pink Peony and Aurore and will skip Pensee. But now I can't decide on which bronzer! The rose looks pretty, but kinda light. The swatches online all show the colours individually, not sure if I've seen a pic of the four colours swooshed together.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Christa, we had snow in the morning, but it was all gone by lunch time. It's been awful all weekend. But we managed to get the kids all dressed up for Palm Sunday, off to church and a nice lunch with my parents afterwards.
Oh that's good! It snowed and blowed here almost the entire day. The wind was the worst though. Just crazy! I hate that there is still snow on the ground now this morning :(


Well-known member
[quote name="mrslid" url="/forum/thread/171803/chanel-summer-2011/750#post_2108787"]

Oh that's good! It snowed and blowed here almost the entire day. The wind was the worst though. Just crazy! I hate that there is still snow on the ground now this morning :(
[/quote] Wow, is that "normal" for this time of the year? We have endless sunshing here and about 15-20 degrees, so I will send some sun your way :) The wind is still cool. And *taaataaa* I finally got a tester card for the RCS, Boy looks like a mauvey, very lovely colour, Monte Carlo like a tasty strawberry. Cannot wait to try them.


Well-known member
Devoted - welcome to our thread! We're glad you're here - so glad you're loving the new Chanel collection - it's one of the best IMO!
Lou, I'm so thrilled that you'll be geting your first Chanel quad!! At least I think I read that somewhere......welcome to the foray!!

Christa and Nora - hope winter decides to leave sometime soon - I heard there was snow up in Michigan planned for today as well......we'll probably have very little spring - go from 30 to 90 in one fell swoop. Drives me nuts. I'm ready to open my windows!!!

I agree with all of you - Rose Platine is really the standout here - and the quad. I love everything I got for sure!


Well-known member
C!.. just pmd you.
Am in CA and on my way to meet clients -- will try to get back on later if I have the energy..

devoted.. Welcome to our addicted and out of control gang!

Hugs to all !!


Well-known member
Devoted - welcome to our thread! We're glad you're here - so glad you're loving the new Chanel collection - it's one of the best IMO!
Lou, I'm so thrilled that you'll be geting your first Chanel quad!! At least I think I read that somewhere......welcome to the foray!!

Christa and Nora - hope winter decides to leave sometime soon - I heard there was snow up in Michigan planned for today as well......we'll probably have very little spring - go from 30 to 90 in one fell swoop. Drives me nuts. I'm ready to open my windows!!!

I agree with all of you - Rose Platine is really the standout here - and the quad. I love everything I got for sure!
hee hee! yup you did read it :) i'm excited! just not keep on waiting another month for it!


Well-known member
And *taaataaa* I finally got a tester card for the RCS, Boy looks like a mauvey, very lovely colour, Monte Carlo like a tasty strawberry. Cannot wait to try them.
Definitely not normal but it's not the first time either. Last year we pretty much skipped spring and went right to summer so I guess we're paying for it this year :-( I really need the boost in spirits spring brings so I really hope its coming soon!!


Well-known member
Aggh...I freaked out because I got this email from Chanel this morning that said it was confirming "MY" cancellation of my order for Pink Peony.....& I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOO! So, I called & it was that they sold out of one of the samples in my order not Pink Peony

CS said that they don't have their email notifications quite up to speed
You better send me my Pink Peony.

HG^^^^ will appreciate that story

So I had to write out the checks this morning for our taxes
which are due today - hubs brings all the paper work out for me - I said, I'll do those in a while because I have to find out why Chanel cancelled my Pink lipgloss order. He said, "First things first I guess"


Well-known member
So crap...I was all set to order just the three polishes, and I've now been talked into Pink Peony, Pensee and Rose I want Miami Peach. NOT GOOD!! Especially since I've gone super crazy with the Sephora VIB Sale stocking up on all sorts of things. Guess I will really have to cut the spending for the next two months if I want to get those glossimers and liner. Budgeting sucks!!

I don't know if you have anything close to Miami Peach (I thought I did but don't) but its super pretty in person.

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