Christian Louboutin Beauty -- COMING SOON?


Well-known member
Left to right, First Time, Rococotte, Negligee
My cat saying :wtf:
Beautiful on both pics! My cat says WTF, too when mom is taking swatch pics.
Oh, are we posting cat pics? These are our kittens: Kitties are too cute! OK, so Imma show you big and handsome rescue boy


Well-known member
Ok, you got me to HAVE to go see & read :haha: She is SOOOOOOO wrong on the lipsticks in SO many ways! If that many products (& we've listed them) lipsticks, powders, blushes are so bad  & dry & powdery...the problem just may be her skin. I have not found that to be the case on my lips & skin. Its insane to me that these are given a B- & C! We've tried them & we know they're good & the other beauty reviewers feel the same way. Other than the pencils, I haven't seen another complaint like hers. Everyone I read said they were so creamy & elegant feeling on the lips with great color saturation. Even the sheer I got gave me great color. This one really gets me:  It's ridiculous that she wants them to stand up :eek:hboy: That's like saying you don't want the Mona Lisa to look at you with those eyes :haha: Its ART! Its CREATIVE & its OUTSIDE the box & its wonderful. Its Christian Louboutin for heavens sake. I have nothing against her either & appreciate the swatches...but she is just plain wrong on the CL & we all know it. The grading system is well....:meh:  
Haha :haha: !! I had to make you read it :rofl: I know not everything I get works out to be fantastic either!! I have stuff from TF, Chanel and Dior I that don't really like it !! I really don't go by brand when it comes to liking something or not!! I mean most of the stuff we get are from these brands and there is bound to be some duds!! Even with CL if it really was bad I would say so no matter how much I paid for it!! I have few Chanel palettes like entrelacs and Intemporel one that pains me to use them :lmao: I just don't think the quality is on par with the quality that we hoped to see from the brand!!and while the new TF ombres are loved by many I personally think it's just okay !! It's fine as a blush but on my eyes I don't really like it so much!! Similar is the case with Dior liquid shadows :shock: it's a nightmare on me like it applies like a nail polish!! So while I can respect that some products that works on some might not work on others, I really think grading based on a single days testing doesn't do it justice!! :D


Well-known member
I know not everything I get works out to be fantastic either!! I have stuff from TF, Chanel and Dior I that don't really like it !! I really don't go by brand when it comes to liking something or not!! I mean most of the stuff we get are from these brands and there is bound to be some duds!! Even with CL if it really was bad I would say so no matter how much I paid for it!! I have few Chanel palettes like entrelacs and Intemporel one that pains me to use them
I just don't think the quality is on par with the quality that we hoped to see from the brand!!and while the new TF duos are loved by many I personally think it's just okay !! It's fine as a blush but on my eyes I don't really like it so much!! Similar is the case with Dior liquid shadows
it's a nightmare on me like it applies like a nail polish!! So while I can respect that some products that works on some might not work on others, I really think grading based on a single days testing doesn't do it justice!!
You ornery girl baited me

Yes, I agree with you on all that because its true! And my Chanel blushes come with holes in them so
I never did get any of the Dior liquid shadows. I have some Chanel ones & I never reach for them.


Well-known member
You ornery girl baited me :lmao: Yes, I agree with you on all that because its true!  And my Chanel blushes come with holes in them so :lol: I never did get any of the Dior liquid shadows. I have some Chanel ones & I never reach for them.
:lmao: I knew exactly what to highlight from that review!!


Well-known member
Ok, you got me to HAVE to go see & read

She is SOOOOOOO wrong on the lipsticks in SO many ways! If that many products (& we've listed them) lipsticks, powders, blushes are so bad & dry & powdery...the problem just may be her skin. I have not found that to be the case on my lips & skin. Its insane to me that these are given a B- & C! We've tried them & we know they're good & the other beauty reviewers feel the same way. Other than the pencils, I haven't seen another complaint like hers. Everyone I read said they were so creamy & elegant feeling on the lips with great color saturation. Even the sheer I got gave me great color.

This one really gets me: It's ridiculous that she wants them to stand up
That's like saying you don't want the Mona Lisa to look at you with those eyes
Its ART! Its CREATIVE & its OUTSIDE the box & its wonderful. Its Christian Louboutin for heavens sake.

