Fat Tyra Banks


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Originally Posted by Bernadette
Hollywood should make more of an outrage over these walking skeletons.

True! IMO She looks better and healthier than most of the super skinny girls that you see on catwalks.


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Originally Posted by kaliraksha
The one thing I thought was cool is she said that she would not allow any retouching of her photos after her retirement... just good ol makeup and lighting.

Her pics on ANTM are generally photoshopped, she can deny it if she likes, but it's obvious. :/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Her pics on ANTM are generally photoshopped, she can deny it if she likes, but it's obvious. :/

i agree.
but with the original topic i dont think tyra is fat at all! she looks great! excpet i hate her hair how its like flat on her head lol


Well-known member
i love tyra. shes the shiznit.. shes seriously one of my all time favorite people. and damns

anorexic much? i can tell, i have had an eating disorder before, her head is like 15,000 times too big for her body. lol!


Well-known member
God love her... I had serious eating disorders... which got me scouted for an international agency (which shall remain nameless) ... and because I was such a rail (living off ciggies and caffiene) I was held up to the all the agency's non-anorexics as what they should all aspire to. Average age, 16. Hugely damaging.
I watched the show, I watched the girl - afraid the chair was making her fat - and so deranged she thought she was morally superior to everyone else there.
You need food to *think*. Turns out... once I got treatment, had a sandwich, and told my agent to f*** the hell off... I found out 25 pounds heavier that I'm incredibly smart and don't need to be pretty to be successful.
Perfect 4.0 GPA... with a double PoliSci/Econ major.
I wish girls would stop idolizing the idle... that thin and pretty are all there is... Tyra is not a rail anymore... She's also a freaking media mogul and a hugely successful businesswoman. If you had the choice - go from unreal superskinny to just slim in exchange for an unbelievable career... wouldn't you go for it?


Well-known member
When I watched the beginning of it, I was like "Where's the cellulite?"

And then I was wondering whether or not she was going gray :S

I thought she looked great. She pulls the weight off well b/c of her height.


Well-known member
the past few Tyra shows ive watched, shes had this horrible looking. super flat hairdo. its gross. she looks awesome when its all full and curled or whatever. but the Flat ironed no volume look doesn't work for her.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
the past few Tyra shows ive watched, shes had this horrible looking. super flat hairdo. its gross. she looks awesome when its all full and curled or whatever. but the Flat ironed no volume look doesn't work for her.

Yeh she's got a major five-head. I think she looks best with the poofed hair and bangs.

SOme of my co-workers got tickets to the Tyra show today! I'll let you know how fat she really is tomorrow haha! I asked them to get the full report.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Her pics on ANTM are generally photoshopped, she can deny it if she likes, but it's obvious. :/

Aren't most of those photos examples of shoots she's done in the past?


Well-known member
All mag photos are photoshopped... back in the day when tyra was on the scene they were airbrushed or retouched.
There were some fun ones in the early ;90's - the retoucher got so eager on a Vogue cover of Isabella Rosselinni he took her tear duct out. Big ole fried egg of an eye staring back.


Well-known member
my sister is the same height as tyra, but weighs 30 lbs less...and she looks healthy to me. tyra looks healthy to me too. my sister has a smaller frame than tyra though, which is why she can still look healthy while weighing much less. i think alot of people look at the number and go from that, but that's just unfair and unrealistic. i'm 5'7" and weigh about a bill, but i don't think i look unhealthy...but when nicole richie's weight is proportionate to mine, she looks like death because she has a bigger frame (even though she's a couple inches shorter) but anyway, i digress...i think tyra looks fabulous as ever.


Well-known member
I didn't see any episode, but I do love ANTM.

As far as her being 'fat', what is 'FAT' anyways? Of course there's adjectives like chubby, curvy, corpulent, obese, but what defines 'FAT'? It's quite ambiguous to me.

Tyra isn't fat in my book, yes, she's gained a few pounds since her supermodeling/runway career ceased, but since, she has gained popularity and success by pursuing other aspects of entertainment such as TV; she has her own show for god's sake.

I find some of her antics a bit bizarre, but who the hell isn't eccentric these days. I think her main objective is to tell young women that they don't have to fit a certain 'hollywood mold', and that being yourself is OKAY, even if you're down right insane (lol).


By no stretch of the imagination does Tyra look fat. Its just so ridiculous. I would kill for her legs.
As far as Kate Bosworth....my husband and I watched the new Superman movie and we were HORRIFIED by how awful she looks. If thats healthy and normal, forget it. I'd rather be fat. At least I won't look like a pumpkin head and have some boobs.
I am wondering if our society is ever going to change its standards of beauty.


Well-known member
My friend describe Tyra as, "Very pretty, tall, voluptious, with a very nice form." As they have seen her in person, I'm more apt to believe them


Well-known member
When I saw a comercial for some show like ET going, OMG Tyra is fat!! I was like who the hell cares? Let her be "fat" if she wants, she's fricking earned it. And no, that isn't fat. Larger than I would like to be, but definately not fat.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Katja
I didn't see any episode, but I do love ANTM.

As far as her being 'fat', what is 'FAT' anyways? Of course there's adjectives like chubby, curvy, corpulent, obese, but what defines 'FAT'? It's quite ambiguous to me.

Tyra isn't fat in my book, yes, she's gained a few pounds since her supermodeling/runway career ceased, but since, she has gained popularity and success by pursuing other aspects of entertainment such as TV; she has her own show for god's sake.

I find some of her antics a bit bizarre, but who the hell isn't eccentric these days. I think her main objective is to tell young women that they don't have to fit a certain 'hollywood mold', and that being yourself is OKAY, even if you're down right insane (lol).

I would call Tyra curvy and healthy. She looks good.

Fat, to me, is a general term for people who have more than a few lbs to lose. I can't think of anyone off the top of my head to illustrate that point, but that's what I think of when I think of someone who's fat.


Well-known member
if tyra is 5ft 10 and 160 pounds her BMI is 23 so is really healthy!! i think she's a great role model, although sometimes she seems a bit crazy


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
IMO, I think it was meant to be ironic, in that the tabloids were calling her fat, yet she's standing there in a bathing suit and looks completely fine (well, great).

It's fantastic that she addressed that tabloid bullshit. There is great importance to being at a healthy weight/BMI/body fat percentage, but what a lot of young hollywood is putting out there is not that. It is unrealistic, unhealthy and just disgusting! I applaud Tyra for presenting a reality. I will admit that IMO a lot of the time Tyra really likes to hear Tyra talk, but in this case there was a good message.

This is not what young girls (or anyone for that matter) need to aspire to.....





There is also the issue of the media wanting to attack Tyra for being too fat, then they turn around and attack the above women for being too thin. There is no "perfect" or "just fine" for the media.

eww they make me sick!


Well-known member
I saw the show too and it was on re-run recently. I think being so tall, her weight complements her height very well. she is more gorgeous now than her younger modeling days. I also admire the fact that she is very close with her mom and talks about her influences all the time. She's not afraid of being her self in front of so many judgmental people. tyra rocks!



Well-known member
After this big deal show with Tyra's weight, she has been seen on magazines as having lost weight and gives tips for her weight loss. Hmmmm, it appears that the tabloids really did get to her head.