Fell asleep, woke up with 56 tattoos


Well-known member
Uhhh if you're not Mike Tyson or an incarcerated gang member, why you gotta tat your face anyways?!?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
Uhhh if you're not Mike Tyson or an incarcerated gang member, why you gotta tat your face anyways?!?!

A lot of people in the industry do...and a lot of the time it's lack of room anywhere else... LOL One of my guys has half his face tattooed...and the other half is pretty much the only blank skin he's got left...hehe


Well-known member
I am pretty sure many years ago there were not many tat shops that made you sign forms...But due to constant complaints I doubt that there are many legitimate shops that do not make you sign forms in this day and age. The article only tells her side of the story so of course it is not going to bring up anything that helps the tattoo artist in the article. As with everything...there are three sides to every story....her side, the tattoo artist's side and then the truth. But for anyone to be foolish enough to think this girl did not know she was getting more than 3 tats inked on her face while she was laying there for all that time...is probably as crazy as she is and they should not be going to a tat shop without supervision.


Well-known member
Every shop I've ever been to makes you sign a waiver, and clearly states what tattoo(s) you're getting, and the placement...that way, if some situation like this comes up, their butts are covered. Ohhhh to be a fly on the wall when that girl walked into the tattoo shop and told the guy what she wanted...


Well-known member
Don´t forget this happened in Belgium and over here we don´t have this `I don´t like this - sue him! `mentality. I´m pretty sure that a lot of places here in Europe do not require forms to be filled in.

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
Seriously...I want to know what happened to personal responsibility? Why is everything bad that happens to someone always someone else's fault?

- I spilled hot coffee on myself so let's sue McDonald's.
- I'm fat so let's sue the fast food chains that did it to me.
- I got stupid looking tattoos so let's sue the tattoo shop.

I mean really...how about taking some responsibility for your own actions? If you are over 18 you can go to war, get married and make your own decisions in life. I would have some sypathy if we were dealing with a minor (that would be a whole different story) but we are dealing with someone who is supposed to be an adult.

- If you spilled hot coffee on yourself it's your own damn fault you got burned. Maybe you should try iced coffee?

- If you're fat because you eat too much fast food then it's your own damn fault your fat; try laying off the fast food!

- If you got a stupid looking tattoo then again it's your own damn fault and maybe you should put some thought into things before you do them. Specially things that you know are supposed to be permanent.

I mean come on...Personal Responsibility!!!


Well-known member
Ella, you make a good point, there...but I think this has prompted him to require people to start at least signing off on what they want.
You know...here's the other thing I don't get...if she really only wanted 3 stars...how would she have TIME to fall asleep??? It would take maybe 20 minutes max to tattoo 3 small stars. Um...unless she's narcoleptic, I highly doubt she could've fallen asleep during those 3 stars.


Well-known member
Exactly...and I am sure it does not matter where you live...people file lawsuits everyday ...some rightful and some just out to get money.

A f'n moran would know the difference between getting needled for 3 stars than 56........Please


Well-known member
Some people are just idiots. Seriously!!!

I don't believe her one little bit. You could easily fall asleep, but I doubt it with that kind of tattoo, I mean on her face and if she had asked for only three she would have had to fall asleep pretty damn fast!!!

I agree that she probably said the 50 something, then thought 'oh noes daddy wont like this' so I'll just lie.

No tattooist is going to potentially ruin their career over something like this.

Not to forget the fact that how "embarrassed" she keeps saying she is??? yeah i don't think so she wouldn't be talking to the media so much if she couldn't 'show her face in public" like she claims.

Even ignoring all that, who gets face tattoo's in the first place when you are that young too!?!?!?


Well-known member
^^ Yes you can. I have. However, it's unlikely that she'd fall asleep while getting her FACE tattooed. ...and like I said before, if she asked for 3 stars, she wouldn't have had TIME to fall asleep. She's an idiot.


Well-known member
I doubt that anyone could fall asleep with 56 tattoos being done on their face....back, yes, stomach, yes...But your face ....doubtful...I am sure that is what the poster was saying....How do you even keep your head that still ....NOT


Well-known member
of course i think she's lying.. but i really do believe that she did not sign anything. i think that was mentioned in the article?
either way, she has to be lying. i do fault the guy a tiny bit for not talking her outta this. but it was her decision.
i only have three small tats. i am getting a fourth this summer, still not too big. mine are small and barely noticable, however i have a heart on my upper back that i hate. i had it touched up once and it's better but still not to my liking. but either way i chose this heart, i decided on it and i am living with it (i actually forget its there most of the time, no biggie).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I doubt that anyone could fall asleep with 56 tattoos being done on their face....back, yes, stomach, yes...But your face ....doubtful...I am sure that is what the poster was saying....How do you even keep your head that still ....NOT

Haha...I freak out and back away when I start seeing anything come near my face that buzzes. I'm crazy allergic to bees...no way I could get a tattoo on my face, I'd run away screaming before they even got close to my skin. LOL Besides...wouldn't it just rattle the crap out of your head? It feels strange enough using those vibrating scrubby face things...but a tattoo machine??? Eek!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lauren1981
okay, the tattoo artist's face almost made me vomit....

LMFAO was it the tattoos or stretched holes?