Originally Posted by VIC MAC
IF she really didn't ask for 56 stars on her face........10.000 £ is ridiculos! If it was me, and I was right.......no amount of money could reppair that damage. So in my opinion - she is admitting her own mistake, by only wanting 10.000£.....
Exactly...asking only for the cost of laser removal is ridiculous. Anyone who ACTUALLY got their face effed up by a tattoo artist would ask for laser removal costs PLUS pain and suffering.
Either way...she finally told the truth, and it's like I said from the beginning...she wanted those damn stars, but when daddy got angry, she blamed the tattoo artist. HA! Now I hope she gets in trouble for defamation of character, slander, or something like that. Did she make a police report? Maybe she can get arrested for making a false police report...I bet they'll love her shining personality in jail...mauahahahahaha.