Fat Tyra Banks


Well-known member
I think she's a gorgeous, healthy, curvy woman. She's not fat by any stretch of the imagination. If she weighed what those other women weighed at her size, she'd be dead from malnourishment. She's a freakin' amazon, no woman at almost 6 feet tall should weigh much less than Tyra does. And I applaud her for not giving a damn. It's horrible to be scrutinized for being unhealthy. Personally I saw the photo they put in the magazine, and it was the worst photo they could possibly find. When she was on the show in the exact same suit, I thought she looked amazing.

Personally her current weight is just about my goal weight, and I'm ony 5'6". Sure I could try and starve myself down to 120, but my body's not meant to be that small. My bone structure won't allow me to get much smaller than a 10 dress size, and I'm fine with that. As long as I'm striving to be healthy and make lifestyle changes that allow me to do so, i'm incredibly happy with myself. My thighs touch when I walk...i'm a WOMAN with CURVES, so yes, they should. My arms jiggle when I shake them....well, I'm not skin and bones, so yes, they should.
I say more power to Tyra and other women like her who don't give a shit about being stick thin and are committed to simply being healthy and happy in their own skin.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
I think she's a gorgeous, healthy, curvy woman. She's not fat by any stretch of the imagination. If she weighed what those other women weighed at her size, she'd be dead from malnourishment. She's a freakin' amazon, no woman at almost 6 feet tall should weigh much less than Tyra does. And I applaud her for not giving a damn. It's horrible to be scrutinized for being unhealthy. Personally I saw the photo they put in the magazine, and it was the worst photo they could possibly find. When she was on the show in the exact same suit, I thought she looked amazing.

Personally her current weight is just about my goal weight, and I'm ony 5'6". Sure I could try and starve myself down to 120, but my body's not meant to be that small. My bone structure won't allow me to get much smaller than a 10 dress size, and I'm fine with that. As long as I'm striving to be healthy and make lifestyle changes that allow me to do so, i'm incredibly happy with myself. My thighs touch when I walk...i'm a WOMAN with CURVES, so yes, they should. My arms jiggle when I shake them....well, I'm not skin and bones, so yes, they should.
I say more power to Tyra and other women like her who don't give a shit about being stick thin and are committed to simply being healthy and happy in their own skin.

i agree..i am overweight and would love to get down to about 150..(im 5'8 that and is healthy and still thick..u got me damned if i am about to be stick thin..as much as i like to eat..(cant let go of that fried chicken margaritas)..even though i cant really stand tyra's hair and her makeup somtimes..her body is rockin (her legs can use some work)..i dont see nothing wrong with her..she is soooo no where near fat..queen latifah, monique are considered fat women because they are overweight, but they love themselves and they embrace it..tyra looks good to me..for all them peeps saying she is fat right now
there is nothing wrong with her (except that hair of hers..that bad lookin lace front)


Well-known member
I can't even believe people notice her weight. I can't get past the stupid shit spewing out of her mouth long enough to notice anything else about her. She's an insane narcissist.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
I can't even believe people notice her weight. I can't get past the stupid shit spewing out of her mouth long enough to notice anything else about her. She's an insane narcissist.

I agree. She places herself on a pedastal during every show, and on every TV appearence I've seen her in. Girl needs to get her face out of her photographs.

(p.s. it's a miracle, we agree on something :holysheep


Well-known member
I think the media has this idea that everyone is the same height and so then 160 lbs on a short person is in fact fat....(unless they are RIPPED) but since Tyra is 5'10" 160 lbs is healthy...

I hate it when people think the number on the scale is the only thing that constitutes health...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
I agree. She places herself on a pedastal during every show, and on every TV appearence I've seen her in. Girl needs to get her face out of her photographs.

(p.s. it's a miracle, we agree on something :holysheep

We agree on more than you know. It's just more fun to argue.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
That is sad. I agree. You know what I'm thinking? The way she looks now should be what is considered runway-ready.

