there is a LOT about this family that is easy to disagree on, but there is also a lot about them that most of america and the world could learn a thing or two about.
the world being overpopulated enough is a decent argument, but it could be said for any family that has children instead of not, or adopting ones that are already out there, etc. it's easy to target the duggars because they have so many, but if you're gonna complain about them having another kid because the world is overpopulated enough, you may as well rag on the jones' next door for having a second child too.
i don't necessarily agree with their views on certain things, like not wanting/allowing their daughters to attend college, but there are plenty of questionable parenting choices made by many parents and it just seems like the duggars are a target because they're "weird" or whatever.
i also can't picture jim bob or michelle shaming/disowning/whatever any of their daughters if they happen to choose to leave the lifestyle/family and do something different. they love and accept (and continue to spend time with, which i think is a big thing) their cousin amy who does pretty much everything the complete opposite than they do. it just seems that they just choose not to live their lives that way but don't shame those who live theirs differently.
there is also a tremendous amount of respect going on in that family. the kids are very well behaved and even though they are sometimes loud and rambunctious like kids can be, michelle is kind and respectful to them in her discipline and they in turn are kind and respectful to her. it's admirable, IMO. you also rarely (never?) see the older ones arguing or hoarding items or anything like that - or act bratty or spoiled or catty. their interactions with each other is so kind and respectful compared to the way many families, large or small, carry on. you don't see the kids melting down and having temper tantrums over not getting a toy or piece of candy.
i think there are a lot of positive things about the duggars that a lot of people can learn from. i wouldn't live my life their way nor do i agree with everything they do or don't do, but i think they're very genuine people and the amount of jokes and criticism that is hurled at them is a bit upsetting. i don't know.