Chris Brown Under Investigation for Felony Battery


Well-known member
I can believe that because abuse does not start this abruptly.....It normally starts with pushing, slapping, and later after it goes unreported it becomes much worse. In my experience the first incident is never this it would not surprise me if he has been hitting her all along for it to be at this escalated abusive stage. If he has always gotten away with it...he would have thought he could in this case to. But every woman has her breaking point...and there is finally a point where we say "No More" this is not love....Because Love does Not cause physical pain.


Well-known member
^^ exactly. as sever as her injuries are i don't think he just up and snapped out of nowhere.
i'm just amazed about ppl (mainly his fam) saying that she must have provoked him. that blows my mind
i know there's two sides to every story but damn......


Well-known member
^^ I agree...I know that you can provoke people...But the "Self-Control" comes in when you allow yourself not to be provoked...Hit a wall...Throw some shit...But don't hit somebody. My husbands employees provoke him everyday when they don't treat his business like he wants them to...he don't curse, hit or lash out...He just walks away...takes a drive and comes back when he is able to be rational. The maturity comes in when adults learn how to handle their aggression without being aggressive.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^ I agree...I know that you can provoke people...But the "Self-Control" comes in when you allow yourself not to be provoked...Hit a wall...Throw some shit...But don't hit somebody. My husbands employees provoke him everyday when they don't treat his business like he wants them to...he don't curse, hit or lash out...He just walks away...takes a drive and comes back when he is able to be rational. The maturity comes in when adults learn how to handle their aggression without being aggressive.


ppl keep saying he was provoked but this isn't the way to handle it. the world is bigger than we'll ever be and no matter who you are or where you are somebody will always, at some point, try to f*ck with you or do something that will piss you off. you can't go through life thinking you'll beat everyone's ass who gets in your way. much less a female. it's all in the way you handle things. shit, my daddy got provoked everyday for 30 years on his job. thank God he's retired now but he didn't flip out at everyone who tried to f*ck with him. now granted, he always came home with a f'd up attitude. lol! but as long as we just left him alone until 6pm (he would get home at 4:30) then everything was straight. hehehe........ i love that man to pieces but that man had one funky ass 30 year long attitude. lol!!!


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Originally Posted by florabundance
I think he deserves a chance to be heard. I firmly believe that if someone makes an honest mistake, and admits it, but makes an honest effort to change, then they deserve a second chance.
Lord knows what came over him at the time of the incident, but I won't write him off completely..and I'm kind of thinking that his fans shouldn't either. There is no concrete proof, beside the hysteria, that he is some monster. He did a monstrous thing, absolutely, but I don't this action defines him.

Gosh, no way.

I dont think there should be a second chance when it comes to domestic violence... at all. No matter how much remorse is shown - no one should be around a person like that. I personally know a few women who have been victims of DV and the second, third... seventh chances always led to the same shit and even worse. pfff, forget it!

I dont think CB is all that. Musically - fans can easily move on to the next Usher/Trey Songz/Bobby V/Lloyd type of singer, no problem.

This weeks UK Grazia magazine has covered the story...


Well-known member
I can't believe how many women give men free passes against other females. First, other women tore the child in the R. Kelly tape a new one for being promiscuous and now women should get their asses kicked if they tick men off?? I'm sorry, but men are naturally built stronger than women. Saying she deserves it is like saying scantily dressed women deserved to be raped. Why give disrespectful men a the freedom to think this? Unless a man is in a life or death situation with a woman, I don't condone beating her ass. Be a man and walk away. If you're with a crazy female who tests you on the regular, walk away. If you're a crazy female who tests a man on the regular, pray that he's man enough to walk away from your crazy ass. Because as you can see, many women will think you had it coming to you.


Well-known member
I can honestly say though, I am disgusted at the double standard and hypocrisy shown by the media and others in this situation. What happened to R. Kelly when there was video footage of him freely pissing on young girls? Nothing! Hell, I'm pretty sure he was nominated for an NAACP image award during the 6 long years it took to get him to trial. Everyone in their right mind knew he was guilty, but it didn't stop any radio stations from playing his music and I don't ever remember major chains pulling his music. Let's be fair here, if you want to not support one unsavory character, then let's not support any of them.

