Fashion Pet Peeves


Well-known member
^^ someone agrees with me!!


I can't stand when girls tuck their jeans into their boots, especially if they have hips or an ass of any kind because it just makes them look huge in the middle.

I also hate skinny jeans on anyone who hasn't got the body of a seven year old.

And I have to agree with dressing to suit your shape. I'm all for the fuller figured lady, but you have to dress to flatter yourself.


Well-known member
i may be a month late into reading this post :p but pet peeves are:

- the overplucked eyebrows to hell and then drawing them on in an obscure, thin, pinstripe way that goes horribly over your natural arch
- the "porn star" make up look (it's even worse on those adolescent kids in high school)
- phat farm and baby phat. UGH...those cheap-looking shirts you can probably buy at old navy with the exception of "BABY PHAT" logo on the front
- i can't STAND the boho chick look. it's OVER OVER OVER
- people not knowing when a certain eyeshadow colour looks horrible on them
- pregnant women in mini skirts, belly shirts and skin tight halters. modesty PLEASE !
- (this is just a personal preference) anything animal print
- skanky looking teeny boppers who shop at hot topic and drag each other around with dog leashes. if you're into bondage, hey, to each his/her own but these teens aren't old enough to even know what that stuff is about and most people don't broadcast it to the world and instead keep it private and modest.

- and as a person that favors the punk rock clothing style, i believe you can be punk WITHOUT looking like a skanky two-cent whore....and it's sad that it's being reduced to it. and who needs hot topic, i make my own clothes


Well-known member
My fashion pet peeves (since I am posting in all these super old threads lately...)

1. Muffin Top. Gross. If your tummy is jiggly, don't show it. It's gross. Seriously.
2. Socks (not ankle socks) with gauchos, 3/4 length pants, capris, whatever. NO.
3. Wearing high heels to university.
4. Little purses (not evening bags) - what are you supposed to put in these things anyway?
5. T-bar. No, I didn't want to see your thong (that is, unless you're hot)
6. Jackets that come just below your bust. OK girls, today's lesson is "We live in Canada: Caa - naaa - daa."
7. Phat Pharm or whatever sneakers.
8. The Phat Pharm sneakers, the little purse, the muffin top, the t-bar and the little jackets all worn together. With high heels.


Femme Noir

Well-known member
Originally Posted by scrapbookromance
panty lines, either as a result of poorly fitting undies or poorly fitting jeans. it can make someone with a nice body otherwise look chunky. doesn't mean one can have thier thong hanging out either. ah, and wearing low rise jeans with undies that aren't cut as low so when you sit down they're hanging out the back. if you can wear lowrise jeans without having a muffin top, make sure your underwear doesn't show either!

"messy buns" are MESSY, so whats nice about them?

oversized/undersized clothes

plaid and argyle together. or any similar pattern that doesn't match exactly. similar but not matching stripes, polka dots, etc.

white socks with black dress shoes

clip on ties

fishnet stockings

"mom jeans" said my boyfriend


overuse of sequins

haha okay enough listing

I lOVE suspenders! haha. seriously

Femme Noir

Well-known member
I hate when people aren't themselves. This thread is ridiculous. Who cares what others look like... The world is more interesting when everyone has their own style.


Well-known member
- Sweatsuits (Juicy, Lululemon) outside of the house
- Too tight/too loose cloathing


Active member
Amen Femme Noir! This thread is stupid.......who made all of you the fashion police...everybody has a right to dress the way they want...don't look if you don't like it!


Well-known member
umm. I don't think the point of this is that so people who won't have their own fashion identity. It's just your PERSONAL fashion pet peeves. Not sayin' everyone has to follow them. I'm sure I peeve off a bunch of people with my fashion choices but that doesn't stop me
And unless your blind... it's kinda hard not to look
we all have eyes.


Active member
If this is your "personal" pet peeves on fashion then you should have kept it that way..PERSONAL. So you wouldn't offend anyone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Femme Noir
I hate when people aren't themselves. This thread is ridiculous. Who cares what others look like... The world is more interesting when everyone has their own style.

exactly ! thats wut i feel too !


Well-known member
Originally Posted by betty
Amen Femme Noir! This thread is stupid.......who made all of you the fashion police...everybody has a right to dress the way they want...don't look if you don't like it!

Ah, but isn't the point of fashion, and wearing certain things, to make a statement to people?
When one makes a statement, one must be prepared for others to not like the statement made.
However...people don't have to be rude in their opining on any given subject.


Well-known member
LOL, i do a few things listed on this page , and this thread doesnt bother me because i feel comfortable in what i choose to wear. i think bigger women can wear low rise pants or wutever. its great that they have the confidence to wear whatever they want and feel comfortable. if people dont like it , they dont have to stare . this thread just shows tho , everyone has a different opinion , and every1 has the right to express it . but to all the girls who wear things that ppl say they dont have the body for , i give them big ups for that ! i think ppl just need to do what makes them happy


Well-known member
Bad taste is probably the ultimate pet peeve for me.
ANY style of clothing can be hot. Punk can be hot (xenia from or whatever is a perfect example). So can country (Faith Hill). ANY style can be hot as long as it's done properly. It's when it's NOT done properly that all of us shudder just a bit.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by betty
If this is your "personal" pet peeves on fashion then you should have kept it that way..PERSONAL. So you wouldn't offend anyone.

'lighten up, it's just FASHION!' Micheal Kors


Well-known member
skinny jeans. On anyone who isn't Kate Moss.
Capri jeans. I don't know WHY, I just don't like them on anyone except my ten year old daughter.
Roots. Half inch roots? Hrm. Ok. I can deal. Anything longer than that? Go. Fix. Your. Head. If you're 'growing it out' take it back to the natural color. If you're too lazy to touch up...wear a scarf.
I hate the boho trend as exemplified by f21.
In fact, any of the mass produced stuff by f21, rave, body shop, wet seal, or any other uber trendy store.
Embellishments on jeans, jackets, or shirts. Less is more, but some people rock the look.
Muffin tops? Obvious.
Biscuits. When mom jeans are too tight. (so if you slap her on the ass, she might POP like a can o'biscuits)
The ONLY time someone's makeup annoys me is when the eyebrows are 'done'. The eyes are 'done'. The lips are 'done'. The foundation is 'done'. So there's like 12 layers of makeup on. So many girls I see have such beautiful skin but they cake it with foundation. I LOVE makeup, I love MAC and UD and all the others and I LOVE the looks you can make with them. BUT! I HATE when people go overboard. :/
Dangly earrings.
Anything Jlo.
Anything with the label across the ass.
Anything with paisley on it (even ties. I dunno why).


I hate:
-underwear lines, and when the underwear tag is up and people can see it.. ew!
-Tags up
-Black/brown together...makes me sick
-anything TOO trendy
-Mom jeans
-skinny jeans/ jeans that don't fit over shoes
-animal print anything


Well-known member
Just a quick note to UGGs haters, personally for me I don't give a damn how they look. I just care about how warm and comfortable my feet are in the dead of NYC winter. So it's not about impressing people with them, it's about keeping my toes nice and toasty.

And oh yea, those who also said that putting jeans inside the boots is a no-no, it's also got to do with trying to stay warm. The least amount of opening for friggin' wind to come in, the better.

Newsflash, skinny jeans are not just for skinny people. Curvy women (i.e. Charlize Theron has been seen sporting them) can rock them just as well. Why hide behind bulky jeans when you can show of curves?

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