Does this offend you?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
Sure, from Europe, but not from Germany. That is a difference!

i'm generalising... a lot of comments have said 'people from europe find it more offensive'.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vocaltest
i'm generalising... a lot of comments have said 'people from europe find it more offensive'.

From Europe Because European Countries were more affected by WWII.... SO more people from Europe would find it offensive than American's.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vocaltest
i'm generalising... a lot of comments have said 'people from europe find it more offensive'.

I wrote a comment like that, but I didnt mean Italy or Germany, I meant Poland actually.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves

CLIO Professional

what is really funny, is that these pictures,are under "art".. well i do not think they are artistic AT ALL, doesnt matter if hitler is on them or not.

btw: i dont know if all of you really know that much about him. I would suggest reading his autobiography.. but i dont think you can get it anymore, its forrbiden right now.. the cover of this book was made of human skin.. so yeah.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
Review the actual footage of what all he was doing and his men. Look at all the people who he was actually killing and the unspeakable methods. Go to the concentration camps. Talk to war veterans. Talk to the victims that escaped or those that lost loved ones from this. Go to the cemeteries too. Then, you may see how people are not looking at this in the same light as you.

"Why so serious?" Hilter was real and not a fictitious killer Joker character stating that question in the Batman movie. If this man got to the power that he wanted, you and I may not be even having this conversation today. That's serious enough for me.

i agree with that 100%,that was my point, im sorry if i did not make it clear enough, but my english isnt that good


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
I find it amusing because out of all the satirical images and illustrations I've seen that include Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, and Kim Jung Ill, this one had something to do with makeup. So my reaction was, "Haha someone put makeup on Hitler".

Now I've read some posts calling me ignorant and naive for being insensitive to the image of Hitler, but what about the cosmetic company that actually made it and posted it in the art section of their website? I believe they are a pretty popular brand in Asia. Any comments on the consciousness of the company? And I'm pretty sure they are a SOUTH Korean brand.

This reminds me of the old adage from my mother, "so if jenny jumps off the roof, would you do it too?". Just because another company or individual is using this picture, in no way negates the fact that you using it too, will result in flack for you as well. Many will find it tasteless, such as me. But I've seen enough footage of concentration camps to ruin my sense of humor when it comes to Hitler. I assume you haven't.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lexiesupagirl
btw: i dont know if all of you really know that much about him. I would suggest reading his autobiography.. but i dont think you can get it anymore, its forrbiden right now.. the cover of this book was made of human skin.. so yeah.

Anthropodermic bindings ( human skin) are not really all that rare they were prevalent in the 1800's - Many library's with rare book collections have 4-5 books covered in this manner. At the moment there is no knowledge of anyNazi anthropodermic bindings and many of the books have been thoroughly examined many souvenir photo albums alleged to be bound in human skin but hasn't found any evidence of human skin bindings in his extensive research. Meaning it is unlikely the rumors are true.

You can Purchase Mein Kamph ( Hitlers Autobiography) from

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Yes, I do find them offensive to some degree. I don't react or lecture people who say it, but I do notice it. Interestingly enough I lived in the US for 3 years, and it was pretty rare to hear people use those expressions. It seems much more prevalent online. I've never come across anyone saying it in Danish. I think calling someone a nazi here or using the Danish word for "rape" in a situation like you describe would be really offensive.

I think it's more acceptable, for some reason. Wasn't it on Gray's Anatomy that they called their boss the Nazi or something of that nature?

The weirdest thing about using rape to describe something like failing a test is I heard a girl who said she was raped use it in that way.

It seems like the photo in the OP and usage of language is really desensitizing people to it


Well-known member
ok well here's another bit of my opinion. I kind of think you asked for it (the backlash, that is). How could you post something like that and expect not to get comments? Common sense would tell you that it would get that sort of reaction.

Originally Posted by astronaut
I guess I'll change the photo since it seems to upset so many people, once I find something that piques my interest.

I somehow think that you enjoy the attention. If you really cared about upsetting people, wouldnt you remove it right away instead of waiting for something to "pique your interest"?

