Customer Complaints at your store!


Well-known member
Have you or a co-worker ever gotten a complaint that was just silly?

I think I might be getting one today since I couldn't unhook the credit card machine and carry it over to where the customer was standing (it's kind of attached to the's not movable...but she got really mad that I asked her to walk three feet away from where she was standing).

And my best friend at the counter got a complaint that her voice was too irritating to work in retail.

Any wacky ones in your experience?


Well-known member
When I was working as a cashier at a grocery store a woman came through my line, went through the usual routine, and we were both very pleasant to each other. I told her to 'have a nice day', she said 'you too!' and I said 'I'll try, but I'm here' giving a shrug and a laugh, and she laughed too, very pleasant transaction.

Later I find out from my supervisor that she went over and complained to him about my 'attitude and sarcasm towards the customer' hahhhah wtf? My supervisor was laughing as he told me this.


Well-known member
I've been complained about because I was too cheerful. I think the AM took that as being a staff compliment rather than a complaint, though. heh

People have complained because they felt they didn't receive enough freebies and samples, or because we strictly don't offer discretionary discounts (damaged box discount, out of stock discount, the mythical 'special' discount that tourists constantly badger me for...) and don't run a GWP program. I always sort of hope that they actually will follow through with their threats to complain to head office. What am I going to get in trouble for, following the P&P handbook and HO directives?

Carumba. People who bitch about free stuff always amaze me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
And my best friend at the counter got a complaint that her voice was too irritating to work in retail.

That is ABSURD!

My weirdest was the complaint that I was "too jokey" and not "taking it seriously". Um... when ringing someone up for makeup? Really!?



Well-known member
i was ringing up a lady the other day. when i asked her if she wanted her receipt with her or in the bag, i called her by her first name (their name shows up on our register screen at macys). she said "what did you call me?" i was stunned cause i thought maybe i called her the wrong name. when i repeated her name, she said "oh no, its Mrs. (last name). i'm old enough to be your mother. i don't know you. it may be the teacher in me, but you don't call me by my first name". she started going off to the other MA working with me about how she didn't know her either, blah blah blah. then as she walks away she calls the other girl "red" since she is a redhead. after she left we were like, "oh no, she doesn't know me. its Ms. Red. hahaha

next time i help her, i'm calling her by her first name, like i do with everyone else. i don't make exceptions for anyone. bitch ain't my teacher!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
i was ringing up a lady the other day. when i asked her if she wanted her receipt with her or in the bag, i called her by her first name (their name shows up on our register screen at macys). she said "what did you call me?" i was stunned cause i thought maybe i called her the wrong name. when i repeated her name, she said "oh no, its Mrs. (last name). i'm old enough to be your mother. i don't know you. it may be the teacher in me, but you don't call me by my first name". she started going off to the other MA working with me about how she didn't know her either, blah blah blah. then as she walks away she calls the other girl "red" since she is a redhead. after she left we were like, "oh no, she doesn't know me. its Ms. Red. hahaha

next time i help her, i'm calling her by her first name, like i do with everyone else. i don't make exceptions for anyone. bitch ain't my teacher!

I greeted a group of young women with "Hey, guys! How are ya?" and I got "Do huh? I know you just didn't call us guys. We are laaaaaadies."


Well-known member
I've had two complaints against me. The first was because I offered to swatch a client's foundation to double check the shade before she purchased it (as I am REQUIRED by my company to do) and she immediately got defenseive. I beleive her words were, "I have NEVER been treated like this at a makeup counter before" ?????? My manager was standing right there, heard the whole thing, and I immediatley apologized (i'm so sorry if I have offended you, there must be a misunderstanding, here's my manager....) I STILL have no idea why she was upset.

The second was even weirder. I had just clocked in, walked around the corner, and was being SCREAMED at. A woman was yelling at me for ignoring her and walking away and helping someone else, and how racist was I, and she's gonna get me fired... I JUST GOT THERE, IT WASNT ME! In fact, it was the other brunette (there are only 2 of us) and she honestly hadn't seen the woman. But I still got the complaint.


Well-known member
OHHH i got a complaint from a woman i wasn't even helping. I was talking to a woman about lipsticks and we were having a really cool time. She kept telling me to be honest if i don't like a color or how i felt about something so we were going along just fine and found a color she loved ...thanked me and walked away. Well a woman standing around the counter went to my manager and told her that she did not appreciate how i talked to my customer.



Well-known member
A girl at my ocunter had a woman in her late fifties or so ask her to do her makeup just like she had hers. So she used all of the same colors. At the end the lady started screaming at her that she didn't look like her and that you could still see her wrinkles. That she would not buy anything next time if it didn't turn out like she wanted it. Then she filed a formal complaint. Hello lady you're 60 and the girl that did your makeup is 20....

Oh there was also a lady recently that complained to not only our manager but to HR saying that one of my co-workers was helping another customer and didn't want to help her instead. So let me get this straight, she should leave the person she is already helping and go help you because that is good customer service? My co-worker had talked to her, told her she would be right with her and handed her a tissue. That somehow equates to bad service? That relal yirked me because my poor co-woker wa sin tears over her first customer complaint in almost three years of working with MAC.


