Fashion Pet Peeves


Well-known member
I used to be obsessed with Juicy Couture, but ever since they got sold and another company bought them - not so much.


Well-known member
even on white pant juicy writen in brown across the ass!!! Oh god... you know how dumb you look wearing that!!! ( for those day you know""" )


Well-known member
My big peeve when it comes to trends is the whole bushy eyebrow revival that's going on! It looks like two huge caterpillars! The look only worked for Frida, LOL.


Well-known member
Here are a few things I have observed from customers coming into my office.

Guys wearing sweats (this is bad enough) that have "hair down there" or ass crack showing because they cannot be bothered to buy the right size. It's pretty bad when a guy has camel toe!

Guys wearing t-shirts that are about 215448105168465187 years old that are full of food stains and holes.

People wearing white socks in sandals or any socks in sandals for that matter.

Women wearing clothes that I think they borrowed from their teenage daughter. Tight shirts that are too short with stretch marks or rolls showing, butt crack, camel toe, no bra etc. You name it and it has been sitting in front of me at some point.

Guys wearing ball/trucker hats perched on the very top of their head. I want to reach over and pull it down.

People coming in wearing PJ's or the next extreme formal attire to come into the bank. We are planning for your retirement income not your funeral!


Well-known member
Seriously, what is up with the pajamas in public thing? I just want to scream when I see people in their pj's. The only time I would be caught in public in my pj's is if I am being rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.


Well-known member
I hate the PJ thing too. Our school is uniform and I dont remember why but we got to not wear uniform for one of the days and this girl in my school wore pajamas. I was like the one day we dont have to wear uniforms and you wear PJ's?!


Well-known member
okay does anyone else think that those pants with the holes already ripped in them are ridiculous? I'm not talking about the ones with minor distressing, but with HUGE HOLES IN THE KNEES? I mean, you could get a pair from marshalls and attack them with sandpaper and get the same effect.


Well-known member
I agree. Its like you buy 80 dollar jeans from Abercrombie and the material around the knee is ripped off. It just doesnt make sense to me.


Well-known member
or there bunch of old, fade and riped jeans at sally ann's... exept theyre real old, faded, ripped jeans for 5$, not fakies made by kids with sand paper for 80$


Well-known member
Skinny jeans. They don't suit anyone, and even if you have no arse, they still make you look as if you're wearing nappies.
Jeans tucked into knee-high boots.
Office workers wearing sandshoes with suits. Hi, life isn't Working Girl.

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
I like men with some flesh on their bones. I would be scared of having sex with a skinny boy, I'd think I'm going to break him

My man


Mmmm yummy


New member
I cant believe no one posted this...

bras with straps + strapless dresses = desire to point and laugh.
eyeshadow thats all frost/sparkly. cant stand it. you might think that it makes your eyes stand out, i think that it looks like a glitter explosion.
old ladies with realllllly bright lipstick.
halloween makeup used on any of the 364 days of the year that it ISNT halloween.
clumpy lashes. if you can take the time to put on 2901653489567 coats of mascara, you sure as hell can run a lash comb through it.


Well-known member
Maybe I'm just picky, but I hate it when I see brown and black together...

and I hate it when I see girls wearing strapless shirts or shirt where the bra straps may be exposed and they wear the nude colored straps or the clear straps with it, like we can't see those straps. Just invest in a good strapless bra if you don't wanna go braless...

I admit, I used to have the clear straps, and I regret wearing them...I no longer own any clear straps but I have three strapless bras now. =)


Well-known member
Skanky clothing.
Severely ill-fitting clothing.
Sandals w/socks.
Camel toe.
Dirty clothing.

Rather than dissect every little thing, there's my list. You bet I'm glad that I hardly see those "Perfect 10" tops & bottoms on every tweenie like I did 4 years ago.


I absolutely hate when someone wears all of these at the the same time:
Fake Bag
Velour hoodie and pants

I swear I saw at least one person wearing this combo 70 degree weather.


Active member
+Fake bags, wallets, ANYTHING!! Save up for the real deal, its worth it!
+Big women in waaay too tiny one piece bathing suits. I'm sorry, but its NOT attractive. Try the tankini, its much more slimming.
+This is a makeup one, but I hate clown cheeks! Go to a makeup counter and ask them to help you pick out the right blush, please!
+I don't know if you guys have seen this one, but at proms in high school people would wear Chucks that matched their dress/their date's dress IN THE PICTURE. Its really inappropriate..prom is a formal!
+When women wear shoes that they can't even walk in, and it shows. If you can wear heels that high, great. If not, stay comfortable and stick to a dressy flat. Its NOT that hard.
+People in business suits going to work wearing sneakers, then changing to their dressy shoes. Again, its called dressy flats.


Active member
just have to put my 2 1/2 cents in:

velour tracksuits (keep in mind, this is FLORIDA. it was 70 degrees on CHRISTMAS MORNING.)
sneaker-heels. ANY stilettos with tight-ass jeans.
not completely fashion-related, but when women wear POINTY-toed stilettos and then have the balls to complain about their feet hurting. (keep in mind, i'm a tee shirt and jeans girl.)
Redneck "chic".
And along the same lines, teenyboppers in Zeppelin t-shirts who have not a clue who Page and Plant even WERE.
and all the aforementioned butt cleavage, belly shirts, and *shudder* camel toe.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fireatwill
ahh no. well. sometimes i think its really really hot when guys wear girlpants, but they can only pull it off if they are super super skinny. like i think guys that wear girlpants and look like this are hot :




well i personally love this look on guys
its hot..but hey im weird

well i hate anything and everything to do with...

**those chunky shoes made for grandmas( like the ones that are made for old ladys feet who have problems??) if u get what i mean..anywho..those shoes on young people..GOD

**putting those gypsy skirts with POLOS xd

**anything like what britney spears has been wearing for the last......
year or 2 or..3!!

and the list goes on and on

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