I mean, CB is losing endorsements left and right, his music has been pulled from the airways, and half the world wants to whoop his ass.. All based on AL-le-gat-ions!!! Now last time I checked, allegations meant you are accused of something, NOT that it's been proven you are guilty. Didn't the DA send the case back to the LAPD to get more evidence? IMO, that sounds extra fishy. Of course, this by no means proves he didn't hit her, but it doesn't prove anything else either. Nor has he ever said that he was or wasn't guilty. He just said he didn't post up messages. Moreover, nothing has been released or even hinted at to prove who the fight was started by. And IMO, YES, that make a huge difference in the necessary and warranted punishments.

I have no problem w/ a woman abuser having to deal w/ the repercussions of his actions... but can we please find out IF that is the case?

Maybe, it's b/c I was raised by a man that I don't automatically want to throw CB under a bus. But life has taught me to try to look at both sides, I just have to. I think "if that was my sister, how would I react?" and at the same time, I think "If that was my little brother, how would I react?". And I hope, I would treat both situations the same by trying to find out the truth before I flew off the handle.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carandru
I can honestly say though, I am disgusted at the double standard and hypocrisy shown by the media and others in this situation. What happened to R. Kelly when there was video footage of him freely pissing on young girls? Nothing! Hell, I'm pretty sure he was nominated for an NAACP image award during the 6 long years it took to get him to trial. Everyone in their right mind knew he was guilty, but it didn't stop any radio stations from playing his music and I don't ever remember major chains pulling his music. Let's be fair here, if you want to not support one unsavory character, then let's not support any of them.

I mean, CB is losing endorsements left and right, his music has been pulled from the airways, and half the world wants to whoop his ass.. All based on AL-le-gat-ions!!! Now last time I checked, allegations meant you are accused of something, NOT that it's been proven you are guilty. Didn't the DA send the case back to the LAPD to get more evidence? IMO, that sounds extra fishy. Of course, this by no means proves he didn't hit her, but it doesn't prove anything else either. Nor has he ever said that he was or wasn't guilty. He just said he didn't post up messages. Moreover, nothing has been released or even hinted at to prove who the fight was started by. And IMO, YES, that make a huge difference in the necessary and warranted punishments.

I have no problem w/ a woman abuser having to deal w/ the repercussions of his actions... but can we please find out IF that is the case?

Maybe, it's b/c I was raised by a man that I don't automatically want to throw CB under a bus. But life has taught me to try to look at both sides, I just have to. I think "if that was my sister, how would I react?" and at the same time, I think "If that was my little brother, how would I react?". And I hope, I would treat both situations the same by trying to find out the truth before I flew off the handle.

girl, get out my head cause you took the words out my mouth.
this is why i love the expression 'mind your damn business' before this is over both Rihanna and Chris Brown will look like monsters who do not deserve a second chance. Damn let them live and instead of pointing fingers and playing the blame game show support, Will and Jada have offered support and advice to both Chris and Rihanna and maybe others should take after their example.
I really doubt that their relationship has been that violent. Why hasn't anyone spoken up-bodyguards, management, parents, anyone? They have probably had their fair share of lover's quarrels but I don't think that have had a violent past. And if so-who is protecting who and why has it been accepted behavior?
This is why i can't be famous-i would need a crisis management Public Relations team with me everywhere i go.


Well-known member
I don't doubt that they have had a violent relationship prior to now...But I know there are two sides to every story and we have not heard either side at this point...Just media gossip and speculations. And a woman is capable of beating the crap out of a man if he doesn't fight I disagree that women can not beat a man....It just depends on the man who she is fighting. My old mgr was a Black belt and she could kick the shit out of a brother let me tell...maybe not in a wrestling match...But if she was on her better look the f* out


Well-known member
Originally Posted by benzito_714
girl, get out my head cause you took the words out my mouth.
this is why i love the expression 'mind your damn business' before this is over both Rihanna and Chris Brown will look like monsters who do not deserve a second chance. Damn let them live and instead of pointing fingers and playing the blame game show support, Will and Jada have offered support and advice to both Chris and Rihanna and maybe others should take after their example.
I really doubt that their relationship has been that violent. Why hasn't anyone spoken up-bodyguards, management, parents, anyone? They have probably had their fair share of lover's quarrels but I don't think that have had a violent past. And if so-who is protecting who and why has it been accepted behavior?
This is why i can't be famous-i would need a crisis management Page Ranking team with me everywhere i go.

