Fat Tyra Banks


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dmenchi
It's not only society, it's us women ourselfs!!! we buy into all this diet bs! why can't parents take responsibility and feed their kids carrots instead of doritos or all the other crap. i feel bad for all overweight people because it seems nobody or they did never take the time to learn to eat and move healthy. I feel digusted by the fat lady on a little cart in walmart , she's to f* fat to walk but in her little cart is just white bread, red meat and cookies. My husband has great genes and he is healthy, but his MOther recently moved in and guess what she buys him : canned sodas,cookies,little debbies,icecream...I had to finally breakdown and tell that she better safes some money for his dentist visits and that i'm not going to be a widow by the time i turn the big 30! Of course, she couldn't care less & but i'm stucked with my Bh complaining about a tummy or toothache! I'm sooo mad...sorry ladies, had to vent!

umm ...I don't know if you know but some people don't get fat because they overreat or eat junk food. Sometimes it's just how you're body works. Weight loss is hard work. It's even harder when you have strange people in stores thinking "she's f** fat". Obesity is also genetic in some people, hormonal also. So please don't for one minute think that you will always stay at the weight you are. Everything factors into you're health ..environment, diet, stress.


Well-known member
^i agree.
Just because your parents give you carrots and healthy stuff isn't going to guarentee you aren't overweight.
My parents gave me very healthy meals but I'm chunky.

to dmenchi, I actually find it offensive what you said about the "fat lady" in walmart. That is ridiculous for you to say something like that. It is really difficult to deal with being overweight in this day in age(or anytime for that matter) and obviously from your posts it isn't something you're dealing with. Im not trying to be rude to you, but I don't think you should say things like that.

Lisa J

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
I'm considered a "big girl;" by a typical--might I add ridiculous--BMI chart, I'm technically "obese."

I hear ya on this. I used to have weight issues, but not anymore - the only time I feel any sort of issue with my weight is when I look at one of those stupid BMI charts. I am 5 foot 3.5ish
, and I weigh 135-140 pounds. Well, some of this is muscle and some of it is because I'm medium framed. Anyways, the BMI chart puts me in the significantly overweight range... and I'm a size 2-4. Ridiculous! I think those things should be outlawed, or at least largely reworked!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CandyKisses1018
I heard that tyra is 2faced. I heard she likes to talk smack about other people a lot. I saw it in a magazine a few months ago and I also saw a show on the E channel that Janice Dickinson was on and she called tyra a bitch that likes to talk shit.

I saw that segment on her show and it made me sick. First off, shes not fat at all.. seems more insecure? shes beautiful and she knows it, she wouldn't be such an amazing model if she wasn't.

I keep looking at that lindsey Lohan pic someone posted on here. It reminds me of when Lindsey lohan and Tyra banks made that disney movie together.. i forgot what it was called but when i was little I LOVED that movie.

the movie is called LIFESIZE! i love it too