Finish this sentence. I wish MAC would...


Well-known member
Cyn a store in Washington (not a counter) [/QUOTE said:
Yes omg they definitely need to open one in Washington. It really sucks how I have to wait until either I or a friend is going to Canada just for the empty palettes and pan shadows.

I also wish MAC would drop their prices as well. I can't believe a single e/s is now $13.50!!! When I first got into MAC, it was $12.


Well-known member
I think that, since a lipstick is $14, maybe they can offer you the lipstick or a $14 credit. This way, you can either take the lipstick, or you can use that credit toward another product of theirs.

But, I do agree that it'd be great for them to give you a choice between lipstick and eyeshadow. Come on, how can they lose? The eyeshadow is 50 cents cheaper than the lipstick, after all!


Well-known member
...have their LE collections released further apart, if they have to absolutely do the bloody LE thing at all.

...employ nicer staff.

Lots of good suggestions have been said already. Like the one above ^ and also frequent buyer discounts.

My dream wish is that they would offer some free stuff to people that like to review their products (who are not necessarily reviewing professionally). Dream on, me!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mspixieears
...have their LE collections released further apart, if they have to absolutely do the bloody LE thing at all.

...employ nicer staff.

Oh wow, amen to *both* of these suggestions!

They release LE collections too close together, so I can never afford any of the awesome things they bring out. Well, I can afford a couple of things, but do they have any idea how hard it is to pick just one or two things, when they release like 15 things every month?


Well-known member
sales man! that's all i ask for- just like 10% off or something would be bloody brilliant at times!! yea, anything really that saves me money i'm totally in for. so MAC, if your reading this, reduce your prices!!!!


Well-known member
Put a clear lid on the 15 pan

What a brilliant idea!

Improve the swatches on the website.
Bring back Parrot


Well-known member
Wow, there are some great ideas here! I totally agree with the sale/GWP/punch card ideas. Any of those would be good. I also love the mini fluidlines idea and slowing down the release of color stories. That would be a life-saver. Here are some of my ideas:

-allow you to pick a lid for the 15 pan, clear, regular, or one with a mirror
- have a color spectrum somewhere that includes every shade they've ever released, at least for e/s
-better publicize and have more training "classes"


Well-known member
give me free makeup! HAH i wish!

but seriously...

- offer deals to frequent customers
- hire me (doh!)
- not make LE items.. make them permanent!!!
- slow down w/ the colorstories.. my wallet is having a hard time keeping up
- make a green e/s like a true emerald green


Well-known member
I have a few more...

-bring back Haze eyeshadow! (wishful thinking, I know)

-come out with a shimmery burgundy Fluidline

-make *the* perfect silver eyeshadow-- lighter than Electra, more along the lines of Perverted Pearl

-make at least one or two shimmery Tinted Lip Conditioners a permanent part of the line


Well-known member
hmmm hard to add to..
maybe empty lipsticks you could get an eye shadow.
have more knowledgeable people working...I know more about the products than some of the MA's and thats sad because i just got into MAC!
Offer more locations..
Accept Paypal at their website
bring back parrot.. and um, yeah, have samples and/or free gift time!


Well-known member
All of these are such great suggestions! I agree with all of them!

I'd like to see:

New eyeglosses (they're now disc)
Stackable mini pigment sets instead of those vials
A lip plumper of some kind
... and I'd like to be able to buy one of those MAC necklaces :p


Staff member
Gosh, I can't think of anything that hasn't been said. Lots of good ideas tho!!
I wish MAC would....
Accidentally drop off a case of their products on my doorstep...
Well, wishful thinking anyhow.


Active member
I wish they would make a lipstick the same colour as Viva Glam V lipglass, the lipstick is lighter and frostier. And lower the prices of the skincare! Not to mention giving me free makeup presents for being such a good customer, lol!


Well-known member
let me wear my LE colours to work ;/

come out with more eyeshadows

all MA's should know whats comming out 3 months before anything is released ( in the only one at my counter who knows what the fuck is comming out lol)

NOT BE SO pretty peeved that mac dosent stand up to their ALL AGES, ALL SEXES ALL RACES - they are a pretty large gaggle of judgemental people who majorily look down on modified people ( my tattoos are a huss and fuss at my counter ) i think its unfiar its not like they are flaming skulls and nazi signs!!


Well-known member
- make an e/s and fluidliner the same shade as Minted eye kohl
- make a true matte grey fluidliner
- reformulate pigments like Rose & Steel Blue so they they're easier to work with dry.
- sell empty palettes at counters if they're not going to have freestanding stores in every state! Pan e/s would be nice too.
- make cream-to-powder e/s
- create a line a lip stains. Not as in their old lipstain glosses, but like Eyeko's lip markers or Benetint but in better colors.
- make a good burgundy eye shadow. Falling Star isn't burgundy at all IMO, and I want something with pinker and winier undertones than Cranberry.
- offer a good starter makeup brush set year round. It's not something I'd purchase now as I have plenty of brushes now, but it's something I would have been grateful for way-back-when when I got serious about makeup and quit using those sponge applicators for all of my eye makeup.
- make ruby red eye safe!

And to be redundant:
- a shimmery, true blood red e/s.


Well-known member
There's lots of good ideas and changes i'd like but if i could choose just one then -

Do something about Studio Fix and Sheer pressed powder so that it doesn't turn ORANGE on half their customers!!!!

Are they not aware of this problem? They literally are losing a massive amount of customers due to this as most people actually like the product but the going orange thing is the main problem. I wish they would do something about it. It's such a pain looking for an alternative powder foundation when Mac is the only one that caters for an NC43.


make a glitterliner mixing medium so that you can add pigment and glitter to make a eyesafe version of colours they don't have in the glitterliner line


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lo-Fi_Thriller
let me wear my LE colours to work ;/

come out with more eyeshadows

all MA's should know whats comming out 3 months before anything is released ( in the only one at my counter who knows what the fuck is comming out lol)

NOT BE SO pretty peeved that mac dosent stand up to their ALL AGES, ALL SEXES ALL RACES - they are a pretty large gaggle of judgemental people who majorily look down on modified people ( my tattoos are a huss and fuss at my counter ) i think its unfiar its not like they are flaming skulls and nazi signs!!

They give you shit about your tattoos? That's nuts.

I don't think they are ever going to update us a few months in advance, because of information leaking out. I've actually noticed how our Updates are being pushed further and further out. I kind of agree with you, though. Either way, the info is going to end up on the net, they might as well adapt to the trend, lol.

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