Well-known member
We ALWAYS get complaints that we are following people because we think they are stealing. The managers brush this off because it is actually the rate of theft we get at our store at least 1 in 10 customers come in to steal things. Things go missing even with 4 staff on and a security guard...just for our area!!!! People should just realize, if I'm not here to steal anything, I have nothing to worry about. It is often the people who we know are there to take things that file the complaints. They know they have been busted!


Well-known member
i got a complaint, but not from one of OUR customers, from a woman walking through Belk. she found my cleavage to be offensive!! she wasnt even shopping, just being a busy-body. she said my "nipples were practically hanging out". funny thing is i was just wearing a v-neck top, my nipples were nowhere near hanging out! she had called and left a message so my manager called her back. she was planning on asking the woman if she shooped at mac (because our customers understand how mac girls dress), and when the lady would say no, my manager was going to say well my artist's outfit is well within our dresscode (she had my back). well when she called she got the ladies voicemail, which was a long testomonial about jesus in which she was saying "have you found jesus? ive found him and he made me famous, you can be famous too when you find jesus...." my manager was going to say being that shes a buddist she found THAT offensive, but she didnt. turns out this is a woman who complains to belk all the time about how we wear all black, and we play loud devil music and such. just another bible thumping weirdo!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by II3rinII
i got a complaint, but not from one of OUR customers, from a woman walking through Belk. she found my cleavage to be offensive!! she wasnt even shopping, just being a busy-body. she said my "nipples were practically hanging out". funny thing is i was just wearing a v-neck top, my nipples were nowhere near hanging out! she had called and left a message so my manager called her back. she was planning on asking the woman if she shooped at mac (because our customers understand how mac girls dress), and when the lady would say no, my manager was going to say well my artist's outfit is well within our dresscode (she had my back). well when she called she got the ladies voicemail, which was a long testomonial about jesus in which she was saying "have you found jesus? ive found him and he made me famous, you can be famous too when you find jesus...." my manager was going to say being that shes a buddist she found THAT offensive, but she didnt. turns out this is a woman who complains to belk all the time about how we wear all black, and we play loud devil music and such. just another bible thumping weirdo!

that kinda reminds me of a customer that came to our counter. she was really shy and nervous. she came up to one of the artists and whispered something. the artist didn't hear her. the girl whispered it again. "jesus loves you" and she took off. she was completely serious! the next day the artist found a mini bible in her brush belt. what the hell is up with people"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
A girl at my ocunter had a woman in her late fifties or so ask her to do her makeup just like she had hers. So she used all of the same colors. At the end the lady started screaming at her that she didn't look like her and that you could still see her wrinkles. That she would not buy anything next time if it didn't turn out like she wanted it. Then she filed a formal complaint. Hello lady you're 60 and the girl that did your makeup is 20....



Well-known member
Originally Posted by II3rinII
i got a complaint, but not from one of OUR customers, from a woman walking through Belk.

I work at Belk, too. We get the weirdest complaints...

We even got one from WITHIN the store. A SA in clothing was mouthing off in the lunch room about how she couldn't figure out how we made any money at my counter (bobbi, not MAC) because we were "so intimidating" in our black clothes & "sky high heels", or how we had time to put together our elaborate hair, or how we managed to be so skinny. She hated that our skin was pretty and complained how she couldn't understand why people weren't returning stuff because we fostered unrealistic expectations. She even hated our earrings and jewelry. But the best part of her rant was that she was sitting right next to my counter manager (and she didn't realize it), who started agreeing with her ("I know! I know!") and finally said to her, "I try to hire fat ugly girls, but I just can't find them!"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by II3rinII
i got a complaint, but not from one of OUR customers, from a woman walking through Belk. she found my cleavage to be offensive!! she wasnt even shopping, just being a busy-body. she said my "nipples were practically hanging out". funny thing is i was just wearing a v-neck top, my nipples were nowhere near hanging out! she had called and left a message so my manager called her back. she was planning on asking the woman if she shooped at mac (because our customers understand how mac girls dress), and when the lady would say no, my manager was going to say well my artist's outfit is well within our dresscode (she had my back). well when she called she got the ladies voicemail, which was a long testomonial about jesus in which she was saying "have you found jesus? ive found him and he made me famous, you can be famous too when you find jesus...." my manager was going to say being that shes a buddist she found THAT offensive, but she didnt. turns out this is a woman who complains to belk all the time about how we wear all black, and we play loud devil music and such. just another bible thumping weirdo!

Gotta love Belk customers, lol! I think each Belk store has one of those. Too bad MAC don't use CD players anymore. You guys could pop some Slayer in the next time she walks by.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pixichik77
I work at Belk, too. We get the weirdest complaints...

We even got one from WITHIN the store. A SA in clothing was mouthing off in the lunch room about how she couldn't figure out how we made any money at my counter (bobbi, not MAC) because we were "so intimidating" in our black clothes & "sky high heels", or how we had time to put together our elaborate hair, or how we managed to be so skinny. She hated that our skin was pretty and complained how she couldn't understand why people weren't returning stuff because we fostered unrealistic expectations. She even hated our earrings and jewelry. But the best part of her rant was that she was sitting right next to my counter manager (and she didn't realize it), who started agreeing with her ("I know! I know!") and finally said to her, "I try to hire fat ugly girls, but I just can't find them!"

LoL sounds like someone was extremely jealous of you girls.

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
Great. Difficult, crazy and racist. Sounds like the perfect customer.

well if she had 3 screaming rambuncious children and one of them peed on the floor, then i think she'd be perfect