Did you breastfeed? If so, for how long?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NatalieR429
Im glad this thread was started because I have a TON of questions about breast feeding. Ok so do you HAVE to pump at work? Can you just do it when you get home and save it or something ? Lol I know its a silly question. But I have no clue how that would work for me. I am a Deputy Sheriff, so I dont know how working patrol is gonna work with milky boobs. "exuse me Sgt I cant go to the homicide call..I gotta pump my breast milk." or " Im sorry ma'am but I need to pump my boobs and Im gonna have to hold off on taking your robbery statement".... I just dont see how it would work.Ive heard your breasts can leak...is that because women wait to long to pump or feed so it just comes out ?

I personally have not been successfull pumping while at work, my son had never had a bottle, and was still breastfeeding at 8mos, and because of necessity I had to begin work. So I pumped & stored some milk, and he began drinking formula from a bottle. You can store breastmilk, just refrigerate it, and there are circular pads you put in your bra in case of leaking, but you can leak alot if your breast becomes full with milk and you are not pumping. I have pumped before and after work, and saved it in the frig. There are ways to work and still pump, but IMO the type of job that I had made it more difficult. You'll need to keep your manual or electric pump with you, have sterile containers for the pumped milk, and a frig or ice pack/and cooler to store milk. and for those long days away from baby, extra nursing pads & to be safe, an extra shirt or sweater in case of an accidental leak. Talk to your employer (HR dept), some workplaces have a special room for nursing mothers to pump, and there are laws, that employers have to abide by to accomodate nursing mothers. Hope this helps you.

My 1st child nursed for few months, around 2-3, and my 2nd child nursed for 10mos.


Well-known member
gracias loca...My dept. is always scared of getting sued so Im sure we could work something out. I'll have to look into CA law regarding employers and women who nurse.


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Originally Posted by ratmist
So I'm settling a bit more into the idea of becoming a mother soon. I'm 18 weeks pregnant and I've started feeling a little fleshy butterfly in my centre moving around. It's definitely not gas, so I assume it's the baby.

One of the things I'm thinking about is breastfeeding. I'm curious if Specktra Mothers breastfed, and if so, what their experiences were. I've read a lot about how some women have a hard time with it.

My mother tried to breastfeed but found it was too painful. She is a nurse so it's not like she didn't know what she was doing, but she said she had to give it up because she wasn't producing enough milk for either my brother or me, and it hurt so badly. (Apparently I just wanted to bite her, no matter what she tried.)

Breastfeeding is not painful if you know what are you doing, it`s all about you position the baby at your breast. I had difficulties in the beginning but had someone form LLL help me understand the right way and since than till my son was 2,3 years was just a love story-such precious moments I will always carry in my soul, I know I cried when I stopped. Little babies don`t bite just sometimes are so hungry that they might grab the breast a little rough.
information is the key, it doesn`t hurt if your doing it the right way and it`s totally worth it

Lady Gray

Well-known member
I fed my oldest til she was two and my youngest is still feeding at 6 months but I'm struggling to stop her biting (she has two teeth ow) so I'm not sure how long we'll last this time.


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Don't listen to my story

No I had a terrible breastfeading with my son. At the hospital the nurses found out that my nipples were too flat for breastfeading, so they gave me a little silicone thing to put on the nipples to help with breatfeading (don't know the english word for it, sorry) And it went really well the first month.

After the first month I made the mistake of listening to a nurse who advised me to loose the silicone thing and try it the natural way. And that's when it went really wrong.

It started hurting really really bad dring breastfeading. And because it hurt so much I couldn't let my son suck long enough, so there wasn't really enough milk. And also he is a big boy, who was very hungry and I couldn't keep up.

And when I tried to get my son to suck on the silicone things again, he just wouldn't because he was used to my bare breat now.

The pains lasted for 5 months, untill I gave up. And during that time he also got supplements, I couldn't give him enough milk.

So the next time me and my stupid flat nipples will stick to the silicone things that help! And no one can convince me of trying without again!

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