Chanel Summer 2011


Well-known member
Winthrop, curiosity got me.. and I have just now counted about 6 pencils which are dupeable for this product.. MAC had a velvet pencil which landed in the powerpoints... but the name escapes me too. It's really a generic nice pencil.. but nothing out of this world scream from the rooftops product.

Hence they decided to give it a unique color description.
Plus if it's Chanel it needs to have "rose" in the name.


Well-known member
every state has some sales tax tho.. and that's what they're supposed to be charging.. even AMazon charges tax cause they have brick and mortar stores.. so Chanel is gonna get busted


Well-known member
It's something involving whether there is one in your state or not - like Neiman's wouldn't charge you tax if there's no NM in your state. They may base it on whether there's a Chanel boutique in your state?


Well-known member
^^ Could be -- there isn't any Chanel boutique or any department store that carries Chanel by me. I guess the one perk to that is free shipping lol


Well-known member
not sure on sales tax laws Winthrop, but if you have a brick & mortar store anywhere, you have to charge sales tax if you sell over the internet... that applies to people that have stores like on Ebay and someone from the state they are based in buys from them, they must charge tax.

I buy a lot from, and they don't charge tax cause they are internet only. Not sure but if Chanel competence is any gauge, something is not kosher.. lol.


Well-known member
I've never been charged sales tax when ordering off Chanel's website. (I'm from California, for reference.) Just nabbed Bronze Corail, and that's IT! Extremely proud of my self-restraint. :lol: We'll see if I can stick to it and resist the glossimers.


Well-known member
not sure on sales tax laws Winthrop, but if you have a brick & mortar store anywhere, you have to charge sales tax if you sell over the internet... that applies to people that have stores like on Ebay and someone from the state they are based in buys from them, they must charge tax.

I buy a lot from, and they don't charge tax cause they are internet only. Not sure but if Chanel competence is any gauge, something is not kosher.. lol.

I get taxed on from too lol


Well-known member
Red, I have three emails, not including my work one.. and I get busted on each of them.. lmao..


Well-known member
Companies have to charge tax if they do business in the state (have stores, manufacturing, warehouse, distribution center, etc.) that's why amazon charges tax in almost every state... They have distribution centers everywhere! Lol


Well-known member
Woo hoo!! Karla just told me she has the pics done of Chanel Summer and will be posting the swatches tomorrow! I can't wait to see her pics. They are always the best IMO.


Well-known member
Hey Ladies!

Been so so busy and taking care of my sick 6 year old. He's better now, but boy, do boys (and men too) turn into mush when they're not well!!!

I have been waiting anxiously to see this collection, and I called my counter to put a few more things aside when it comes in, and she told me she had the testers in!!! So I'll be going by tomorrow to play, but not buy yet! I think the official date is May 7, but hopefully I can get my hands on my goodies a bit sooner!

Judging by the pics though, I've definitely decided on the quad, Mimosa and Morning Rose n/p and the Rose Bronzer. The glossimers I cannot decide on, but Pensee is looking rather nice and summery! I have to decide between that or Pink Peony. I'll get back to all of you tomorrow after I've had a look at everything!

Hope everyone's enjoying your new goodies! I am soooo excited for this collection and summer in general.

And here's smiley from my daughter, who should be sleeping, but she's lying next to me and insisting I insert a happy face!!!


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by stv578 And here's smiley from my daughter, who should be sleeping, but she's lying next to me and insisting I insert a happy face!!!

^ahh, that is so cute
<--------tell her this one is from me to her

The glosses, while a bit sheer are pretty in person. I like PP but Pensee was such a pretty summery kinda soft coral. Can't wait to see what you like


Well-known member
My daughter (who's still awake, lol!) says thank-you! And this is for you
(her pick again!)

Ya, I'm thinking I'll probably pick Pensee. The name escapes me right now, but I have the pink glossimer from the holiday collection and looove it, so that may be reason enough not to buy another pink, but we'll see! I think what's throwing me off right now is that someone descriped Pink Peony as a mauvey pink. Everytime I post about PP, I wanna go to the flower shop and pick up a few peonies to throw in a vase! Maybe I will this weekend. I've done tulips for the last three weeks, time to change it up!

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