I have nothing against her either & appreciate the swatches...but she is just plain wrong on the CL & we all know it. The grading system is well....
Polly Pissy Pants or Negative Nellie should be her blog name. Well written, thank you!!!! I find it upsetting for people like me or heck like anyone might not purchase a product based on her review. That is why I read her junk postings for amusement, and I try to guess the grade before I get to that part of her review. I remember she just trashed the crap out of a Chanel product. Then trashed the customer service of the website of Chanel. I think of her reviews as I do cooking. If I do not prep the pan correctly, the finish product will not be good. So if she isn't prepping her face properly be it moisturizer, primer, heck basic chapstick, of course she will have issues.

For those of us on a tight budget, her reviews can mislead us to miss out on something. So as so many of you have guided me, take her stuff as nothing but hot air. If you want the truth, ask our group. I have found you all tell the truth, make suggestions how to use a proper brush, prep the skin or lips, etc. As for not being able to stand up, really that's your problem with the product???? Get a life.


Well-known member
Ok, you got me to HAVE to go see & read

She is SOOOOOOO wrong on the lipsticks in SO many ways! If that many products (& we've listed them) lipsticks, powders, blushes are so bad & dry & powdery...the problem just may be her skin. I have not found that to be the case on my lips & skin. Its insane to me that these are given a B- & C! We've tried them & we know they're good & the other beauty reviewers feel the same way. Other than the pencils, I haven't seen another complaint like hers. Everyone I read said they were so creamy & elegant feeling on the lips with great color saturation. Even the sheer I got gave me great color.

This one really gets me: It's ridiculous that she wants them to stand up
That's like saying you don't want the Mona Lisa to look at you with those eyes
Its ART! Its CREATIVE & its OUTSIDE the box & its wonderful. Its Christian Louboutin for heavens sake.

I have nothing against her either & appreciate the swatches...but she is just plain wrong on the CL & we all know it. The grading system is well....

I believe CL meant for these to be displayed. Otherwise, why on earth would we need that big as heck box lol.
Quote: Originally Posted by Vineetha

!! I had to make you read it

I know not everything I get works out to be fantastic either!! I have stuff from TF, Chanel and Dior I that don't really like it !! I really don't go by brand when it comes to liking something or not!! I mean most of the stuff we get are from these brands and there is bound to be some duds!! Even with CL if it really was bad I would say so no matter how much I paid for it!! I have few Chanel palettes like entrelacs and Intemporel one that pains me to use them
I just don't think the quality is on par with the quality that we hoped to see from the brand!!and while the new TF ombres are loved by many I personally think it's just okay !! It's fine as a blush but on my eyes I don't really like it so much!! Similar is the case with Dior liquid shadows
it's a nightmare on me like it applies like a nail polish!! So while I can respect that some products that works on some might not work on others, I really think grading based on a single days testing doesn't do it justice!!
I agree Vee. Every lipstick is not a swipe and go. Some brands you need to use a different technique from what you would use with another brand. I have some lippies that it took me 3 or 4 go-s to get the hang of what I felt I needed to do to get the best out of them! I don't always get the impression that she does that. Granted, I don't have 50+ items waiting to be reviewed so I can take my time and test my ish.


Well-known member
On that review, I really like her blog, and I do find that she's generally right but when she's wrong, she's way wrong like here. Some of her criticisms on the lack of info on the bullet and not being able to stand them up have validity, but the formula rocks. I don't get it. Doesn't flake, etc.


