Fake MAC from StrawberryNet?


Well-known member
you depotted this? are you crazy? LOL!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
you depotted this? are you crazy? LOL!!

Not really! XD I found a way now to depot eyeshadows without scarring or breaking the packaging BUT this is the first eyeshadow I actually depotted and I cracked it due to impatience!!

I will be more careful with my other eyeshadows!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me
Not really! XD I found a way now to depot eyeshadows without scarring or breaking the packaging

Please tell? What method did you use?

I'm considering depotting my eyeshadows as I now have a palette to put them in, and it will save a lot of space


Well-known member
Rockin, try this method by EnKore on YouTube, it uses no heat or freezing so won't damage the damage the shadow due to heat or freezing. I've tried it once and it worked very easily. YouTube - Depotting MAC w/o heat. It does damage the part of the container though.

I'd also posted the link in the FAQ for depotting too.


Well-known member
Thanks for that, Stingray
I think EnKore is great and has some brilliant ideas, but as you say, it does damage part of the container (and I'm someone who likes to keep things looking as new as possible, even if I can't keep the place tidy because of two very untidy kids LOL)

I'd love to know Xqueeze_me's way of doing it 'without scarring or breaking the packaging'


Well-known member
Don't use a kitchen knife!!! X_queeze me will see the damage it can do 1st hand

Just for the record MAC have asked me to send some of my indented pans to the quality assessment lab - these have been sent off today so hopefully we'll put this smooth v dented back debate to rest very soon. Hopefully they'll give us the answers we need.


Well-known member
I've never used a knife just to pry open the shadow part from the container. I've used either my nail (they're strong!) or a nail file or some similar thing.

Rockin, I think the closest to doing it without damaging the container at all is perhaps the freezing method as here Beverly's Swap Handbook

I haven't tried that yet as I was scared I'd freeze and crack the shadow

I just started to remove the bit that holds the pan and found two have raised circular bumps at the bottom of the main container which the others don't have, I'll try to photo them to post later.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stingray

I just started to remove the bit that holds the pan and found two have raised circular bumps at the bottom of the main container which the others don't have, I'll try to photo them to post later.

I've just checked all of mine. I lifted the black tray part out of each of my eyeshadows and found that 3 out of my 4 suspect fakes (of which Humid has already been confirmed by others as being fake) have a single raised bump in the centre of the main container. The other one has a letter H inside a letter C, as do all but one of those I consider genuine.

Oddly, on the underside of the 'tray' on 2 of my believed genuine shadows, there is the number 24 which looks like it has been scratched on, or maybe put there using something hot. One of those, (Shroom) has neither a bump nor a CH on the floor of the main container.


Well-known member
We're straying a bit here from the original topic being about Strawberry.net... but since we're still talking about possible traits of fakes, I'll continue here. Maybe all these posts showing what makes the shadows suspect should be pinned topics merging these topics as I'm already having trouble trying to remember which one I saw what in...

I've now looked at all of the container bottoms of ALL of my shadows. 3 of them have that raised round bump at the bottom of the container. I attach a photo of it next to one that doesn't, for the sake of those who might not understand what we mean.

I depotted one of those 3 (and made a bit of a mess of it as I dented the pan...) has that ridge on the bottom of the pan. I haven't depotted the others yet as I might brave that freezing method tomorrow and hope I don't dent the pans again! This is making me wonder if those 3 are fakes. The colours are Angelcake, Falling Star, Kid, all from different sellers although one came from CharleyandEmily but the rest of hers seem OK so far.

I also have that funny "24" on the bottom of one of mine, which was shop bought recently. I have other shadows which I believe to be genuine but they don't have that.

However, I may have discovered YET something else. Assuming the 3 with bumps on their bottoms are all fakes, these 3 also have other differences that none of my others have. I can't describe it in writing, so I've done a photo with annotations to show the differences (attached).

Could it be possible that these differences are just manufacturing ones, same as Rockin and I have a scratchy looking "24" on genuine shadows?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by stingray
Maybe all these posts showing what makes the shadows suspect should be pinned topics merging these topics as I'm already having trouble trying to remember which one I saw what in...

hunny your the second person to make that request public!! i've also asked the mods twice now for a sticky NO CHATTER thread exclusively for comparison pics and i've not had a response from either request. i know that xqueeze_me has also asked.....

mods if you are reading can we PLEASE have a sticky NO CHATTER thread for pics - we spend a lot of time here trying to help ebayers not get ripped off and spend even more time with pictorial analyses.


Well-known member
Well spotted!

I just checked mine, and all 3 that had the bump in the bottom of the container (Humid, Brun and Black Tied) also had the 'gap' and no 'ridge', thus confirming to me still further that they are fake. Those with the CH had the ridge and no gap, just as you have found.

I only have one eyeshadow which I am undecided about now.

Charleyandemily definitely sell fake pigments, so fake eyeshadows as well wouldn't surprise me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stingray
Rockin, try this method by EnKore on YouTube, it uses no heat or freezing so won't damage the damage the shadow due to heat or freezing. I've tried it once and it worked very easily. YouTube - Depotting MAC w/o heat.

It is inspired by EnKore's method of depotting eyeshadows.