Originally Posted by TISH1127
I don't doubt that they have had a violent relationship prior to now...But I know there are two sides to every story and we have not heard either side at this point...Just media gossip and speculations.

EXACTLY to both of you!!

I too don't doubt they have had some type of problems like this in the past. Situations like that don't usually just pop up out of the thin blue air.

But, I am upset w/ family and "friends" coming forth trying to say how violent and abusive both parties have always been. Why is everyone and their mama running out of the woodworks now to discuss how violent their relationship has been? Granted, that isn't news that I would expect to get out unless something like this happened. But, I don't recall most people saying they spoke w/ the couple about their escalating relationship or tried to intervene prior to this incident. Did they not see where this was headed? Did they not warn them of the dangers? These are two young adults who probably haven't seen too many examples of a healthy relationship. Given their backgrounds, these signs of jealousy and possessiveness should have set off all types of alarms w/ their friends and family and should have been addressed then. Don't sweep it under the carpet like that mess is acceptable. But, if that is what's acceptable, then that's an entirely different problem to address.


Well-known member
Just to get on the news!!! People come out of the woodworks when they hear a camera is near...they want their shot at fame...even at their families expense. My thing is if Rihanna and Chris are not talking everyone else need to shut the F* up! It's their story let them tell it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I don't doubt that they have had a violent relationship prior to now...But I know there are two sides to every story and we have not heard either side at this point...Just media gossip and speculations. And a woman is capable of beating the crap out of a man if he doesn't fight I disagree that women can not beat a man....It just depends on the man who she is fighting. My old mgr was a Black belt and she could kick the shit out of a brother let me tell...maybe not in a wrestling match...But if she was on her better look the f* out

SO true! One of my best friends married this crazy girl, who was used to getting hit by her bf's. When he wouldn't hit her she would go crazy on his ass, hitting him, slicing him with glass, she even hit him over the head with an aluminum broom and cut his head open, but he never hit her back. She told him that him not hitting her back equaled him not loving her...


Well-known member
my niece was telling me that she had heard that Rhianna had given Chris some kind of disease........... has anyone else heard this?????


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I don't doubt that they have had a violent relationship prior to now...But I know there are two sides to every story and we have not heard either side at this point...Just media gossip and speculations. And a woman is capable of beating the crap out of a man if he doesn't fight I disagree that women can not beat a man....It just depends on the man who she is fighting. My old mgr was a Black belt and she could kick the shit out of a brother let me tell...maybe not in a wrestling match...But if she was on her better look the f* out

Key word: *IF*

If a man fights a woman, unless she has 100lbs of weight on his or a weapon, chances are she will get stomped to the ground. But, that's beside the point. Point blank, no one should be beating on another unless his life depended on it. Otherwise, in either case, walk away.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Key word: *IF*

If a man fights a woman, unless she has 100lbs of weight on his or a weapon, chances are she will get stomped to the ground. But, that's beside the point. Point blank, no one should be beating on another unless his life depended on it. Otherwise, in either case, walk away.

I agree...and we have no idea if a life did depend on it at this point...


Well-known member
...according to my magazine, they argued over a text he recieved on his phone from another girl. They continued to argue when Rihanna got pissy cos CB wouldnt drop her off home and so she threw his keys out the hotel window. He went crazy and threatened to kill her, she text her friend telling her she would be home soon and to call the police and thats when CB started on her... he strangled her to the point she passed out. When she came to, CB had fled.

There are reports that screams could be heard in distance from the call to the cops was made...

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