Forum Pet Peeves

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Well-known member
@ Brittni

To be honest, your choice of words meant that your frustration showed through - it did to me anyway - so it could be that your irritation came across as 'bitchiness'.

I've found that participating in internet forums is hard and how successful you are at it depends on the culture within that particular forum. Some forums can tolerate a little sarcasm and even some flaming. Others can't and require a softer approach. If your forum posting style can't adapt, then it's going to be a rough ride.

On the other hand, sometimes you just catch people at the wrong moment and they just read something into your post that you didn't mean to be there. Or you're the person who misinterprets something.

If you don't take it with you when you leave the PC, then you're doing okay, IMHO.

Edit: (to Brittni below) - Good for you!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Having not seen the thread, it's just always wise to be as articulate as possible on the internet (and it's useful life skill anyway). Without hearing your tone, even incredibly simple sentences or words can come off differently depending on the person


Well-known member
These are a combination from all of the different forums I visit.

-- Terrible format and grammar, in many forms.
TyPiNG LyK DIS!1111 is annoying.
Lose/loose, they're/their/there, flair/flare, and you're/your really get my goat. Misplaced apostrophes, ex: "We're going to the store to get a couple of Pepsi's."
Good grief, people at my job, which involves writing for all of the public to see, is extremely guilty of the last two!

-- Colored text. Especially if it's a color that blends in with the tables of the forum, or in obnoxious colors like rainbow.

-- Attention whores. These are the ones who whine because, god forbid, you didn't make them or send them a goofy picture for their birthday, or other trite things like that. Woe is me.

-- Drama queens. Enough said.

-- Echoing someone else's pet peeve on children as avatars. I also find it kind of creepy. I understand that you might love your little one enough to immortalize him/her as an avatar, but yeah, it's just a bit creepy and they deserve a little privacy.

-- People posting YouTube links without saying what the video's content is. I'm not going to watch something if it doesn't sound interesting to me, sorry.

-- People taking constructive criticism (actual constructive criticism, not mean, spiteful criticism) out-of-hand. I haven't really seen it from here, but a couple of other forums that I've been to... turns into a drama-fest. Not cool.


Well-known member
There's only a couple of things I don't like on the internet. The first thing is when people type in 'text' talk. It's difficult to understand sometimes and it's much easier and neater just to write in proper verse.

It also really urks me when I see people who have received 1000s of thankyous themselves and have only thanked 2/3 people in return. Surely they must want to thank someone for something?! I don't know I just feel like it's nice to say thanks when you've appreciated someones post in some way no matter how big or small.

That's about it though - I really really enjoy using Specktra and from my past experience it's always been a really friendly, fun place to chat and long may that continue.


Well-known member
One that crossed my mind today, are posters with superiority complexes. Basically people who are ALWAYS condescending in their response to others.
Like in the Recs forum, say a poster asks the dreaded "most popular mac X product" and gets the usual responses...then comes someone who'll say

"Well. You COULD use MAC, if you want a so-so product. X brand is better, way better, than MAC could ever be. But I suppose MAC would be fine. Just don't expect a lot. In fact I don't wear any MAC"

SO unnecessary! I think it's rude and in poor taste.

Also, new members who just leech off Specktra. I'm talking about those whose ONLY posts are asking for beauty breakdowns, or basically only posting questions in recommendations. Not only that, but they'll post their thread in like 5 different places all over Specktra. Grrr.


Well-known member
something I need to clarify.....the giving/receiving thanks thing didn't bother me too much until I read this thread and realised that some people consider themselves worthy to be thanked but to up themselves to thank.....

On that note....are there people on the forum who do not have the ability to thank others? In that, this function is technically disabled when they are reading posts on the forum???

Because I'm trying to understand how else someone can have received 7,000 thanks but given none?


Well-known member
Some people don't lurk really, or read other people's posts...they just come, post FOTDs or tutorials, and go about their business.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jennifer.
this is pretty generic and insignificant considering it's not just a board specific problem, but misspellings of things that have been typed out millions of times on here correctly. what can i say, i'm a spelling freak (and have been since i was a kid).

the three biggest ones? lose, concealer, and a lot. lose does not = loose, concealer only has one 'o' and a lot is two words.

it's dumb but just a minor annoyance.

Now, I have to completely agree with this! I'm not a spelling freak but little things like this annoy me. Why does no one know that a lot is two words???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3
One that crossed my mind today, are posters with superiority complexes. Basically people who are ALWAYS condescending in their response to others.
Like in the Recs forum, say a poster asks the dreaded "most popular mac X product" and gets the usual responses...then comes someone who'll say

"Well. You COULD use MAC, if you want a so-so product. X brand is better, way better, than MAC could ever be. But I suppose MAC would be fine. Just don't expect a lot. In fact I don't wear any MAC"

SO unnecessary! I think it's rude and in poor taste.

I feel the same, but in reverse context - when people bash anything that isn't MAC.

"Why on earth would you use blah blah when you could use MAC? Its OBVIOUSLY superior to blah blah. Sure, its probably nothing asked for, but I'm going to suggest MAC over blah blah anyways simply because its what I LIKE and what I USE on a day to day basis. And yes, I will completely disregard the fact that my skin type and my preferences are totally different from yours!"