Well-known member
Awww I love cats!
  [COLOR=0000FF] Sounds like a real chameleon.[/COLOR]:sigh:
I believe so!
  [COLOR=0000FF] Thanks tons Ernie.  Roco & Neg look close in color but not finish.  Kitty does look a tad annoyed[/COLOR]:haha:
Yes, he was like stop running around, taking pictures and just feed me!
oooo-weeee, am I behind on this thread!  Need to catch up & see what you lovely ladies have been up to. I've been haunted by ordering more of these all weekend! So far I have: Matte Red & Ron Ron, and Rose Du Desert (sheer) is on it's way. I can NOT get Impera (thanks a lot Vee :D ) Bikini & Tutulle out of my head, so I'm pretty sure one of these will be next. Some maybes I'm tossing around are: Bengali (probably Matte), Belle Bloom, Pluminette & Petal Rose. What to get next....:type:
I'm curious about RDD! Impera, Bikini and Tutulle were musts for me!
Oh, are we posting cat pics? These are our kittens: On another note, from now on I pledge to never talk about makeup anywhere but here. People just don't get it. I mentioned in passing that I bought an expensive lipstick, and one of my beauty junkie friends asked which brand and I told her, and apparently some other friend looked up the price of CL lipsticks and decided to send me anonymous hate mail.  People are so mean. I hate the internet sometimes. I really hope Specktra doesn't shut down because it's the only place where no one shames me for spending too much money on makeup! 
Love your kitties! Can't believe your "friend" did this. :eek:
My Nordstrom shipping still says "order processed" by UPS!! This is the main reason I rarely shop from there!! The shipping takes forever!! In between it had gotten better but looks like it's back to this!! :pooh: I only ordered Bengali from there because it was on preorder everywhere else! On a brighter note, Rococotte comes today!! :happydance:
I don't know what to say!! "Wasn't hydrating at all" And "the lip color pilled"????!!! It is one of the first shades I got and the only reason I went ahead and ordered more. It feels so good on the lips and the shade lasted on me forever!! The finish actually made my lips look full & smoother!! I have nothing against the review or the reviewer but I strongly feel there was some other factor involved if the lip color did that!'
Bah, I always go by my impressions.
I don't know why the other came out weird but here's m'boy #bigandhandsomewithamilkmustache
So pretty!


Well-known member
Swatch! Swatch! Swatch! Swatch! lol

Ruh-Roh. I'm supposed to be hiding from purchases for a month. This may be a problem lol.

The red and grey are gorgeous!!

I so agree! Everyone can choose what to do with their money. Even if you didn't pay your bills so you could buy 6 lipsticks, while that might be unwise, it's still your money and your choice!

I was waiting for someone to post that link.
I was trying to connect her sombre review of Eton Moi with the gorgeous swatches. It looked amazing on her but she said it was patchy. Didn't look it, for sure! I think it would be more helpful if she posted pics after wear. I used to follow this awesome never mind potty-mouthed blogger who always posted the pic on application and again 6 hours later and after a meal. I found that extremely helpful when following her reviews. The reason I found her Ron Ron review so ridiculous is because the Satin line is the one that almost everyone and their grandma has been raving about!!!

I believe CL meant for these to be displayed. Otherwise, why on earth would we need that big as heck box lol.
I agree Vee. Every lipstick is not a swipe and go. Some brands you need to use a different technique from what you would use with another brand. I have some lippies that it took me 3 or 4 go-s to get the hang of what I felt I needed to do to get the best out of them! I don't always get the impression that she does that. Granted, I don't have 50+ items waiting to be reviewed so I can take my time and test my ish.


Well-known member
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! How can that happen!
But its REALLY REALLY pretty Vee!!!! Just use the tip on your lips first & maybe it will even out. Ugh!!! Thanks for the beautiful pics!
It fell off my hands
Luckily i was sitting in my chair so the fall was short to the table! Just the tip so yeah i am hoping it evens out with application

THe shades is GORGEOUS!!!! Sooo pretty!!


Well-known member
Rococotte!! (and I squished the tip :headbang: )
Very nice indeed! Oh i would have died from heart attack if this had happened to me! You are so brave!!! But looking at it now is more charlotte tilbury like hahahaaaaa.miss kensigton and 1975 red came with the tip squeezed and when i tried to open the bullet of miss kensigton the whole lipstick was thrown out of the tube and fell on the corner of my bed hahaha! My boyfriend was like "oh you bought a bouncy miss kensigton ! I could not stop laughing! I did not return it! I keep it as a collector's edition hahhahaaa


Well-known member
But looking at it now is more charlotte tilbury like hahahaaaaa.miss kensigton and 1975 red came with the tip squeezed and when i tried to open the bullet of miss kensigton the whole lipstick was thrown out of the tube and fell on the corner of my bed hahaha! My boyfriend was like "oh you bought a bouncy miss kensigton ! I could not stop laughing! I did not return it! I keep it as a collector's edition hahhahaaa
I am not brave, I am a tiny bit dead inside LOL!!!
But it was just the tip and i applied it once and it is no longer squished so phew.....

Yes its a gorgeous gorgeous shade!!!
I have one CT lipstick coming but I have come to expect squished tip with those!
! I hope it doesnt jump out of the tube. I think they have some packaging issues with the matte ones!

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