That's sweet but clothes hang better off tall skinny models plus nothing looks unflattering on them. Tyra is in no state to work the runway.
To be honest the media going abit crazy about her weight gain is to do with the fact that Tyra's fame is based on her appearance, that's why she must answer for gaining weight...It's sad but if she really hates superficiality so much she should have worked in a supermarket


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
eww they make me sick!

They don't make me "sick"... but she seriously needs better swimsuits!!
Those things look like freakin' diapers on her. With all that money you'd think you can find clothes that fit (even if they were from Limited Too or whatever).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TheRitz
the people that are bigger these days are lazy and unhealthy and stuff and it pisses me off when they say its okay to be big.

i am by no means lazy, thank you


Well-known member
But sometimes really big people put it out there that its okay to be big and stuff and really, the people that are bigger these days are lazy and unhealthy and stuff and it pisses me off when they say its okay to be big. I think its okay to be healthy and working out and stuff.

You really wanna be careful the way you word those kinds of things. I'm considered a "big girl;" by a typical--might I add ridiculous--BMI chart, I'm technically "obese." I'm not obese by visual standards at all, but still big. But I'm not lazy, I go to the gym at least 3 times a week now, down from 4 or 5 when I wasn't in school fulltime and working. It's difficult for me to lose weight. People around me are noticing a loss in inches, but the scale isn't reflecting a decrease in pounds. I'm not advocating being 500lbs overweight and continuing to let your health and body deteriorate by eating a 5,000cal per day diet. But not all big people are 100% okay with being big. I think when a lot of plus sized people like MoNique for example say that "big is beautiful," it doesn't mean they'll continue to gain weight purposely to put Big on the Trend Sheet or to promote and unhealthy way of living; it's simply a matter of embracing your body, because not every person's stature is designed to follow a BMI chart or superficial standard of what healthy looks like.

On a BMI chart Kate Winslet is tipping near "obese" as well, and she's got the most stunning figure in Hollywood IMO.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mommamacgurl
At 5'10 and 160 pounds Tyra is not even fat! I think she's curvy and real looking. She's just not runway skinny anymore and that is okay. If she was a dude would the media make a big deal about her being 5'10 and 160 pounds? I don't think they would. Society puts too much pressure on women about weight and size. I had a surgery about a year and a half ago and i gained about 25 pounds and people treated me so differently. I became invisible. When i started going to the gym and dropped all the weight off i became visible again to certain people. I just wish people would realize that we as women are not defined by our weight and our dress sizes.

It's not only society, it's us women ourselfs!!! we buy into all this diet bs! why can't parents take responsibility and feed their kids carrots instead of doritos or all the other crap. i feel bad for all overweight people because it seems nobody or they did never take the time to learn to eat and move healthy. I feel digusted by the fat lady on a little cart in walmart , she's to f* fat to walk but in her little cart is just white bread, red meat and cookies. My husband has great genes and he is healthy, but his MOther recently moved in and guess what she buys him : canned sodas,cookies,little debbies,icecream...I had to finally breakdown and tell that she better safes some money for his dentist visits and that i'm not going to be a widow by the time i turn the big 30! Of course, she couldn't care less & but i'm stucked with my Bh complaining about a tummy or toothache! I'm sooo mad...sorry ladies, had to vent!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
eww they make me sick!



Well-known member
i saw her show and also some 'who cares?'-show. yes, she doesn't work as a model anymore ( thanks god, bc then she's definately a giant) but she is a little cubby for my taste. I personally find skinnier people more attractive as long as they are healthy not spagetti thin,eww. i'm sure she works out, but maybe if she lost 10-15 lbs she'd look better. and last time i saw her she kept wearing corsets all the time, so she onviously had something to squeeze in there...LOL