I'm not saying ladies on here do that, but I've seen shit like that on MANY a forum in my day.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SingFrAbsoltion
Overly religious people who try to convince you that you'll go to hell because you don't agree with them.

sorry for posting this ridiculously late, but I just had to say that I completely understand what you mean about these folks. I live in a city full of them. Try to convince someone from here that their religion does not apply to everyone and they will just scream at you until their face turns red that you are the sinner going to hell, oh and that you probably have those gay friends too! People like this just make me so sad, because they really aren't "full of love" like the profess. They are mostly just bitter and scared because their religious beliefs tell them that the world and everyone in it is doomed to hell.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Some people don't lurk really, or read other people's posts...they just come, post FOTDs or tutorials, and go about their business.

I kind of feel horrible about stuff like this. I know this comment was in regard to people about thanks and other with non-thanking abilities. I'm pretty new here and I don't have all the skills in the world with makeup, nor do I know a lot about MAC yet. I hope Specktra is a place where I can grow into MAC!

I feel like I've been doing a lot of things wrong on here, and really hope that I haven't pissed too many people off.

I haven't read a lot of the chatter posts yet, but maybe I can get to know the rules a little better.

I used to be a mod on another board and it was *completely* different from this one. So, hopefully in time, I can learn the new rules and the differences between this one (which I love so far, but haven't met anyone that I don't like) and the other one. (It was a band forum BTW)

I suppose I can post my two cents...

this really isn't a pet peve, but might relate to something that I find all over the internet and it kind of goes both ways:

1. people who post WAY too much info about themselves on the internet. I know this is about makeup, and posting pictures of ourselves seems to be a HUGE part of this site. But elsewhere I see pictures on forums of people and their children where the discussions are about things that don't concern pictures. Maybe I'm being too snippy about it.

2. the internet is a place where aspiring writers and artists look for a beginning now. I don't like trolls who go around flaming people because they are "revealing" too much in their writing or art.

I post on a website where lots and lots of people post their art and getting replies to art like "ur such a poZer, cuz ur rt is grozzzz n perzonal, hahl0lz" makes not only the artist feel bad, but makes the entire board and art seem like a joke. If you don't have something constructive to say, keep your childish comments to yourself. I don't need to hear 341368545 reposnses that say "ur $HiT sux azz" to something that is as personal as a poem or painting.

On a positive note: I really love Specktra so far. No one has really said anything to me that has been negative. Although, I think constructive criticism is amazing and really helps. Growing up the world of art, you have to take everything with a grain of salt. Some people who know more than you can really really help you, others really are just jackasses.

ooh...and sorry for posting twice in a row...I'm sure that was someone's pet peeve, but I wasn't sure how to combine the posts....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nelyanaphonexia
I feel like I've been doing a lot of things wrong on here, and really hope that I haven't pissed too many people off.

If you have, I haven't noticed.
I hope you don't feel like you could "piss" someone off here. It's a board and everyone here is pretty accepting. The only rules I'd be worried about, if I were you, would be the ones that the Mods and Admin have set in place.

This thread is mostly just pet peeves. If you do something that bothers someone else but isn't a rule-breaker, oh well.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
1. people who post WAY too much info about themselves on the internet. I know this is about makeup, and posting pictures of ourselves seems to be a HUGE part of this site. But elsewhere I see pictures on forums of people and their children where the discussions are about things that don't concern pictures. Maybe I'm being too snippy about it.

I think it can be a bit dangerous. I know you can't live your life in fear, but sometimes, I feel like a lot of people are making it easy for potential crimes to be committed against them, like people who keep their address in their Facebook profile and have very loose restrictions.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I think it can be a bit dangerous. I know you can't live your life in fear, but sometimes, I feel like a lot of people are making it easy for potential crimes to be committed against them, like people who keep their address in their Facebook profile and have very loose restrictions.

definitely. good example. it seems like some people are just asking to be stalked or harassed. if someone I know wants my phone number, they can message me and ask for it, or even better - see me in person!!


Well-known member
I agree with A LOT of what people have said.

My little pet peeve is when I post an FOTD and I get a about 5 continuous "one-word" comments like"

I'm truly glad you find my look to be pretty but couldn't we change it up a bit. Be more specific. Tell me what made the look pretty and what i could improve on. I don't post FOTDs just so people can see my face. I really want to learn to apply makeup better.

And on the topic of FOTDs, I kind of agree with CaraAmericana (?) and certain people getting more thanks and comments. I try not to take it personally but I can't help but to wonder whether or not the commenters feel like one post is more worthy of their time than the other. Oh, well. I shouldn't complain because I'm guilty of it. :/


Well-known member
I agree and to piggyback on your FOTD POV, I would have to say when 8 comments are saying "nice", you really don't want to say, "I think it would look more polished if you try using a lighter hand or blending your crease more" because it makes you look nitpicky.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I get annoyed when people who aren't mods feel the need to try to police the forums. Most of the time it's just trivial stuff, and it just looks like they're looking for something to point out. If it's really that big of a deal, message a mod and ask them to handle it.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Depending on what it is, I don't mind other people butting in. The mods, most of them, have jobs and aren't online 24/7.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
I get annoyed when people who aren't mods feel the need to try to police the forums. Most of the time it's just trivial stuff, and it just looks like they're looking for something to point out. If it's really that big of a deal, message a mod and ask them to handle it.

I can't speak for other members of the mod-squad, but I absolutely appreciate people being on the ball and helping and guiding other members. Like Beauty Mark said, we're not online 24-7 and we're all scattered over different timezones so we can't catch everything right away.
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