Originally Posted by rockin
I'd love to know Xqueeze_me's way of doing it 'without scarring or breaking the packaging'

My method needs a lot of patience and care. Impatience and carelessness cause slight scarrings as well as broken eyeshadow(s)!
I will PM you the details later. It still needs a little improvement yet!

PS: The pics from the earlier posts are proof that the method I used shows no scarring or breakage to the packaging. Patience to the eyeshadow pan... I'm too embarrassed to show the eyeshadow...

Originally Posted by panda0410
hunny your the second person to make that request public!! i've also asked the mods twice now for a sticky NO CHATTER thread exclusively for comparison pics and i've not had a response from either request. i know that xqueeze_me has also asked.....

mods if you are reading can we PLEASE have a sticky NO CHATTER thread for pics - we spend a lot of time here trying to help ebayers not get ripped off and spend even more time with pictorial analyses.

I third that! PLEASE have a sticky NO CHATTER thread for the comparisons and pics!! Hmm.. I think it would be easier if its split into 3 sections: Pigments, eyeshadows and brushes! BUT I suppose one sticky will do... *hint*hint* XD


Well-known member
EnKore also has a video showing how to fix a broken eyeshadow

although admittedly it's better not to break it in the first place LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
hunny your the second person to make that request public!! i've also asked the mods twice now for a sticky NO CHATTER thread exclusively for comparison pics and i've not had a response from either request. i know that xqueeze_me has also asked.....

mods if you are reading can we PLEASE have a sticky NO CHATTER thread for pics - we spend a lot of time here trying to help ebayers not get ripped off and spend even more time with pictorial analyses.

I haven't received any PMs from you or Xqueeze_me before today. Rather than complaining, a more adult way to go about organising any sticky requests would be to PM myself or Mac_Whore and let us know what you collectively want. As amazing as we both are, mind-reading isn't our strongest point.

I'll look into it this weekend. If you have any suggestions as to what you specifically want, this is the time to PM me and let me know.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
I haven't received any PMs from you or Xqueeze_me before today. Rather than complaining, a more adult way to go about organising any sticky requests would be to PM myself or Mac_Whore and let us know what you collectively want. As amazing as we both are, mind-reading isn't our strongest point.

I'll look into it this weekend. If you have any suggestions as to what you specifically want, this is the time to PM me and let me know.

Lara I did PM you
And we werent complaining - we arent mind readers either and if you didnt receive the PMs then we cant possibly know that - hence the posts. These can be read by everyone/anyone and were the most obvious place to ask seeing as a) we never got replies to those PMs, and b) mods read through here so are likely to see what we need in the absence of actually receiving the PMs - I cant ESP you much as I would like to

Thanks for looking at this
I think what we really want is a sticky no chatter swatch thread in the counterfeit forum itself just for swatch/pic comparisons. Reading through all the chatter is a pain in such a long thread and what we need is quick easy access to comparison pictures/swatches. Ta!!


Well-known member
One more thing I've noticed with those 3 shadows, or rather the containers - they're slightly shinier than the others. The others are a bit matte, the suspicious ones almost look as if the matte finish has been rubbed off.

If the raised bump and other features I found are indicative of fakes, then I'd be happier not having to depot every single one of my eBay bought ones, and risking damage, just to see if they've a dented ring on the bottom of the pan!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
I haven't received any PMs from you or Xqueeze_me before today. Rather than complaining, a more adult way to go about organising any sticky requests would be to PM myself or Mac_Whore and let us know what you collectively want. As amazing as we both are, mind-reading isn't our strongest point.

I'll look into it this weekend. If you have any suggestions as to what you specifically want, this is the time to PM me and let me know.

I have sent a message or two to the Counterfeit MAC forum mods (which is lara and MAC_Whore) but never got a reply so I'm not too sure if you or MAC_Whore has received any messages from me. Might have been overlooked or message was never received by you or MAC_Whore.

Thanks in advance for looking into the NO CHATTER sticky in the weekend. Might come up with a couple of suggestions (nothing major!) for the sticky.

Originally Posted by panda0410
we werent complaining - we arent mind readers either and if you didnt receive the PMs then we cant possibly know that - hence the posts.

I agree. We're not complaining. Just wanted to be heard.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stingray
I haven't depotted the others yet as I might brave that freezing method tomorrow and hope I don't dent the pans again! This is making me wonder if those 3 are fakes.

I depotted the other two, having braved the freezing method which worked a dream without damaging a single part of the container, and no surprise... both have that ringed ridge on the underneath of the pans.

I'm still wondering if maybe it's just manufacturing differences?


Well-known member
Just thought I'd warn you -

The freezing method works a treat with those pans with the ridged circle as the glue is only in the ridge. I just tried it with my genuine shadow to see if perhaps a brand new real MAC shadow had that ridge, and no way could I get the pan out, it seemed stuck solid to the base! I didn't want to dare force it either. I think I'll have to try EnKore's method again with the genuine one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stingray
I depotted the other two, having braved the freezing method which worked a dream without damaging a single part of the container, and no surprise... both have that ringed ridge on the underneath of the pans.

I'm still wondering if maybe it's just manufacturing differences?

The way I'm looking at it is if MAC have been using flat bottom pans for how many years
Why change?? If it aint broke why fix it? It would cost to change everything in the manufacturing process - why bother when what they've already got works so well?? Just a thought.