Chris Brown Under Investigation for Felony Battery


Well-known member
You can do things with short men that you cant do as well with taller ones (I'll save this info for later) and TI is MY future ex husband so y'all need fall back!!!


Well-known member
^^^ Oh you will have to share that because I just don't believe it....and my dh and I are freaky as hell and NO he is not short and not super tall...he is 6'


Well-known member
How did this turn into the "TI is damn fine" thread? Gotta love Specktra!


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I was watching him on Tyra last night and had no one to talk to.....LOL LOL...and he was talking about going to jail soon


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SuSana
^^I didn't know he got sentenced already? They were saying he could face up to 30 years in prison.

Those lips...ahem nvm he's a criminal!!

i love how he faced up to thirty years in the pen and was only sentenced to just over a year. the judicial system makes me fucking sick sometimes. i love his music, but he needs to do alot more hard time than three hundred and sixty-six days for the crimes he committed.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Now let's turn this into the "Tyra gets on my damn nerves" thread.

I used to adore Tyra, and I still think she's pretty and that ANTM is interesting to catch, but she's soooooooo annoying. Everything always turns into "Tyra's story" LOL and she makes "ghetto" refrences at the oddest times.


Well-known member
yeah she made a reference last night too...when she said ..So you collaborateded...then she said that is not a word...but I'm gonna go back to the hood and stick with it...I think she couldn't figure out the correct way to use it to be she made a joke and repeated it again incorrectly like it was intentional


Well-known member
haha i used to love tyra and then..her talk show just got freakin bizarre and i dont know ANTM..i love to see the makeup and hair on that show, but im startin to get over it i think. i didnt even watch this last season, and usually i can watch cycles over and over again.


Well-known member
Sorry to bring the topic back to T.I but damn those pictures are fine. And I love his new song.


Well-known member
I thought this was still about chris brown and rhianna.
Anyway, i'll weigh in on Tyra.
She is gorgeous and intelligent, but so damned arrogant!! It makes me crazy. I don't like how she switches back and forth between regular speech and "ghetto" speak. I hate how rehearsed and fake everything that comes out her mouth sounds (especially narrative). Like how she puts dramatic emphasis on one word in every sentence.

The worst (imo) is when she decided to celebrate black history month by recreating her cover of Sport Illustrated. It was also the 10th anniversary. She said that that cover proved to the world that black women were beautiful too. And while i agree that Tyra is beautiful, Sport illustrated is a place for sex objects, not beauty and elegance. Also, they airbrushed the recreated pic to shit. This came months after the "Kiss my fat ass speech". It was a very hypocritical move.

end rant


Well-known member
^^^ What thread have you ever read that doesn't talk about a 1,000 different things....This is the Specktra way.....we're versatile up in here


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
T.I. is sexy HOWEVER have you seen the bush???? It is not sexy. Archive TI is WAAAY Out of Bounds

That's the pic I'm talking about.
It's alot of bush, but at the same time, I can't really imagine T.I. standing in front of a mirror with a razor, some clippers, and possibly an afro pick by the looks of things, manscaping his man area.

I don't really like any of his recent songs....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^^ What thread have you ever read that doesn't talk about a 1,000 different things....This is the Specktra way.....we're versatile up in here

very very true.