Re: MAC - Rodarte Discussion
The saddest part of all this is "the donation of money" to "aid".
As I said before, Mexico it's not a third world country, lack of money it's not the issue here. The corruption, the inequality, the lack of opportunities,... are. If money was the issue, the government has a lot and I'd given lots of it when all this began, 20 years ago (well, my parents would).
No money can compensate the loss of a beloved one. The families of all those thousands of women murdered, of all those thousands of people murdered by the drugs war that should be fought in southern US instead, or at least along, the nothern Mexico, don't claim for money but for JUSTICE.
If your sister or mom were kidnapped, raped, tortured and killed, how much money would made you feel better??
They don't need money, but Justice, security, better and fair work conditions,...
You all probably don't know this either but I'm sharing so you can understand my point:
About a year ago there was a horrible fire in a kindergarten/nursery (sorry don't know the right word). More than 50 babies ages 1-5 died in horrible, horrible circumstances. The very few that survived had 3rd degree burnings and long term health sequels. It happened because corruption allowed to have a nursery besides a diesel storage and no emergency doors or a secure building. The governor of the state where it happened, it's involved, a state secretary it's involved and also a cousin of the first lady. Yesterday, millionaire funds (scholarships, health services for life, etc) were given to all the victims and their families during a reunion of the families with President Calderon. A mother of a deceased baby spit on the face of the president and claming "I don't need money, I want justice and all the involved ones in jail, including your cousin" left the meeting.
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
I don't think anyone compared the collection to Holocaust, they compared the femicide happening in Juarez to it which is fair IMO. We are all people and in my mind all equal. Any form of injustice and genocide should be condemned. It's not horrible only if it happened to European Jews, it's equally disgusting if it happened to African in Rwanda, to Armenian in Turkey and to Latina women in Mexico. No human life is more precious than an other.The holocaust is very well documented but many of the tragedies i listed above are not.
I agree with you!!
I think to be sensitive to what touches our souls and our lives, not many can relate to what hasn't happened to themselves.
I do think it's fair to compare this, to Holocaust, Angola, 9/11, and all tragedies from all ages and all places. Just because it didn't happened to us, it's not less horrible. There's no first prize for horror.
Do I felt offended by the names? Not really, but then again, I've never lost a loved one or known anybody who's lost a loved one in this horrible circumstances.
Originally Posted by s_lost
In Temptalia's discussion, I read a phrase from a woman called Alex that is perfect for this situation:
"Compassion is a wonderful quality… we are ugly without it. And no amount of makeup will cover up that kind of ugliness."
Most of people can draw paralells of this collection based on their personal histories or studies. I think that is completely valid to compare with a lipstick called Auschwitz or Cotton Fields. Is not the situations that are being compared, but the suffering. No tragedy is worst for the ones that are living in hell.
For me, it's completely insensitive to use some product and not give a damn about its origins or inspirations.
Beautiful quoute from Alex!!
And your sentence of "It's not the situations that are being compared, but the suffering", put the exact words into my thoughts.
Thank you for your sensitivity and clarity of mind.
Originally Posted by jungleland
That's a very good post, thank you!
And I totally agree with you about everything
I read about the Juarez murders a couple of months ago, cannot remember if in the cnn or bbc site, I didn't know anything about the maquiladoras.
I always try to be a conscious consumer, I'll try to gather informations whenever is possible.
I'll not boycott Mac for this faux pas but I'll skip this collection for sure and I'll do my research to find a way to donate to some reputable charity.
I think everyone is different and reacts accordingly to their experience to many subjects.
Violence towards women really touches me, both of my sisters had had abusive relashionships.
I'm the youngest and I remember having to comfort and counselling them, even if I was about 14 at the time.
That makes me really sensitive about this subject.
Thank you, honey!!