Originally Posted by astronaut
what about the cosmetic company that actually made it and posted it in the art section of their website? I believe they are a pretty popular brand in Asia. Any comments on the consciousness of the company?

Sounds like you're trying to shift the blame and focus the spotlight on someone else for a bit. Were you expecting specktra members to all take your side?

Either way, you are entitled to your own thoughts and opinions.. but you can't be upset/surprised when other people don't agree.


Well-known member
I find it a bit disrespectful. It would be the same if someone had a klansmen hood on with makeup over it, or a noose with lipstick dangling from it. Its not so much of the pic but what he represents, and someone who does not know you would associate his views with yours.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
Anthropodermic bindings ( human skin) are not really all that rare they were prevalent in the 1800's - Many library's with rare book collections have 4-5 books covered in this manner. At the moment there is no knowledge of anyNazi anthropodermic bindings and many of the books have been thoroughly examined many souvenir photo albums alleged to be bound in human skin but hasn't found any evidence of human skin bindings in his extensive research. Meaning it is unlikely the rumors are true.

You can Purchase Mein Kamph ( Hitlers Autobiography) from mein kampf: Books

it wasnt in the 1800's. and i guess they did use it for sick reasons. no evidence? ive seen couple of "mein kamph" with covers like that, in Polish museum or my friend's grandpa had one for example.. i live in country hitler did horrible damage in, his concentration camps are still here, it is very important part of our history, we learn about this ALOT at school, i wouldnt write anything here if i wouldnt know what i was saying, trust me.
and thx foe the link, im not able to buy this book here.


Well-known member
I think that's fine and dandy if one going to take their anger out at me for finding this offensive but I hope the same people take jokes and satire found throughout the internet, television, and magazines about Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, etc. equally as offensive and not just because it's something that is personal. As long as it's fair.

And if it puts me in the same "tasteless" level as for example Matt Stone, Trey Parker, and Seth MacFarlane... then I'll accept that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
I think that's fine and dandy if one going to take their anger out at me for finding this offensive but I hope the same people take jokes and satire found throughout the internet, television, and magazines about Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, etc. equally as offensive and not just because it's something that is personal. As long as it's fair.

And if it puts me in the same "tasteless" level as for example Matt Stone, Trey Parker, and Seth MacFarlane... then I'll accept that.

I don't know if it is your age or what, but this thing goes much deeper than you realize. Several people here are still living with the repercussions of what Hitler did. Would you consider posting a "funny" image of people jumping off the Trade Center towers on 9/11 to your page? If not, then you probably have your answer. Because it is hurtful to many people still and not really funny to many. I personally challenge you to defend the use of that sort of image as well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
I don't know if it is your age or what, but this thing goes much deeper than you realize. Several people here are still living with the repercussions of what Hitler did. Would you consider posting a "funny" image of people jumping off the Trade Center towers on 9/11 to your page? If not, then you probably have your answer. Because it is hurtful to many people still and not really funny to many. I personally challenge you to defend the use of that sort of image as well.

That is different. A "funny" image of people jumping off the WTC would be equivalent to a "funny" image of people in internment camps. Now an altered picture of Osama Bin Laden I would find funny.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
That is different. A "funny" image of people jumping off the WTC would be equivalent to a "funny" image of people in internment camps. Now an altered picture of Osama Bin Laden I would find funny.

Only in your mind. How would you feel if you, say, lost your parents in 911 and someone decided to make a web page with Bin Laden all prettied up? Probably would piss you off big time, if you're being honest with yourself. I think you just thought it was a harmless image and you were clever to post it, a bit edgy, right. I don’t think you contemplated that people might be repulsed by the image and bite back. That is what is happening here. You are taking it personally, because you thought this was funny and that everyone else would too. I’m afraid you were wrong. There are evidently a lot of humor-impaired individuals here at Specktra in this case. I’m proud to be one of them.


Well-known member
I don't know, but for me, in my mind- makeup = pretty. So when I see someone with makeup on, I think of pretty things and stuff. And I can't associate Hitler with pretty, or funny or anything of that sort. If it was picture of Hitler with devil horns, it would be different. (for me)

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