Fell asleep, woke up with 56 tattoos


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ForgetRegret
LMFAO was it the tattoos or stretched holes?

the stretched holes! the rings in the lips! just...... ewwwwwww! can you imagine what he looks like when he takes all that shit out??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ForgetRegret
Haha...I freak out and back away when I start seeing anything come near my face that buzzes. I'm crazy allergic to bees...no way I could get a tattoo on my face, I'd run away screaming before they even got close to my skin. LOL Besides...wouldn't it just rattle the crap out of your head? It feels strange enough using those vibrating scrubby face things...but a tattoo machine??? Eek!

I know I told Rex they need to come up with a tattoo gun like the dentist have now that is quiet ....my dentist has the silent drill and I tell you it was the noise that freaked me out I have determined because now it doesn't phase me at all....That buzzing puts me in freak mode


Well-known member
Seriously....How could anyone not trust everything that comes out of his mouth.....Wow...he must have a serious tolerance for pain and not eating...Is that a trachea ....lol


Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Seriously....How could anyone not trust everything that comes out of his mouth.....Wow...he must have a serious tolerance for pain and not eating...Is that a trachea ....lol

Not to mention a tolerance for ridicule and stares...I'm sure he gets lots of those.


Well-known member
she's just mad bcuz she thought ppl would like it, and got bashed b her bf and family for it, now she wants to sue.
I don't understand why people want to sue these days for every little thing, thats right up there with the easy women who sue the men they had sex with bcuz the man doesn't want to pursue a relationship, or the person who walks across the street when they dont have a light, then sues the driver and the city for a million dollars for pain n suffering, when they don't even have a broken leg


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Seriously....How could anyone not trust everything that comes out of his mouth.....Wow...he must have a serious tolerance for pain and not eating...Is that a trachea ....lol


with all those tattoos n piercings, he needs to invest in some contacts lol.
I wear glasses too, but the specs aren't flowing with the tats


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Seriously....How could anyone not trust everything that comes out of his mouth.....Wow...he must have a serious tolerance for pain and not eating...Is that a trachea ....lol


tish STOP IT!! i SWEAR i'm about to puke all over this monitor!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
she's lucky she's agreed to pay for half.

It's much more generous than he should be, with all the name smearing she's doing. It basically just shows you that he's one of the honest, good tattoo artists who seems to be in the industry because they love the art, and enjoy the work, not because they want to make a quick buck. There's entirely too many of those out there...and I want to beat them all with sticks...or throw a Mad Bee or two at their heads. Those bitches can be pretty heavy with a metal mag tube in em...not to mention the scary sound that makes you think you're being attacked by...well...bees.


Well-known member
Although Possible, I highly doubt someone could fall asleep while getting tattoos on their nose like that ! She is full of shit, she probably went home, her dad got pissed and she was like "well ... well.. I only asked for 3!! but I fell asleep and woke up with 56"



Well-known member
WHY didn't she just get him (or a friend- they're just stars!) to draw them on with pen and give it a 'test drive' before getting it done in permanent ink?
I know it's not possible for most tatts but for a simple facial design, it would be easy and would have saved all the drama!

Plus, if I was getting my face tattooed by someone with a face full of tatts, I would be OVERemphasising my point that I only wanted 3 SMALL stars and ask it to be stencilled first rather than freehand so I could see the stencil on my skin.

But I'm not her.... *shrugs*


Well-known member
I LOLed when I saw the title. I don't someone can fall asleep while having a tattoo done!

That tattooist freaks me out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by metal_romantic
WHY didn't she just get him (or a friend- they're just stars!) to draw them on with pen and give it a 'test drive' before getting it done in permanent ink?
I know it's not possible for most tatts but for a simple facial design, it would be easy and would have saved all the drama!

Plus, if I was getting my face tattooed by someone with a face full of tatts, I would be OVERemphasising my point that I only wanted 3 SMALL stars and ask it to be stencilled first rather than freehand so I could see the stencil on my skin.

But I'm not her.... *shrugs*

She didn't get someone to draw them on first because she's an idiot. She wanted 56 stars, and that's what she got.

LOL I don't think you'd need to worry about overemphasizing the fact that you only wanted 3 small stars, even if the artist had a face full of tattoos...most artists realize that unless you're in the industry, or have some kind of job that allows you to be very free in your appearance, that you're not going to want a HUGE ridiculous tribal design on your face...hehe. ...and whether the stars were stenciled on her face, or drawn free-hand, she would've known how many stars were going on her face. Not every artist uses a stencil for EVERY tattoo, very simple ones (or ones they've done a million times) can be drawn free-hand with a ballpoint pen or a sharpie...either way, they're going to be on the skin for placement purposes BEFORE an artist starts tattooing.

Again...this girl (not you, Metal!!!) is an idiot. ...and a liar. ...and an idiot. Oh...did I mention she's an IDIOT?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ForgetRegret
She didn't get someone to draw them on first because she's an idiot. She wanted 56 stars, and that's what she got.


that dumbass knew she wanted that shit