Well-known member
Yes she's telling us now that it's ok to be overweight...we should love ourselves for all our flaws blah blah and that she's happy with herself and her weight right now, etc...but wasn't she unapologetically part of an industry that fueled the anorexic urges of teenagers during the 90s and early 2000...sorry but I find her such a hypocrite. Just because she found a new way to earn money aside from baring her ass in the Victoria Secret runways or the covers of SI, etc....like that talk show of hers, she now thinks she could be an advocate for self-acceptance? Sorry but I'd rather listen to Oprah Winfrey who clearly knows more about the subject than she does.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dmenchi
i saw her show and also some 'who cares?'-show. yes, she doesn't work as a model anymore ( thanks god, bc then she's definately a giant) but she is a little cubby for my taste. I personally find skinnier people more attractive as long as they are healthy not spagetti thin,eww. i'm sure she works out, but maybe if she lost 10-15 lbs she'd look better. and last time i saw her she kept wearing corsets all the time, so she onviously had something to squeeze in there...LOL

Um - just up there you commented on women being hard on themselves and dieting all of the time. And here you're calling a woman who is apparently 6 ft tall and 160 lbs chubby? Those numbers would give her a BMI of 21.7, well in the normal weight range. In fact at 6 feet tall she could weigh as much as 180 and still fall in the normal BMI range.

Do I love Tyra - not so much. And I agree that she spent a great deal of time being part of a industry that's helping women feel the need to achieve an unhealthy weight. But geez - the woman isn't fat. And if she thinks she is, and feels the need to accept herself, it just kind of goes to show that the time she spent doing runway has kind of damaged her too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Aevalin
Um - just up there you commented on women being hard on themselves and dieting all of the time. And here you're calling a woman who is apparently 6 ft tall and 160 lbs chubby? Those numbers would give her a BMI of 21.7, well in the normal weight range. In fact at 6 feet tall she could weigh as much as 180 and still fall in the normal BMI range.

Do I love Tyra - not so much. And I agree that she spent a great deal of time being part of a industry that's helping women feel the need to achieve an unhealthy weight. But geez - the woman isn't fat. And if she thinks she is, and feels the need to accept herself, it just kind of goes to show that the time she spent doing runway has kind of damaged her too.

that women themselves subscribe to standarts they help to create by following the media and being part of the billion $ diet industry is a fact.
that i find her chubby for my personal taste is an opinion, for example if i weight that much i wouldn't feel healthy, it's actually not about the weight as muscle weights more than fat, i would prefer to be more 'toned'.

I do agree with you on the fact that years of modeling might have damaged her a little more then she'd like to admit.

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
I think she looks great... wish my thighs were as firm as hers!


I'm in Spain so I don't get to watch the Tyra Banks Show, I do however follow ANTM thru YouTube. Is there any website where I can watch Tyra's show? It seems like it can be entertaining for lonely girly afternoons hehe.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by queenofdisaster
anorexic much? i can tell, i have had an eating disorder before, her head is like 15,000 times too big for her body. lol!

"Lol??" That's just not even funny. It's really quite sad. I don't get why people are so fascinated by weight. I think that beauty is def in the eye of the beholder and confidence is beautiful. If someone has a personality and smiles. But weight... who cares? Anorexia and bulimea are serious illnesses and I feel sympathy for anyone who has had to go down that road and back.


Well-known member
i think tyra looks good the way she is and she is definitely not fat

however, i have watched many Americas Next Top Model where Tyra has criticized some of the girls for being too heavy for the modeling industry. so therefore, even if people are calling her fat, i dont have any sympathy for her..


Well-known member
I heard that tyra is 2faced. I heard she likes to talk smack about other people a lot. I saw it in a magazine a few months ago and I also saw a show on the E channel that Janice Dickinson was on and she called tyra a bitch that likes to talk shit.

I saw that segment on her show and it made me sick. First off, shes not fat at all.. seems more insecure? shes beautiful and she knows it, she wouldn't be such an amazing model if she wasn't.

I keep looking at that lindsey Lohan pic someone posted on here. It reminds me of when Lindsey lohan and Tyra banks made that disney movie together.. i forgot what it was called but when i was little I LOVED that movie.

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