Christian Louboutin Beauty -- COMING SOON?


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[@]ashievic[/@] did you see the 3 totes for the NM beauty event?


Well-known member
Oh, are we posting cat pics? These are our kittens: On another note, from now on I pledge to never talk about makeup anywhere but here. People just don't get it. I mentioned in passing that I bought an expensive lipstick, and one of my beauty junkie friends asked which brand and I told her, and apparently some other friend looked up the price of CL lipsticks and decided to send me anonymous hate mail.  People are so mean. I hate the internet sometimes. I really hope Specktra doesn't shut down because it's the only place where no one shames me for spending too much money on makeup! 
Very cute kitties!! So many people don't understand or share the same passion for make-up. We are spending our own money as we choose and not hurting anyone. No need for hate mail...


Well-known member
So many people don't understand or share the same passion for make-up. We are spending our own money as we choose and not hurting anyone. No need for hate mail...
Yeah, they just don't get it. To them spending money -especially if you're not wealthy- on makeup is a ridiculous extravagance.

But like..I want to make a career out of makeup. That's why I'm spending $10,000 on beauty school! I have a passion for beauty and makeup.


Well-known member
Is one of those kitty's a Lynx point Siamese??? My brother had one and named it Coco. My goodness that cat could talk!!! As for hate mail. Heck, I got a few pm's that were rather nasty. I have found comments that are less then kind when it comes to our makeup, fu** off and bite me cover it nicely. Ah MM you know you love me, even when I an seriously in Ashland. Getting back to the person who took the time too actually look up the price of something. Really, they have nothing better to do? If you don't owe that person money, what do they care about it? When someone asks brother how much one of his trail bikes cost, he shoots back, are you going to buy one? If not, then why did you need to know?

As I was doing my 2 step bathing last night. First a shower to remove the mud and shave my legs, then the actual bath I was thinking of all the things we can use the containers of CL products. The lip liners can be used to tussel up a turkey, in the garden for label holders, ice pick, stabbing potatoes, tenderizing meat, earrings. The lipsticks can be used for earrings, string together to make a belt, wind chimes, or a bikini. Watch the fashion blogs they will so show up on someone as one of these.

I do hope the product lives up to the hype. I am sure it is will be a good product. But will it really be all that better then Mr. Ford??? CL's nail polish does wear like steel. As for Grandpa Sugar Daddy's, no dentures. That is beyond nasty. I often wondered if there was botox for sagging balls??? Oh and I missed my connecting flight, shucky darn. Better to ask for forgiveness then permission.


Well-known member
As for spending funds on makeup. I have found these people like to go bar hopping, video gaming, football pools, which is fine. I don't judge them, why judge me??? I don't have a pot to twinkle in or a window to throw it of, but I do keep current on my bills. So it is my choice to do with the rest as I see fit.


Well-known member
She's some kind of a Siamese mix, yes. I'm not sure what kind or what she's mixed with. She is a rescue kitty that we got from a charity that works with Petsmart.


Well-known member
I don't know what to say!! "Wasn't hydrating at all" And "the lip color pilled"????!!! It is one of the first shades I got and the only reason I went ahead and ordered more. It feels so good on the lips and the shade lasted on me forever!! The finish actually made my lips look full & smoother!! I have nothing against the review or the reviewer but I strongly feel there was some other factor involved if the lip color did that!'


Well-known member
I don't know what to say!! "Wasn't hydrating at all" And "the lip color pilled"????!!! It is one of the first shades I got and the only reason I went ahead and ordered more. It feels so good on the lips and the shade lasted on me forever!! The finish actually made my lips look full & smoother!! I have nothing against the review or the reviewer but I strongly feel there was some other factor involved if the lip color did that!'
Yea I had a feeling she was not feeling these But I never listen to reviews I go on my gut feelings For one the lipsticks looks gorgeous on her In fact all the ones she reviewed looked stunning on her I think it's the price she not feeling so much My two cents


Well-known member
Oh, are we posting cat pics? These are our kittens:

On another note, from now on I pledge to never talk about makeup anywhere but here. People just don't get it. I mentioned in passing that I bought an expensive lipstick, and one of my beauty junkie friends asked which brand and I told her, and apparently some other friend looked up the price of CL lipsticks and decided to send me anonymous hate mail.

