Finish this sentence. I wish MAC would...


Well-known member
i really agree with the more accurae swatches on thier site and definatly do think they should have a twice a year sale or sumthing. They would make a killing!!! gift with pruchase would be awsome too! but i could see ebay scammers trying to sell those as extremly LE gift sets and shit lol


Well-known member
I second glittergoddes with
- post real swatches on their website (their colours are so far away from the real thing, Bobbi Brown for example makes nice, realistic samples online!)
- have a virtual makeover for some of their "looks" -wouldn't that be fun (Yeeees!)

I wish
- there would be a sheer cold toned cherry lipstick
- thei would have NC 25 in their TM


Well-known member
smaller pigment sizes (at a cheaper price of course!!).
make mothbrown e/s permanent!!
offer sets of pigments year round.
get more of choice for B2M, mainly l/g instead of l/s.


Active member
...have a 'bonus time' similar to Clinique...where if you purchase a certain amount, you receive a free gift.


Well-known member
...release color family quads on a regular basis

...hire me too a store in Washington (not a counter)

...reduce their colors stories to a few times a year

...sell posters/prints of their ads (money goes to Viva Glam?)

...hire artists that won't keep putting dark lipstick on my mom (she likes to look young and pretty too)

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
... be cheaper in Europe
... would hire me to work at a counter
... would invent a lotion to make eyebrows grow back


Well-known member
Would have a punch card for every 100.00 you spent you get a free product - your choice.

Took a customer poll to bring back favorite products that are now discontinued.

Have a Buy one get one free... ( not all the time but during the holidays

There are so many things.. but these are a few.


Well-known member
...make some lighter lipliners, I have a hard time explaining this, but less brown or something...sort of along the lines of Little Tease, Girlfriend, Test Pattern, etc.

...make the perfect (permanent shade!) frosty bubblegum pink lipstick, like a cross between Pink Nouveau and Pink Freeze least just occasionally, maybe more like Prescriptives does than, say, Clinique or Lancome. I know they've done it before at a few department stores, they should do it again!


Well-known member
I agree with almost ALL of these ideas. I don't think I need to be hired by the company though.
There are more talented people out there.

I would suggest mini fluidliners in the holiday palette. My friend came up with that idea. I just thought I'd post it.


Well-known member
1. have pictures of each shade/product instead of swatches.
2. release a book of looks you could buy at the counter
3. develop looks that use the products in each holiday set
4. give you a giftcard for a certain amount for back to mac so you could choose your product
5. Include one sample with every purchase so you don't have to beg or give you a postcard if you buy from a collection on the release date
6. Pre-sell the holiday kits online


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Viva_la_MAC_Girl
Would have a punch card for every 100.00 you spent you get a free product - your choice.

I wish! That would be great.


Well-known member
...let you choose a free e/s for back-2-MAC (I agree with Shine!!!)

...have sales...

...lower their prices on their make-up

...offer samples

...have a "bonus time" like Clinique has with their products...


Well-known member
Shine said:
...let you get a free lipstick OR a free eye shadow with Back to MAC. (I am always tempted by the new eye shadows that seems to come out so often.)

...would make their Holiday palettes bigger like they were for Holidazzle (2003).

I totally agree!! I said that to a MA about free lipstick OR free eye shadow a while back and was told in a sort of snotty way " We're happy that they are generous enough to offer the lipstick." Guess she didn't like the idea!!


Well-known member
--better color swatches
--consistently more friendly MAs who won't ignore people they don't see as potential customers
--come out with a yellow, pink, orange, purple, and green version of freshwater. :p
--provide a foundation selecter w/ color swatches and advice on the website.
--sell 6, 8, and/or 12 pan palettes, and maybe have some special packaging palettes. ;D
--come out with a cheaper traincase, and while they're at it, sell some MAC fitted storage supplies
--better mascaras
--photograph real life versions of their facecharts

Hmm...I know I'll think of more...


Well-known member
Wish Mac would...

I like these ideas. I know they would never do a GWP but that WOULD be nice...

I wish they would:

-Make the clear lipglass less "spill happy"
-Give something else for the Back to MAC. I am not a lipstick fan (maybe the clear lipglass or SOMETHING, anything other than lipstick!


Active member
I wish...

MAC would add a "face pallette" to their line up. You know, a pan with 4-6 e/s and 2 blushes or something.

Ditto on the punch card thing. It would be great to get something for every $100 or so rather than just for empties. I don't use enough stuff up to get empties very often.

BTW, great poll/question!



Well-known member
-ditto! more accurate swatches!
-invent new traincase that holds more MAC products
-frequent buyer discounts
-stop releasing "new" eyeshadows that are similar to the permanent eyeshadows.
-invent new brush clutch that can hold more brushes!