Counterfeit full size MAC Pigments on eBay


Well-known member
Ive just found this:

So i presume its okay as long as the auction states that tax will be added to the end sale.

"the system automatically calculates the correct sales tax amount based on the buyer's shipping address and the rates that you specified in your tax table. The sales tax amount will be included in the total amount requested from the buyer."

I think this means that they cant add just any figure on top of the auction - that to be counted as sales tax it needs to be calculated by the system.


Well-known member
I think I found a seller of fake pigments. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the bases of these pigment containers look way too thick, the box looks dodgy and the printing is way off (some of them you can see that the first slash is more vertical than the 2nd like on accent red) and the finish on the box is really weird, some pearl finish. And the names.. who has ever heard of golden blue or revved up? O_O And the accent red is totally the wrong color.
Seller: jtso0627
Golden blue:

Look how grotty it is. D:

Acid Orange:

Accent Red:

Revved Up:


And the other strange thing is that some of the pigments have the inner seal, and some of them don't. And this seller has other MAC items too, can someone with more experience identify if the brushes, eyeshadows, and pigment vials are fake?

And another seller:
This is so incredibly fake. Emerald green? I'm sad that people fell for it. =(

This seller sells fake mac pigments too. There aren't even color names, they're numbers.

And 2 Thailand sellers:
Does even give the color names. And they don't even look like MAC colors.
ribbit_lucky: g
Cronflower... lol. They show a big close up picture of the box. It's so funny how you can blatantly see how the first slash is more vertical than the 2nd one. And the cutout circle is so rough and ugly... =(


Well-known member
These definitely are

3 x MAC pigment BRAND NEW in boxes on eBay, also, Eye Shadow, Make-Up Cosmetics, Health Beauty (end time 12-Feb-08 16:04:23 GMT)

3 x MAC pigment BRAND NEW in boxes on eBay, also, Eye Shadow, Make-Up Cosmetics, Health Beauty (end time 12-Feb-08 16:07:39 GMT)

3 x MAC pigment BRAND NEW in boxes on eBay, also, Eye Shadow, Make-Up Cosmetics, Health Beauty (end time 12-Feb-08 16:11:07 GMT)

3 x MAC pigment BRAND NEW in boxes on eBay, also, Eye Shadow, Make-Up Cosmetics, Health Beauty (end time 12-Feb-08 16:13:48 GMT)

Just look at the batch numbers and the upright '/' on the front of the box, and that's just for starters

She's already sold MAC eyeshadows BRAND NEW in boxes. on eBay, also, Eye Shadow, Make-Up Cosmetics, Health Beauty (end time 16-Dec-07 16:26:39 GMT) (no colour name, just numbers) and 3 x MAC pigment BRAND NEW in boxes on eBay, also, Eye Shadow, Make-Up Cosmetics, Health Beauty (end time 07-Feb-08 19:07:11 GMT) and got positive feedback for them, and she's also sold others for which she hasn't yet received any feedback

Seller's name is diannehannah