People are so mean. I hate the internet sometimes. I really hope Specktra doesn't shut down because it's the only place where no one shames me for spending too much money on makeup!
Adorable kitties! Ugly friends. I guess it makes sense to me now why Youtubers showing large hauls always specify that the shopping wasn't done in one trip, it was over time, blah blah blah. I've always thought "who cares how or when you spent your money?!?" If they were spending MY money, then I'd give a hoot. And yes, the anonymity of the internet makes people bold!


Well-known member
I thought the pic of Eton Moi on the blogger who finds fault with many products was lovely on her. It cracks me up when she shows Revlon as dupes for the latest review. Gee, a good shrink could have a field day with her choices of dupes. Not that there is anything wrong with Revlon. But she couldn't find one HE lip product to compare??? Oh wait, I think she might have shown one. Tired, going back to bed.


Well-known member
Thanks tons Ernie. Roco & Neg look close in color but not finish. Kitty does look a tad annoyed
I think Kitty is saying "Do I even exist anymore or is it ALL about these lipsticks??!!"

Thanks @Ernie. Roco (I am SO sick of typing that one out!!) and Negligee do look very similar in color but not finish. Hmmmmm


Well-known member
I don't know what to say!! "Wasn't hydrating at all" And "the lip color pilled"????!!! It is one of the first shades I got and the only reason I went ahead and ordered more. It feels so good on the lips and the shade lasted on me forever!! The finish actually made my lips look full & smoother!! I have nothing against the review or the reviewer but I strongly feel there was some other factor involved if the lip color did that!'
It was love at first online sight with this particular shade so I'm gonna listen to my heart and no review can prevent me from buying it!


Well-known member
oooo-weeee, am I behind on this thread! Need to catch up & see what you lovely ladies have been up to.

I've been haunted by ordering more of these all weekend!

So far I have: Matte Red & Ron Ron, and Rose Du Desert (sheer) is on it's way.

I can NOT get Impera (thanks a lot Vee
) Bikini & Tutulle out of my head, so I'm pretty sure one of these will be next.

Some maybes I'm tossing around are: Bengali (probably Matte), Belle Bloom, Pluminette & Petal Rose.

What to get next....
I can't wait to hear what you think of RDD!


Well-known member
Ok, you got me to HAVE to go see & read

She is SOOOOOOO wrong on the lipsticks in SO many ways! If that many products (& we've listed them) lipsticks, powders, blushes are so bad & dry & powdery...the problem just may be her skin. I have not found that to be the case on my lips & skin. Its insane to me that these are given a B- & C! We've tried them & we know they're good & the other beauty reviewers feel the same way. Other than the pencils, I haven't seen another complaint like hers. Everyone I read said they were so creamy & elegant feeling on the lips with great color saturation. Even the sheer I got gave me great color.

This one really gets me: It's ridiculous that she wants them to stand up
That's like saying you don't want the Mona Lisa to look at you with those eyes
Its ART! Its CREATIVE & its OUTSIDE the box & its wonderful. Its Christian Louboutin for heavens sake.

I have nothing against her either & appreciate the swatches...but she is just plain wrong on the CL & we all know it. The grading system is well....


Well-known member
Oh, are we posting cat pics? These are our kittens:

On another note, from now on I pledge to never talk about makeup anywhere but here. People just don't get it. I mentioned in passing that I bought an expensive lipstick, and one of my beauty junkie friends asked which brand and I told her, and apparently some other friend looked up the price of CL lipsticks and decided to send me anonymous hate mail.

People are so mean. I hate the internet sometimes. I really hope Specktra doesn't shut down because it's the only place where no one shames me for spending too much money on makeup!
SOOO adorable. I want to take a nap with bottom pic kitty.

They sent you hate mail over a lipstick. That's so immature. We wouldn't care if no one bought anything but came here to be friendly & chat. Sorry that happened to you.

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