{GAME} Would you rather....


Well-known member
I'd rather: - Suck someones hairy toes for 10 minutes. I'm not into licking butts!!!

Would you rather:
Be missing your nose
be missing your 2 front teeth?


Well-known member
be missing my 2 front teeth definitely.....i wouldnt open my mouth...but my nose!?! how would i breath??

would you rather, be mobidly obese, or extremely underweight?


Well-known member
Extremely underweight. It's hard to do ANYTHING when your morbidly obese.

Would you rather be deaf or blind. The age old question lol


Well-known member
Extremely underweight... it's much easier to gain weight than to lose it lol

EDIT: Didn't reply fast enough haha everyone loves this game!

I think I'd rather be deaf.

Would YOU rather...
- Sound like a 80-year old man (if you're a girl) ~OR~
- Sound like Mickey Mouse


Well-known member
sound like mickey LOL that would be so fun

would you rather never see night again, or see day again?


Well-known member
I'd rather never see day again...I love the nights!

Would you rather:
Not be able to have sex for a year
Not be able to shower for 2 months?


Well-known member
No shower for two months. I'd take baths.

Would you rather live somewhere rent free where the scenario is very stressful, but you essentially don't have to work (because you don't have to pay rent!) or work endlessly to pay for somewhere that is stress free?


Well-known member
Ahh..I should have clarified..no baths/showers/sponge baths nada!

I'd rather: live somewhere rent free where the scenario is very stressful, but you essentially don't have to work
If something happened to me accident, illness etc, then I wouldn't be as worried about what I was going to do. I'd still work though, at least for my own spending $$$!

Would you rather:
Be able to fly
Meet up with someone who has died for 5 minutes?


Well-known member
hmmm i would choose to fly.

Would you rtaher have a really bad haircut for 6 months (no hats or any coverings allowed)

or have to use a litterbox for a week


Well-known member
lmaooo i'll use the litterboxxx...as long as im in my own home. ill hold it all till i get home lol

would you rather go without the internet for 2 months (AT ALL) or go without using ANY eyeshadow for 2 months.


Well-known member
No eyeshadows for two months - i don't wear them often but i LOVE the internet

would you rather be burnt by fire or drown in water?


Active member
OMG, I'm going with... no shadow for 2 months. I need the internet!

Ok, would you rather be your ideal of beauty but be in constant, agonizing pain,

Or be unattractive but feel euphorically happy and content all the time?


Well-known member
I'd rather: Or be unattractive but feel euphorically happy and content all the time. Hopefully I have an award winning personality to go along with it!

Would you rather:
Find out your significant other was gay and cheating on you
Find out they never loved you?


Well-known member
I'd rather have my SO not love me. Gay and cheating would be silly and awkward.

Would you rather spend the rest of your life transformed into a cockroach or a worm?


Well-known member
Definitely a worm. Cockroaches are the grossest thing ever!!!

Would you rather:
Have an adam's apple
Have a size 14 shoe?


Well-known member
I'll take the adam's apple. I have HUGE feet to begin with and they are the pits! (size 10 or 11 in gym shoes and i am only 5'4!)

Would you rather be stoned all the time or
drunk as hell all the time?


Well-known member
I'd rather be stoned all the time. Much more calming effect and no hangovers! I guess if I were drunk all the time there would be no hangover???

Would you rather:
Lose your best physical feature
Lose friendship with your best friend?


Well-known member
I would rather lose my best friend. Best friends may not always be there through your life, but I have to live with MYSELF forever!

Would you rather -
kiss and tell
keep the secret to yourself


Well-known member
lol this thread is funny!!!

i choose to live without toes. my hands are too precious
but i always ignore my feet...

would you rather have a never ending period or trade your vajayjay for a penis?