Finish My Story..........


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..Joan Rivers chastity belt! Yuck! I threw up in my mouth a little and ran outside to bury that key. Some locks are better left locked! As I was covering the hole with dirt, something caught my eye, it was.....


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the bones of the guy I killed three days ago and buried in the middle of the night with my best friend who was now...


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My X-Bestfriend, So i offed her and buried her next to the guy i killed three days ago. But this time i gave her a MAC Makeover before i threw her in the ground. Only to realize that she wasnt....


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what a fking liar she was... That pissed me off so bad that i had to do some therapy shopping at Mac. But when i got to Mac everything looked different, only to realize that i wasnt at Mac but in Disney World. So Micky and Minnie stood there right before my eyes reaching their hands out to me to get on a ride... then only to realize when i took their hands it wasnt Micky nor Minnie but Prince. And...


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...he was wearing nothing but socks!!! I was shocked and begged him to put some clothes on and he said "I never meant to cause you any sorrow, I never meant to cause you any pain..." before leaving me alone for 2 minutes to get dressed. Then he came back, wearing...


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...that he stole from my effing closet! What a thief! To get my revenge I decided to...


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Jack his guitar and sell it on ebay for 1$ only to find out at the end of the auction it sold for 1million dollars. WOW! I thought what can i do with all this money...


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and decided to get a "Happy Ending" with extra whipped cream (check the matching thread in that Chatter section
) at Friendly's. But when I got my "Happy Ending"...


Well-known member was more like a lukewarm bath with my ex than a wild hot tub romp with Wentworth Miller. I was so depressed, I decided to go


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eat a Gallon of Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey... with a soda on da side
Only to figure out the mix of soda and chunky monkey taste like shit.
that made me feel like i had to shit...


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a brick. Lo and behold, I did. BUT, it was a gold brick. What can I buy with all that money? I know, I have always wanted a.....


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small country and a clan of Wentworth Miller and Gerard Butler clones to serve me. I took my brick and a globe and looked for location to establish my principality, which turned out to be...


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an old oil rig in the middle of international waters. Finally a place to call my own. I got to work designing my flag and devising a way to lure Wentworth Miller on to my oil platform. Aha! I know how I can do it, I will........


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dig up graves in the middle of the night and steal dead peoples clothes. It's not like they will use them. So that's what I did and....